Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphColor


Class ezcGraphColor


Struct for representing colors in ezcGraph. A color is defined using the common RGBA model with integer values between 0 and 255. An alpha value of zero means full opacity, while 255 means full transparency.

Source for this file: /Graph/src/colors/color.php

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcGraphRadialGradient Class representing radial gradient fills. For drivers which cannot draw gradients it falls back to a native ezcGraphColor. In this case the start color of the gradient will be used.
ezcGraphLinearGradient Class representing linear gradient fills. For drivers which cannot draw gradients it falls back to a native ezcGraphColor. In this case the start color of the gradient will be used.


integer read/write $alpha
Alpha RGBA value of color.
integer read/write $blue
Blue RGBA value of color.
integer read/write $green
Green RGBA value of color.
integer read/write $red
Red RGBA value of color.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseOptions
protected ezcBaseOptions::$properties

Method Summary

public static ezcGraphColor create( $color )
Tries to parse provided color value
public static ezcGraphColor fromFloatArray( $array )
Creates an ezcGraphColor object from an array of floats
public static ezcGraphColor fromHex( $string )
Creates an ezcGraphColor object from a hexadecimal color representation
public static ezcGraphColor fromIntegerArray( $array )
Creates an ezcGraphColor object from an array of integers
public ezcGraphColor darken( $value )
Returns a copy of the current color darkened by the given factor
public ezcGraphColor invert( )
Inverts and returns a copy of the current color
public ezcGraphColor transparent( $value )
Returns a copy of the current color made more transparent by the given factor

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.



static ezcGraphColor create( mixed $color )

Tries to parse provided color value

This method can be used to create a color struct from arbritrary color representations. The following values are accepted

  • Hexadecimal color definitions, like known from HTML, CSS and SVG
Color definitions like #FF0000, with and and without number sign, where each pair of bytes is interpreted as a color value for the channels RGB(A). These color values may contain up to 4 values, where the last value is considered as the alpha channel.

  • Array of integers
If an array of integers is provided as input teh value in each channel may be in the span [0 - 255] and is assigned to the color channels RGB(A). Up to four values are used from the array.

  • Array of floats
If an array of floats is provided as input teh value in each channel may be in the span [0 - 1] and is assigned to the color channels RGB(A). Up to four values are used from the array.
Name Type Description
$color mixed Some kind of color definition


static ezcGraphColor fromFloatArray( $array )

Creates an ezcGraphColor object from an array of floats

Name Type Description
$array array Array of float color values


static ezcGraphColor fromHex( mixed $string )

Creates an ezcGraphColor object from a hexadecimal color representation

Name Type Description
$string mixed Hexadecimal color representation


static ezcGraphColor fromIntegerArray( $array )

Creates an ezcGraphColor object from an array of integers

Name Type Description
$array array Array of integer color values


ezcGraphColor darken( float $value )

Returns a copy of the current color darkened by the given factor

Name Type Description
$value float Percent to darken the color


ezcGraphColor invert( )

Inverts and returns a copy of the current color


ezcGraphColor transparent( mixed $value )

Returns a copy of the current color made more transparent by the given factor

Name Type Description
$value mixed Percent to make color mor transparent
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