Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcMail


Class ezcMail

The main mail class.

You can use ezcMail together with the other classes derived from ezcMailPart to build email messages. When the mail is built, use the Transport classes to send the mail.

This example builds and sends a simple text mail message:

  1.  $mail = new ezcMail;
  2.  $mail->from = new ezcMailAddress( 'sender@example.com', 'Adrian Ripburger' );
  3.  $mail->addTo( new ezcMailAddress( 'receiver@example.com', 'Maureen Corley' ) );
  4.  $mail->subject = "Hi";
  5.  $mail->body = new ezcMailText( "I just mail to say I love you!" );
  6.  $transport = new ezcMailMtaTransport();
  7.  $transport->send( $mail );

By default, the ezcMail class will generate a mail with the Bcc header inside, and leave it to the SMTP server to strip the Bcc header. This can pose a problem with some SMTP servers which do not strip the Bcc header (issue #16154: Bcc headers are not stripped when using SMTP). Use the option stripBccHeader from ezcMailOptions to delete the Bcc header from the mail before it is sent.


Source for this file: /Mail/src/mail.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcMailComposer Convenience class for writing mail.


BASE64 = "base64" Base 64 encoding.
BINARY = "binary" Binary encoding.
EIGHT_BIT = "8bit" 8 bit encoding.
QUOTED_PRINTABLE = "quoted-printable" Quoted printable encoding.
SEVEN_BIT = "7bit" 7 bit encoding.


array(ezcMailAddress) read/write $bcc
Contains an array of ezcMailAddress objects.
ezcMailPart read/write $body
The body part of the message.
array(ezcMailAddress) read/write $cc
Contains an array of ezcMailAddress objects.
ezcMailAddress read/write $from
Contains the from address as an ezcMailAddress object.
string read $messageId
The message ID of the message. Treat as read-only unless you're 100% sure what you're doing. Also accessible through the deprecated property messageID.
ezcMailOptions read/write $options
Options for generating mail. See ezcMailOptions.
ezcMailAddress read/write $returnPath
Contains the Return-Path address as an ezcMailAddress object.
string read/write $subject
Contains the subject of the e-mail. Use setSubject if you require a special encoding.
string read/write $subjectCharset
The encoding of the subject.
integer read $timestamp
The date/time of when the message was sent as Unix Timestamp.
array(ezcMailAddress) read/write $to
Contains an array of ezcMailAddress objects.

Member Variables

protected ezcMailOptions $options
Holds the options for this class.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcMailPart
protected ezcMailPart::$properties

Method Summary

protected static void collectPart( $context , $mail )
Saves $mail in the $context object.
public ezcMail __construct( [ $options = null] )
Constructs an empty ezcMail object.
public void addBcc( $address )
Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'bcc' recipients.
public void addCc( $address )
Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'cc' recipients.
public void addTo( $address )
Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'to' recipients.
public array(ezcMailPart) fetchParts( [ $filter = null] , [ $includeDigests = false] )
Returns an array of mail parts from the current mail.
public string generateBody( )
Returns the generated body part of this mail.
public string generateHeaders( )
Returns the generated headers for the mail.
public void walkParts( $context , $mail )
Walks recursively through the mail parts in the specified mail object.

Inherited Methods

From ezcMailPart
public ezcMailPart ezcMailPart::__construct()
Constructs a new mail part.
public void ezcMailPart::appendExcludeHeaders()
The array $headers will be excluded when the headers are generated.
public string ezcMailPart::generate()
Returns the complete mail part including both the header and the body as a string.
public abstract string ezcMailPart::generateBody()
Returns the body of this part as a string.
public string ezcMailPart::generateHeaders()
Returns the headers set for this part as a RFC 822 string.
public mixed ezcMailPart::getHeader()
Returns the RAW value of the header $name.
protected string ezcMailPart::getHeaderCharset()
Returns the charset registered for the header $name.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeader()
Sets the header $name to the value $value and its charset to $charset.
protected void ezcMailPart::setHeaderCharset()
Sets the charset of the header $name to $value.
public void ezcMailPart::setHeaders()
Adds the headers $headers.



static void collectPart( ezcMailPartWalkContext $context , ezcMailPart $mail )

Saves $mail in the $context object.

