Welcome to OOo QA ( Quality Assurance )!

Would you like to help improve OOo?

The QA project helps find bugs in OpenOffice. Our work is vital, and anyone can help, regardless of their level of technical proficiency.

What we do is to check the bugs that users report, to see whether these bugs are really the result of flaws in the program.

Sometimes this is technically demanding. Sometimes it's very simple. There are plenty of reported bugs for every level of skill. Working here you can make a huge difference to the success and popularity of OOo.

To learn more, click: Quick Reference.

Otherwise take some time to click through the pages found in the "Join this project" menu on the left hand side of this page.

Review new project: OOo QA Reloaded

The OOo QA webside is reworked from structure and layout and can now be prechecked here.

Download OOo.org Now!

The latest stable release is OpenOffice.org 1.1.4

Download 1.1.4 here:


The latest developer/testing release is OpenOffice.org 1.9.118

Download 1.9.118 here:
