Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphFlashDriver


Class ezcGraphFlashDriver

Driver to create Flash4 (SWF) files as graph output. The options of this class are defined in The options of this class are defined in the option class ezcGraphFlashDriverOptions extending the basic ezcGraphDriverOptions.

  1.    $graph = new ezcGraphPieChart();
  2.    $graph->title = 'Access statistics';
  3.    $graph->legend = false;
  5.    $graph->driver = new ezcGraphFlashDriver();
  6.    $graph->options->font = 'tutorial_font.fdb';
  8.    $graph->driver->options->compression = 7;
  10.    $graph->data['Access statistics'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
  11.        'Mozilla' => 19113,
  12.        'Explorer' => 10917,
  13.        'Opera' => 1464,
  14.        'Safari' => 652,
  15.        'Konqueror' => 474,
  16.    ) );
  18.    $graph->render( 400, 200, 'tutorial_driver_flash.swf' );

Source for this file: /Graph/src/driver/flash.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected int $id = 1
Unique element id
protected SWFMovie $movie
Flash movie
protected array $strings = array()
Array with strings to draw later

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcGraphDriver
protected ezcGraphDriver::$options

Method Summary

protected float deModifyCoordinate( $pointValue )
Demodifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.
protected void drawAllTexts( )
Draw all collected texts
public void drawCircle( $center , $width , $height , $color , [ $filled = true] )
Draw circle
public void drawCircleSector( $center , $width , $height , $startAngle , $endAngle , $color , [ $filled = true] )
Draws a sector of cirlce
public void drawCircularArc( $center , $width , $height , $size , $startAngle , $endAngle , $color , [ $filled = true] )
Draws a circular arc
public void drawImage( $file , $position , $width , $height )
Draw an image
public void drawLine( $start , $end , $color , [ $thickness = 1.] )
Draws a line
public void drawPolygon( $points , $color , [ $filled = true] , [ $thickness = 1.] )
Draws a single polygon.
public void drawTextBox( $string , $position , $width , $height , $align , [ $rotation = null] )
Writes text in a box of desired size
public SWFMovie getDocument( )
Returns unique movie object as a parent canvas for all swf objects.
public string getMimeType( )
Return mime type for current image format
public SWFMovie getResource( )
Get resource of rendered result
protected ezcGraphBoundings getTextBoundings( $size , $font , $text )
Returns boundings of text depending on the available font extension
protected float modifyCoordinate( $pointValue )
Modifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.
public void render( $file )
Finally save image
protected void renderText( $id , $text , $chars , $type , $path , $color , $position , $size , [ $rotation = null] )
Render text depending of font type and available font extensions
protected void setShapeColor( $shape , $color , $thickness , $filled )
Set the fill and line properties for a SWWFShape according to the given parameters.
protected string simulateCircularArc( $center , $width , $height , $size , $startAngle , $endAngle , $color , $filled )
Draws a circular arc consisting of several minor steps on the bounding lines.

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphDriver
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawCircle()
Draw circle
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawCircleSector()
Draws a sector of cirlce
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawCircularArc()
Draws a circular arc
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawImage()
Draw an image
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawLine()
Draws a line
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawPolygon()
Draws a single polygon.
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::drawTextBox()
Writes text in a box of desired size
public abstract string ezcGraphDriver::getMimeType()
Return mime type for current image format
protected abstract ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphDriver::getTextBoundings()
Returns boundings of text depending on the available font extension
protected array ezcGraphDriver::reduceEllipseSize()
Reduce the size of an ellipse
protected array( ezcGraphDriver::reducePolygonSize()
Reduces the size of a polygon
public abstract void ezcGraphDriver::render()
Finally save image
public void ezcGraphDriver::renderToOutput()
Render image directly to output
protected mixed ezcGraphDriver::testFitStringInTextBox()
Test if string fits in a box with given font size
protected void ezcGraphDriver::tryFitShortenedString()
If it is allow to shortened the string, this method tries to extract as many chars as possible to display a decent amount of characters.



float deModifyCoordinate( float $pointValue )

Demodifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.

