:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: binding ::

unpublished service BindableIntegerValueRange
Usage Restrictions
not published
this service specifies a BindableControlModel which reflects an integer value, out of a range of permitted integer values.

BindableIntegerValueRanges have a value property, a minimum, and a maximum, all of type integer.

Included Services - Summary

specifies that the control can be bound to external values (details)

Included Services - Details
specifies that the control can be bound to external values

Any binding used with the control model (see XBindableValue::setValueBinding) must support exchanging double values.

When the (integer) value reflected by the control model is changed, it's converted into an double value and propagated to the binding.

When the external (double) value changes, it's converted as follows to an integer value:

  • If the external value is NULL, the current value of the control model will be set to it's minimum.
  • If the external value is the infinite value, the control value will be set to its maximum or minimum, depending on the sign of the external value.
  • If none of the aforementioned conditions is met, the external value will be simply rounded.

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