Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentRstDirective


Class ezcDocumentRstDirective

Visitor for RST directives

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/rst/directive.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcDocumentRstAttentionDirective Visitor for RST important directives
ezcDocumentRstIncludeDirective Visitor for RST include directives
ezcDocumentRstWarningDirective Visitor for RST warning directives
ezcDocumentRstNoticeDirective Visitor for RST tip directives
ezcDocumentRstContentsDirective Visitor for RST contents directives
ezcDocumentRstNoteDirective Visitor for RST note directives
ezcDocumentRstImageDirective Visitor for RST image directives
ezcDocumentRstDangerDirective Visitor for RST danger directives

Member Variables

protected ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode $ast
Complete RST abstract syntax tree, if this is necessary to render the directive.
protected ezcDocumentRstDirectiveNode $node
Current directive RST AST node.
protected string $path
Current document base path, especially relevant for file inclusions.
protected ezcDocumentRstVisitor $visitor
The calling visitor.

Method Summary

public void __construct( $ast , $path , $node )
Construct directive from AST and node
protected DOMDocument parseTokens( $tokens , $visitor )
Parse directive token list with RST parser
public void setSourceVisitor( $visitor )
Set the calling vaisitor
public abstract void toDocbook( $document , $root )
Transform directive to docbook



void __construct( $ast , string $path , $node )

Construct directive from AST and node

Name Type Description
$ast ezcDocumentRstDocumentNode
$path string
$node ezcDocumentRstDirectiveNode


DOMDocument parseTokens( $tokens , ezcDocumentRstVisitor $visitor )

Parse directive token list with RST parser

This method is intended to parse the token list, provided for the RST contents using the standard RST parser. It will be visited afterwards by the provided RST-visitor implementation.

The method returns the created document as a DOMDocument. You normally need to use DOMDocument::importNode to embed the conatined nodes in your target document.

Name Type Description
$tokens array
$visitor ezcDocumentRstVisitor


void setSourceVisitor( ezcDocumentRstVisitor $visitor )

Set the calling vaisitor

Pass the visitor which called the rendering function on the directive for optional reference.

Name Type Description
$visitor ezcDocumentRstVisitor


void toDocbook( $document , $root )

Transform directive to docbook

Create a docbook XML structure at the directives position in the document.

Name Type Description
$document DOMDocument
$root DOMElement
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcDocumentRstAttentionDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstIncludeDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstWarningDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstNoticeDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstContentsDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstNoteDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstImageDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstFigureDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
ezcDocumentRstDangerDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook 
Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 1.4.3