Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphPaletteBlack


Class ezcGraphPaletteBlack

Dark color pallet for ezcGraph based on Tango style guidelines at http://tango-project.org/Generic_Icon_Theme_Guidelines

Source for this file: /Graph/src/palette/black.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected ezcGraphColor $axisColor = '#EEEEEC'
protected ezcGraphColor $chartBackground = '#2E3436'
protected array $dataSetColor = array(


Array with colors for datasets
protected array $dataSetSymbol = array(

Array with symbols for datasets
protected string $elementBorderColor = '#555753'
Border color for chart elements
protected integer $elementBorderWidth = 1
Border width for chart elements
protected ezcGraphColor $fontColor = '#D3D7CF'
protected string $fontName = 'sans-serif'
Name of font to use
protected ezcGraphColor $majorGridColor = '#888A85'
Color of grid lines
protected integer $margin = 1
Margin of elements
protected ezcGraphColor $minorGridColor = '#888A8588'
Color of minor grid lines
protected integer $padding = 1
Padding in elements

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcGraphPalette
protected ezcGraphPalette::$chartBorderColor
protected ezcGraphPalette::$chartBorderWidth
protected ezcGraphPalette::$colorIndex
protected ezcGraphPalette::$elementBackground
protected ezcGraphPalette::$symbolIndex

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphPalette
protected ezcGraphColor ezcGraphPalette::checkColor()
Ensure value to be a color
public void ezcGraphPalette::resetColorCounter()
Manually reset the color counter to use the first color again
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