:: com :: sun :: star ::

module form
Interfaces for managing forms and controls.

Nested Modules
binding collects functionality for binding form controls to external data sources.
component collects form control model descriptions
control collects form control descriptions
inspection collects services for inspecting form/components
runtime collects functionality needed during a form's runtime, e.g. when it is active and interacts with the user.
submission collects functionality for submitting forms to external data sinks
validation collects functionality to validate form components by help of external validator instances
DataAwareControlModel is an abstract service for specialized FormControlModels which are data aware and thus can be bound to a data source.
FormComponent specifies a component which can be part of a form.
FormComponents specifies the capabilities of a collection of FormComponents.
FormControlModel specifies a control model within a form.
FormController [ DEPRECATED ]
is superseded by ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController.
FormControllerDispatcher [ DEPRECATED ]
is not used anymore, and superseded by ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormController and ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::FormOperations.
Forms specifies the capabilities of a collection of forms.
PropertyBrowserController [ DEPRECATED ]
describes a controller which can be used to browse and modify properties of form controls.
XApproveActionBroadcaster allows to probably veto actions to be performed on components.
XApproveActionListener can be implemented to listen and probably veto actions to be performed on components.
XBoundComponent specifies a (form) component which is bound to a data source.
XBoundControl allows locking the input on components.
XChangeBroadcaster provides functionality to notify listeners of data changes.
XChangeListener is the listener interface for receiving notifications about data changes.
XConfirmDeleteBroadcaster provides the possibility of receiving an event for confirming deletions of rows in a ::com::sun::star::form::component::DataForm.
XConfirmDeleteListener allows to register a component for confirming deletions of rows in a ::com::sun::star::form::component::DataForm.
XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster provides the possibility of receiving an event for configuration of parameters.
XDatabaseParameterBroadcaster2 provides the possibility of receiving an event for configuration of parameters.
XDatabaseParameterListener allows to intercept value request for parametrized SQL statements.
XDeleteListener [ DEPRECATED ]
This is the listener interface for receiving "approveDelete" and "deleted" events posted by a database form.
XErrorBroadcaster [ DEPRECATED ]
provides the possibility of receiving database error events.
XErrorListener [ DEPRECATED ]
used to be notified when errors in a database form happen.
XForm identifies a FormComponent as being a (sub-) form.
XFormComponent describes a component which may be part of a form.
XFormController [ DEPRECATED ]
is superseded by ::com::sun::star::form::runtime::XFormController.
XFormControllerListener allows to be notified when the activation status of a FormController changes.
XFormsSupplier provides the access to a collection of forms.
XFormsSupplier2 extends the XFormsSupplier with convenience methods
provides the possibility of setting and retrieving the position of the current cell in a grid control.
XGridColumnFactory allows to create columns to be added into a grid control model.
XGridControl specifies (some) functionality provided by a grid control (aka table control)
XGridControlListener specifies a listener which is to be notified about state changes in a grid control
XGridFieldDataSupplier [ DEPRECATED ]
provides access to the data of a GridControl
represents the window peer of a GridControl and allows you to set and retrieve the model data.
XImageProducerSupplier provides the access to an image producer.
XInsertListener [ DEPRECATED ]
allows to receive notifications about insertions into a database form.
XLoadListener receives load-related events from a loadable object.
XLoadable provides functionality to implement objects which may be loaded.
XPositioningListener [ DEPRECATED ]
allows to receive notifications about cursor movements into a database form.
XReset provides functionality to reset components to some default values.
XResetListener is the interface for receiving notificaions about reset events.
XRestoreListener [ DEPRECATED ]
receives notifications about data beeing restored.
XSubmit provides functionality to submit data from a component.
XSubmitListener [ DEPRECATED ]
receives notifications about data beeing submitted.
XUpdateBroadcaster is the broadcaster interface for sending "approveUpdate" and "updated" events.
XUpdateListener used to listen on objects which allow updating their data.
DatabaseDeleteEvent [ DEPRECATED ]
is fired if a database record is going to be deleted.
DatabaseParameterEvent is fired if values for parameters are needed.
ErrorEvent [ DEPRECATED ]
occurs in case of fired database exceptions triggered by a database form.
DataSelectionType [ DEPRECATED ]
describes the type of datasource used for a form.
FormButtonType specifies the action to execute when a button is pressed.
FormSubmitEncoding specify the MIME encoding to be used when form data is submitted.
FormSubmitMethod specifies how information is sent to a program invoked by submitting a form.
ListSourceType describes the kind of data source used to fill the list data of a listbox or a combobox control.
NavigationBarMode describes in which way the navigation of the records of a database form is performed.
TabulatorCycle specifies how the TAB key should be used in a form.
Constant Groups
FormComponentType These constants specify the class types used to identify a component.
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