This function is used as a callback in the fetchParts() method.

Name Type Description
$context ezcMailPartWalkContext
$mail ezcMailPart


ezcMail __construct( [ezcMailOptions $options = null] )

Constructs an empty ezcMail object.

Name Type Description
$options ezcMailOptions
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailPart::__construct() Constructs a new mail part.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcMailComposer::__construct() Constructs an empty ezcMailComposer object. 


void addBcc( ezcMailAddress $address )

Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'bcc' recipients.

Name Type Description
$address ezcMailAddress


void addCc( ezcMailAddress $address )

Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'cc' recipients.

Name Type Description
$address ezcMailAddress


void addTo( ezcMailAddress $address )

Adds the ezcMailAddress $address to the list of 'to' recipients.

Name Type Description
$address ezcMailAddress


array(ezcMailPart) fetchParts( [array(string) $filter = null] , [bool $includeDigests = false] )

Returns an array of mail parts from the current mail.

The array returned contains objects of classes:

  • ezcMailText
  • ezcMailFile
  • ezcMailRfc822Digest
If the method is called with $includeDigests as true, then the returned array will not contain ezcMailRfc822Digest objects, but instead the mail parts inside the digests. The parameter $filter can be used to restrict the returned mail parts, eg. $filter = array( 'ezcMailFile' ) to return only file mail parts.

A typical use for this function is to get a list of attachments from a mail. Example:

  1.  // $mail is an ezcMail object
  2.  $parts = $mail->fetchParts();
  3.  // after the above line is executed, $parts will contain an array of mail parts objects,
  4.  // for example one ezcMailText object ($parts[0]) and two ezcMailRfc822Digest objects ($parts[1] and $parts[2]).
  5.  // the ezcMailText object will be used to render the mail text, and the
  6.  // other two objects will be displayed as links ("view attachment")
  8.  // when user clicks on one of the two attachments, the parts of that attachment
  9.  // must be retrieved in order to render the attached digest:
  10.  $subparts = $parts[1]->mail->fetchParts();
  11.  // after the above line is executed, $subparts will contain an array of mail parts objects,
  12.  // for example one ezcMailText object and one ezcMailFile object
Name Type Description
$filter array(string)
$includeDigests bool


string generateBody( )

Returns the generated body part of this mail.

Returns an empty string if no body has been set.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailPart::generateBody() Returns the body of this part as a string.


string generateHeaders( )

Returns the generated headers for the mail.

This method is called automatically when the mail message is built. You can re-implement this method in subclasses if you wish to set different mail headers than ezcMail.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcMailPart::generateHeaders() Returns the headers set for this part as a RFC 822 string.


void walkParts( ezcMailPartWalkContext $context , ezcMailPart $mail )

Walks recursively through the mail parts in the specified mail object.

$context is an object of class ezcMailPartWalkContext, which must contain a valid callback function name to be applied to all mail parts. You can use the collectPart() method, or create your own callback function which can for example save the mail parts to disk or to a database.

For the properties you can set to the walk context see: ezcMailPartWalkContext


  1.  class App
  2.  {
  3.      public static function saveMailPart( $context, $mailPart )
  4.      {
  5.          // code to save the $mailPart object to disk
  6.      }
  7.  }
  9.  // use the saveMailPart() function as a callback in walkParts()
  10.  // where $mail is an ezcMail object.
  11.  $context = new ezcMailPartWalkContext( array( 'App', 'saveMailPart' ) );
  12.  $context->includeDigests = true; // if you want to go through the digests in the mail
  13.  $mail->walkParts( $context, $mail );
Name Type Description
$context ezcMailPartWalkContext
$mail ezcMailPart
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