:: com :: sun :: star :: awt ::

service UnoControlModel
specifies the standard model of an UnoControl in the Smalltalk model view controller design.

The interfaces ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet and ::com::sun::star::beans::XMultiPropertySet need access to the model data from the embedding environment. The control and the model can specify additional interfaces to exchange data or export more functionality from the model.

Developers Guide
Forms - Models and Views for Form Controls
Forms - Control Models

Included Services - Summary

This service is present when the control model is embedded in an UnoControlDialogModel. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Summary
(referenced entity's summary:)
identifies a control model.
(referenced entity's summary:)
allows to exclicitly free resources and break cyclic references.
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation.
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides access to multiple properties with a single call.
(referenced entity's summary:)
allows to make UNO objects persistent
(referenced entity's summary:)
makes it possible to create a copy of the object which supports this interface.
Properties' Summary
specifies the service name of the default control for this model.  
Included Services - Details
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the control model is embedded in an UnoControlDialogModel.
Exported Interfaces - Details
(referenced entity's summary:)
identifies a control model.
(referenced entity's summary:)
allows to exclicitly free resources and break cyclic references.
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides information about and access to the properties from an implementation.
(referenced entity's summary:)
provides access to multiple properties with a single call.
(referenced entity's summary:)
allows to make UNO objects persistent
(referenced entity's summary:)
makes it possible to create a copy of the object which supports this interface.
Properties' Details
string DefaultControl;
specifies the service name of the default control for this model.

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