Name Type Description
$pointValue float


void drawAllTexts( )

Draw all collected texts

The texts are collected and their maximum possible font size is calculated. This function finally draws the texts on the image, this delayed drawing has two reasons:

1) This way the text strings are always on top of the image, what results in better readable texts 2) The maximum possible font size can be calculated for a set of texts with the same font configuration. Strings belonging to one chart element normally have the same font configuration, so that all texts belonging to one element will have the same font size.


void drawCircle( ezcGraphCoordinate $center , mixed $width , mixed $height , ezcGraphColor $color , [mixed $filled = true] )

Draw circle

Name Type Description
$center ezcGraphCoordinate Center of ellipse
$width mixed Width of ellipse
$height mixed height of ellipse
$color ezcGraphColor Color
$filled mixed Filled
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawCircle() Draw circle


void drawCircleSector( ezcGraphCoordinate $center , mixed $width , mixed $height , mixed $startAngle , mixed $endAngle , ezcGraphColor $color , [mixed $filled = true] )

Draws a sector of cirlce

Name Type Description
$center ezcGraphCoordinate Center of circle
$width mixed Width
$height mixed Height
$startAngle mixed Start angle of circle sector
$endAngle mixed End angle of circle sector
$color ezcGraphColor Color
$filled mixed Filled
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawCircleSector() Draws a sector of cirlce


void drawCircularArc( ezcGraphCoordinate $center , integer $width , integer $height , integer $size , float $startAngle , float $endAngle , ezcGraphColor $color , [bool $filled = true] )

Draws a circular arc

Name Type Description
$center ezcGraphCoordinate Center of ellipse
$width integer Width of ellipse
$height integer Height of ellipse
$size integer Height of border
$startAngle float Starting angle of circle sector
$endAngle float Ending angle of circle sector
$color ezcGraphColor Color of Border
$filled bool
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawCircularArc() Draws a circular arc


void drawImage( mixed $file , ezcGraphCoordinate $position , float $width , float $height )

Draw an image

The image will be inlined in the SVG document using data URL scheme. For this the mime type and base64 encoded file content will be merged to URL.

Name Type Description
$file mixed Image file
$position ezcGraphCoordinate Top left position
$width float Width of image in destination image
$height float Height of image in destination image
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawImage() Draw an image


void drawLine( ezcGraphCoordinate $start , ezcGraphCoordinate $end , ezcGraphColor $color , [float $thickness = 1.] )

Draws a line

Name Type Description
$start ezcGraphCoordinate Start point
$end ezcGraphCoordinate End point
$color ezcGraphColor Line color
$thickness float Line thickness
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawLine() Draws a line


void drawPolygon( $points , ezcGraphColor $color , [mixed $filled = true] , [float $thickness = 1.] )

Draws a single polygon.

Name Type Description
$points array Point array
$color ezcGraphColor Polygon color
$filled mixed Filled
$thickness float Line thickness
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawPolygon() Draws a single polygon.


void drawTextBox( string $string , ezcGraphCoordinate $position , float $width , float $height , int $align , [ $rotation = null] )

Writes text in a box of desired size

Name Type Description
$string string Text
$position ezcGraphCoordinate Top left position
$width float Width of text box
$height float Height of text box
$align int Alignement of text
$rotation ezcGraphRotation
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::drawTextBox() Writes text in a box of desired size


SWFMovie getDocument( )

Returns unique movie object as a parent canvas for all swf objects.


string getMimeType( )

Return mime type for current image format

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::getMimeType() Return mime type for current image format


SWFMovie getResource( )

Get resource of rendered result

Return the resource of the rendered result. You should not use this method before you called either renderToOutput() or render(), as the image may not be completely rendered until then.


ezcGraphBoundings getTextBoundings( float $size , ezcGraphFontOptions $font , string $text )

Returns boundings of text depending on the available font extension

Name Type Description
$size float Textsize
$font ezcGraphFontOptions Font
$text string Text
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::getTextBoundings() Returns boundings of text depending on the available font extension


float modifyCoordinate( float $pointValue )

Modifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.

Name Type Description
$pointValue float


void render( string $file )

Finally save image

Name Type Description
$file string Destination filename
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphDriver::render() Finally save image


void renderText( string $id , string $text , string $chars , int $type , string $path , ezcGraphColor $color , ezcGraphCoordinate $position , float $size , [float $rotation = null] )

Render text depending of font type and available font extensions

Name Type Description
$id string
$text string
$chars string
$type int
$path string
$color ezcGraphColor
$position ezcGraphCoordinate
$size float
$rotation float


void setShapeColor( $shape , ezcGraphColor $color , mixed $thickness , mixed $filled )

Set the fill and line properties for a SWWFShape according to the given parameters.

Name Type Description
$shape SWFShape
$color ezcGraphColor
$thickness mixed
$filled mixed


string simulateCircularArc( ezcGraphCoordinate $center , mixed $width , mixed $height , mixed $size , mixed $startAngle , mixed $endAngle , ezcGraphColor $color , bool $filled )

Draws a circular arc consisting of several minor steps on the bounding lines.

Name Type Description
$center ezcGraphCoordinate
$width mixed
$height mixed
$size mixed
$startAngle mixed
$endAngle mixed
$color ezcGraphColor
$filled bool
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