Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcLogFileWriter


Class ezcLogFileWriter

The ezcLogFileWriter class provides functionality to write log files to the file system.

The main purpose is to keep track of the various log files and support log rotation, although log rotation can also be disabled. The file format of the log should be implemented in a subclass.

The following example implements a new log writer that writes the output in (http://www.php.net/print_r format) to a file:

  1.  class MyLogWriter extends ezcLogFileWriter
  2.  {
  3.     // Call parent constructor. (In this case, it possible to omit the constructor.)
  4.     public function __construct($dir, $file = null, $maxSize = 204800, $maxFiles = 3 )
  5.     {
  6.         parent::__construct($dir, $file, $maxSize, $maxFiles );
  7.     }
  9.     // Implement the ezcLogWriter interface:
  10.     public function writeLogMessage( $message, $type, $source, $category, $extraInfo = array() )
  11.     {
  12.         // Create a message
  13.         $res = print_r( array( "message" => $message, "type" => $type, "source" => $source, "category" => $category ), true );
  15.         // And call the parent class
  16.         $this->write( $type, $source, $category, $res );
  17.     }
  18.  }

Source for this file: /EventLog/src/writers/writer_file.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//


Child Class Description
ezcLogUnixFileWriter Writes the log messages to a file in a format that is frequently used on the Unix operating system.

Member Variables

protected ezcLogFilterSet $fileMap
Keeps track of which group of messages should be stored in what file.
protected string $logDirectory
Directory where the log files should be placed.
protected int $maxFiles
Maximum log rotation files with the same name.

When rotating and the max limit is reached, the oldest log is discarded.

protected int $maxSize
Maximum file size before rotation, or false when log rotation is disabled.
protected array(resource) $openFiles = array()
Contains all the open files. The first file in the array is always the default file.

Method Summary

public ezcLogFileWriter __construct( $logDirectory , [ $defaultFile = null] , [ $maxLogRotationSize = 204800] , [ $maxLogFiles = 3] )
Constructs an ezcLogFileWriter.
public void __destruct( )
Destructs the object and closes all open file handles.
protected resource openFile( $fileName )
Returns the filehandle of the $fileName.
protected bool rotateLog( $fileName )
Rotates a log and returns true upon success.
public void setFile( $logFilter , $fileName )
Maps the filename $fileName to the messages specified by the ezcLogFilter $logFilter.
protected void write( $eventType , $eventSource , $eventCategory , $string )
This method writes the $string to a file.



ezcLogFileWriter __construct( string $logDirectory , [string $defaultFile = null] , [int $maxLogRotationSize = 204800] , [int $maxLogFiles = 3] )

Constructs an ezcLogFileWriter.

The log files will be placed in the directory $logDirectory.

If the file $defaultFile is not null, log messages that are not map() to any file are written to this $defaultFile. If $defaultFile is null, then log messages are discarded.

Set $maxLogRotationSize to specify the maximum size of a logfile. When the maximum size is reached, the log will be rotated. $maxLogFiles sets the maximum number of rotated log files. The oldest rotated log will be removed when the $maxLogFiles exceeds. Log rotation can be disabled by setting $maxLogRotationSize to false.

Name Type Description
$logDirectory string
$defaultFile string
$maxLogRotationSize int
$maxLogFiles int


void __destruct( )

Destructs the object and closes all open file handles.


resource openFile( string $fileName )

Returns the filehandle of the $fileName.

If the maximum file size is exceeded, the file will be rotated before opening.

Name Type Description
$fileName string
Type Description
ezcBaseFilePermissionException if the file can't be opened, created, or when the directory is not writable.


bool rotateLog( string $fileName )

Rotates a log and returns true upon success.

Name Type Description
$fileName string


void setFile( ezcLogFilter $logFilter , string $fileName )

Maps the filename $fileName to the messages specified by the ezcLogFilter $logFilter.

Log messages that matches with the filter are written to the file $fileName.

Name Type Description
$logFilter ezcLogFilter
$fileName string


void write( int $eventType , string $eventSource , string $eventCategory , string $string )

This method writes the $string to a file.

The file to which the string will be written depends on the $eventType, $eventSource, and $eventCategory.

Name Type Description
$eventType int
$eventSource string
$eventCategory string
$string string
Type Description
ezcLogWriterException if it was not possible to write to the log file.
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