Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcLogFilterSet


Class ezcLogFilterSet

Mapping of an eventType, eventSource and eventCategory to a mixed variable using a filter set.

The ezcLogFilterSet is an implementation of the ezcLogMapper. The ezcLogFilterSet contains a set of ezcLogFilterRules. These rules are processed sequentially. The rule assigned first will be processed first. Each rule determines whether the log message matches with the filter rule. If the log message matches, it calls the writer and decide whether the filter set stops processing.

Source for this file: /EventLog/src/mapper/filterset.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void appendRule( $filter )
Appends a rule to the end of the filter set.
protected void clearCache( )
Clears the cache.
public bool deleteLastRule( )
Deletes the last rule from the filter set.
public mixed get( $severity , $source , $category )
Returns the variable assigned to the combination of a severity $severity, source $source, and category $category.



void appendRule( ezcLogFilter $filter )

Appends a rule to the end of the filter set.

Name Type Description
$filter ezcLogFilter


void clearCache( )

Clears the cache.


bool deleteLastRule( )

Deletes the last rule from the filter set.

Returns false if the filter set is empty, otherwise true.


mixed get( int $severity , string $source , string $category )

Returns the variable assigned to the combination of a severity $severity, source $source, and category $category.

Name Type Description
$severity int
$source string
$category string
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcLogMapper::get() Returns the containers (results) that are mapped to this $severity, $source, and $category.
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