Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDocumentRstIncludeDirective


Class ezcDocumentRstIncludeDirective

Visitor for RST include directives

Source for this file: /Document/src/document/rst/directive/include.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDocumentRstDirective
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$ast
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$node
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$path
protected ezcDocumentRstDirective::$visitor

Method Summary

protected string getFile( $file )
Check and return file
public void toDocbook( $document , $root )
Transform directive to docbook
public void toXhtml( $document , $root )
Transform directive to HTML

Inherited Methods

From ezcDocumentRstDirective
public void ezcDocumentRstDirective::__construct()
Construct directive from AST and node
protected DOMDocument ezcDocumentRstDirective::parseTokens()
Parse directive token list with RST parser
public void ezcDocumentRstDirective::setSourceVisitor()
Set the calling vaisitor
public abstract void ezcDocumentRstDirective::toDocbook()
Transform directive to docbook



string getFile( string $file )

Check and return file

Check for the files location, and return the absolute path to the file, or thorw an exception, if the file could not be found.

Name Type Description
$file string


void toDocbook( $document , $root )

Transform directive to docbook

Create a docbook XML structure at the directives position in the document.

Name Type Description
$document DOMDocument
$root DOMElement
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentRstDirective::toDocbook() Transform directive to docbook


void toXhtml( $document , $root )

Transform directive to HTML

Create a XHTML structure at the directives position in the document.

Name Type Description
$document DOMDocument
$root DOMElement
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDocumentRstXhtmlDirective::toXhtml() Transform directive to HTML
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