:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: control ::

service GridControl
describes a table-like control for displaying data.

The model of the control has to support the ::com::sun::star::form::component::GridControl service.

See also
::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControl, ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlModel

Included Services - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
specifies an abstract control.
Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows committing the content of the active cell of the control.


allows access to the active cell within the grid. (details)


used to broadcast modifications made by the user (within the active cell)


allows access to the field data of the grid's current row in different formats (details)


allows access to objects wrapping a single column


allows creation of an enumeration for the column objects


is used to switch the operating modes of the control. (details)


used to control the selection of rows in the grid control. (details)


allows external components to register dispatchers for some common form actions. (details)

Included Services - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
specifies an abstract control.
Exported Interfaces - Details
allows committing the content of the active cell of the control.
allows access to the active cell within the grid.

Only the column position can be modified using this interface, as the row position within a table control bound to a data source is given implicitly (by the cursor position of the data source).

Usage Restrictions
used to broadcast modifications made by the user (within the active cell)
Usage Restrictions
allows access to the field data of the grid's current row in different formats
allows access to objects wrapping a single column
allows creation of an enumeration for the column objects
Usage Restrictions
is used to switch the operating modes of the control.

Besides the normal opreration mode (which is used to display the database form's data) the control may for instance support a filter mode.

Usage Restrictions
used to control the selection of rows in the grid control.

The selection used with the methods XSelectionSupplier::getSelection and XSelectionSupplier::select is a sequence of Any's.
Here the elements of the Sequence are the bookmarks (in the ::com::sun::star::sdb::RowSet) of the (to-be-) selected rows.

Usage Restrictions
allows external components to register dispatchers for some common form actions.

A grid control can contain own UI elements for traveling within the database form it belongs to (This concept seems to make sense, as a grid control - in opposite to other data aware controls - displayes not only one record at a time, but a larger number of records of the database form.)
With the help of this interface, external components which wish to handle such travelings themself can register interceptors for the actions in question.

Usual URLs to use include

move the cursor to the first record
move the cursor to the previous record
move the cursor to the next record
move the cursor to the last record
move the cursor to the (one and only) new record
undo the changes done so far in the current record

A concrete implementation of this service may offer more or less URLs, but if it offers some of the URLs above, it must stick to the meanings defined above.

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