Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMailRfc822Digest


Class ezcMailRfc822Digest

Mail part or mail digest parts.

This class is used to insert mail into mail.

This example assumes that the mail object to digest is availble in the $digest variable:

  1.  $mail = new ezcMail();
  2.  $mail->from = new ezcMailAddress( 'sender@example.com', 'Largo LaGrande' );
  3.  $mail->addTo( new ezcMailAddress( 'receiver@example.com', 'Wally B. Feed' ) );
  4.  $mail->subject = "This is the subject of the mail with a mail digest.";
  5.  $textPart = new ezcMailText( "This is the body of the mail with a mail digest." );
  7.  $mail->body = new ezcMailMultipartMixed( $textPart, new ezcMailRfc822Digest( $digest ) );
  9.  $transport = new ezcMailMtaTransport();
  10.  $transport->send( $mail );

Source for this file: /Mail/src/parts/rfc822_digest.php

Version:   //autogen//


string read/write $mail
The mail object to digest.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcMailPart
protected ezcMailPart::$properties

Method Summary

public ezcMailRfc822Digest __construct( $mail )
Constructs a new ezcMailDigest with the mail $mail.
public string generateBody( )
Returns the body part of this mail consisting of the digested mail.

Inherited Methods

From ezcMailPart
public ezcMailPart ezcMailPart::__construct()
Constructs a new mail part.
public void ezcMailPart::appendExcludeHeaders()
The array $headers will be excluded when the headers are generated.
public string ezcMailPart::generate()
Returns the complete mail part including both the header and the body as a string.
public abstract string ezcMailPart::generateBody()
Returns the body of this part as a string.
public string ezcMailPart::generateHeaders()
Returns the headers set for this part as a RFC 822 string.
public mixed ezcMailPart::getHeader()
Returns the RAW value of the header $name.
protected string ezcMailPart::getHeaderCharset()
Returns the charset registered for the header $name.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeader()
Sets the header $name to the value $value and its charset to $charset.
protected void ezcMailPart::setHeaderCharset()
Sets the charset of the header $name to $value.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeaders()
Adds the headers $headers.



ezcMailRfc822Digest __construct( ezcMail $mail )

Constructs a new ezcMailDigest with the mail $mail.

Name Type Description
$mail ezcMail
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailPart::__construct() Constructs a new mail part.


string generateBody( )

Returns the body part of this mail consisting of the digested mail.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailPart::generateBody() Returns the body of this part as a string.
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