Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcLogFilter


Class ezcLogFilter

The ezcLogFilter class provides a structure to set a log filter.

ezcLogFilter has three public member variables:

  • severity, contains the severity of the log message.
  • source, contain the source of the log message.
  • category, contains the category of the log message.
Severity is an integer mask that expects one more multiple ezcLog severity constants. Multiple values can be assigned by using a logical-or on the values. The value zero represents all possible severities.

Source and category are an array. An empty array reprseents all possible sources and categories.

The ezclogFilter class is mainly used by the ezcLog::attach() and ezcLog::detach() methods.

Source for this file: /EventLog/src/structs/log_filter.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public array(string) $category
The category of the log message.

The default empty array specifies that all categories are accepted by this filter.

public int $severity
The severities that are accepted by the ezcLogFilter.

The default value zero specifies that all severities are accepted.

public array(string) $source
The source of the log message.

The default empty array specifies that all sources are accepted by this filter.

Method Summary

public ezcLogFilter __construct( [ $severity = 0] , [ $source = array()] , [ $category = array()] )
Empty constructor



ezcLogFilter __construct( [int $severity = 0] , [ $source = array()] , [ $category = array()] )

Empty constructor

Name Type Description
$severity int
$source array(string)
$category array(string)
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