Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentRstContentsDirective


Class ezcDocumentRstContentsDirective

Visitor for RST contents directives

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/rst/directive/contents.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDocumentRstDirective
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$ast
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$node
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$path
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$visitor

Method Summary

protected void generateTocList( $node , $root , $depth )
Generate XHtml TOC
public void toDocbook( $document , $root )
Transform directive to docbook
public void toXhtml( $document , $root )
Transform directive to HTML

Inherited Methods

From ezcDocumentRstDirective
public void ezcDocumentRstDirective::__construct()
Construct directive from AST and node
protected DOMDocument ezcDocumentRstDirective::parseTokens()
Parse directive token list with RST parser
public void ezcDocumentRstDirective::setSourceVisitor()
Set the calling vaisitor
public abstract void ezcDocumentRstDirective::toDocbook()
Transform directive to docbook



void generateTocList( ezcDocumentRstNode $node , $root , int $depth )

Generate XHtml TOC

Recursively generate a XHtml table of contents from the given section with the specified depth. Use -1 as depth to display the complete section tree.

Name Type Description
$node ezcDocumentRstSectionNode
$root DOMElement
$depth int


void toDocbook( $document , $root )

Transform directive to docbook

Create a docbook XML structure at the directives position in the document.

Name Type Description
$document DOMDocument
$root DOMElement
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentRstDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook


void toXhtml( $document , $root )

Transform directive to HTML

Create a XHTML structure at the directives position in the document.

Name Type Description
$document DOMDocument
$root DOMElement
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentRstXhtmlDirective::toXhtml() Transform directive to HTML
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