Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphPalette


Class ezcGraphPalette

Abstract class to contain pallet definitions

Source for this file: /Graph/src/interfaces/palette.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcGraphPaletteBlack Dark color pallet for ezcGraph based on Tango style guidelines at http://tango-project.org/Generic_Icon_Theme_Guidelines
ezcGraphPaletteTango Light color pallet for ezcGraph based on Tango style guidelines at http://tango-project.org/Generic_Icon_Theme_Guidelines
ezcGraphPaletteEzBlue Light blue color pallet for ezcGraph based on blue eZ colors
ezcGraphPaletteEzGreen Light green color pallet for ezcGraph based on green eZ colors
ezcGraphPaletteEzRed Light red color pallet for ezcGraph based on red eZ colors
ezcGraphPaletteEz Color pallet for ezcGraph based on eZ color scheme

Member Variables

protected ezcGraphColor $axisColor
protected ezcGraphColor $chartBackground
protected ezcGraphColor $chartBorderColor
Bordercolor the chart
protected integer $chartBorderWidth = 0
Borderwidth for the chart
protected integer $colorIndex = -1
Indicates which color should be used for the next dataset
protected array $dataSetColor
Array with colors for datasets
protected array $dataSetSymbol
Array with symbols for datasets
protected ezcGraphColor $elementBackground
Backgroundcolor for elements
protected ezcGraphColor $elementBorderColor
Bordercolor for elements
protected integer $elementBorderWidth = 0
Borderwidth for elements
protected ezcGraphColor $fontColor
protected string $fontName
Name of font to use
protected ezcGraphColor $majorGridColor
Color of grid lines
protected integer $margin = 0
Margin of elements
protected ezcGraphColor $minorGridColor
Color of minor grid lines
protected integer $padding = 1
Padding in elements
protected integer $symbolIndex = -1
Indicates which symbol should be used for the nect dataset

Method Summary

protected ezcGraphColor checkColor( &$color , $color )
Ensure value to be a color
public void resetColorCounter( )
Manually reset the color counter to use the first color again



ezcGraphColor checkColor( &$color , mixed $color )

Ensure value to be a color

Name Type Description
$color mixed Color to transform into a ezcGraphColor object


void resetColorCounter( )

Manually reset the color counter to use the first color again

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