Apache Ignite.NET
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CApache.Ignite.Core.DataStructures.Configuration.AtomicConfigurationConfiguration for atomic data structures.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.BinaryConfigurationBinary type configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.BinaryTypeConfigurationBinary type configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.BinaryTypeNamesBinary type name constants.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.CacheConfigurationDefines grid cache configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.Continuous.ContinuousQuery< TK, TV >API for configuring continuous cache queries
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.Continuous.ContinuousQueryExtensionsExtensions for continuous queries.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Events.EventTypeContains event type constants. The decision to use class and not enumeration is dictated by allowing users to create their own events and/or event types which would be impossible with enumerations
 CApache.Ignite.Core.DataStructures.IAtomicLongRepresents a distributed atomic long value.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.DataStructures.IAtomicReference< T >Represents a named value in the distributed cache.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.DataStructures.IAtomicSequenceRepresents a distributed atomic sequence of numbers.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinarizableInterface to implement custom serialization logic.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryDefines binary objects functionality. With binary objects you are able to:

  • Seamlessly interoperate between Java, .NET, and C++.
  • Make any object binary with zero code change to your existing code.
  • Nest binary objects within each other.
  • Automatically handle circular or null references.
  • Automatically convert collections and maps between Java, .NET, and C++.
  • Optionally avoid deserialization of objects on the server side.
  • Avoid need to have concrete class definitions on the server side.
  • Dynamically change structure of the classes without having to restart the cluster.
  • Index into binary objects for querying purposes.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryIdMapperMaps class name and class field names to integer identifiers.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryNameMapperMaps type and field names to different names.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryObjectWrapper for serialized objects.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryObjectBuilderbinary object builder. Provides ability to build binary objects dynamically without having class definitions
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryRawReaderRaw reader for binary objects.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryRawWriterRaw writer for binary objects.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryReaderReader for binary objects.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinarySerializerBinary serializer.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryTypeBinary type metadata.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Binary.IBinaryWriterWriter for binary objects.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheAffinityProvides affinity information to detect which node is primary and which nodes are backups for a partitioned cache. You can get an instance of this interface by calling IIgnite.GetAffinity method
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntry< out out TK, out out TV >Cache entry interface.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntry< TK, TV >
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Event.ICacheEntryEventFilter< TK, TV >Cache entry event filter.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Event.ICacheEntryEventListener< TK, TV >Cache entry event listener.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntryFilter< in in TK, in in TV >Cache entry predicate.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntryProcessor< in in TK, TV, in in TArg, out out TRes >An invocable function that allows applications to perform compound operations on a cache entry atomically, according the defined consistency of a cache
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntryProcessor< TK, TV, TArg, TRes >
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheEntryProcessorResult< out out T >Represents a result of processing ICacheEntry<K, V> by ICacheEntryProcessor<K, V, A, R>.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.ICacheMetricsCache metrics used to obtain statistics on cache itself.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStoreAPI for cache persistent storage for read-through and write-through behavior
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStoreSessionSession for the cache store operations. The main purpose of cache store session is to hold context between multiple store invocations whenever in transaction. For example, you can save current database connection in the session Properties map. You can then commit this connection in the ICacheStore.SessionEnd(bool) method.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterGroupDefines grid projection which represents a common functionality over a group of nodes. Grid projection allows to group Ignite nodes into various subgroups to perform distributed operations on them. All ForXXX(...)' methods will create a child grid projection from existing projection. If you create a new projection from current one, then the resulting projection will include a subset of nodes from current projection. The following code snippet shows how to create grid projections:
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterMetricsRepresents runtime information of a cluster. Apart from obvious statistical value, this information is used for implementation of load balancing, failover, and collision SPIs. For example, collision SPI in combination with fail-over SPI could check if other nodes don't have any active or waiting jobs and fail-over some jobs to those nodes
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterNodeInterface representing a single cluster node. Use GetAttribute<T> or GetMetrics to get static and dynamic information about remote nodes. You can get a list of all nodes in grid by calling IClusterGroup.GetNodes on IIgnite instance
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterNodeFilterRepresents cluster node filter.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Communication.ICommunicationSpiCommunication SPI is responsible for data exchange between nodes
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeDefines Ignite functionality for executing tasks and closures over nodes in the IClusterGroup. Instance of ICompute is obtained from grid projection using IClusterGroup.GetCompute method
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeActionDefines a void function having no arguments.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeFunc< in in TArg, out out TRes >Defines function having a single argument.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeFunc< out out TRes >Defines function having no arguments.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJob< out out TRes >Defines executable unit for IComputeTask<A,T,R>. Ignite task gets split into jobs when IComputeTask<A,T,R>.Map(IList<IClusterNode>, A) method is called. This method returns all jobs for the task mapped to their corresponding Ignite nodes for execution. Grid will then serialize this jobs and send them to requested nodes for execution
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJob< T >
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes >Job execution result which gets passed to IComputeTask<TA,T,TR>.OnResult method.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeReducer< in in TRes, out out TReduceRes >Compute reducer which is capable of result collecting and reducing.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeTask< in in TArg, TJobRes, out out TRes >Ignite task interface defines a task that can be executed on the grid. Ignite task is responsible for splitting business logic into multiple Ignite jobs, receiving results from individual Ignite jobs executing on remote nodes, and reducing (aggregating) received jobs' results into final Ignite task result
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeTask< object, TJobRes, TReduceRes >
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeTask< TArg, TJobRes, TTaskRes >
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.Continuous.IContinuousQueryHandleRepresents a continuous query handle.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Discovery.IDiscoverySpiRepresents a discovery service provider interface. Only predefined implementation is supported now: TcpDiscoverySpi.
 CIEnumerable< ICacheEntry< TK, TV >>
 CIEquatable< CacheResult< T >>
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEventRepresents a Ignite event.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEventFilter< in in T >Represents an event filter.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEventListener< in in T >Represents an event listener.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Events.IEventsProvides functionality for event notifications on nodes defined by ClusterGroup. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Eviction.IEvictionPolicyRepresents a cache eviction policy. Only predefined implementations are supported now: LruEvictionPolicy, FifoEvictionPolicy.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Expiry.IExpiryPolicyDefines functions to determine when cache entries will expire based on creation, access and modification operations.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Common.IFactory< out out T >Factory that produces instances of a specific type. Implementation can be passed over the wire and thus should be marked with SerializableAttribute.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.IgniteConfigurationGrid configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.IgnitionThis class defines a factory for the main Ignite API. Use Start() method to start Ignite with default configuration. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Lifecycle.ILifecycleBeanA bean that reacts to Ignite lifecycle events defined in LifecycleEventType. Use this bean whenever you need to plug some custom logic before or after Ignite startup and stopping routines
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Messaging.IMessageListener< in in T >Represents messaging filter predicate.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Messaging.IMessagingProvides functionality for topic-based message exchange among nodes defined by IClusterGroup. Users can send ordered and unordered messages to various topics. Note that same topic name cannot be reused between ordered and unordered messages. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Services.IServiceRepresents Ignite-managed service.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Services.IServiceContextRepresents service execution context.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Services.IServiceDescriptorService deployment descriptor.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Services.IServicesDefines functionality to deploy distributed services in the Ignite.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Datastream.IStreamReceiver< TK, TV >Updates cache with batch of entries. Usually it is enough to configure IDataStreamer<K,V>.AllowOverwrite property and appropriate internal cache receiver will be chosen automatically. But in some cases custom implementation may help to achieve better performance.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Discovery.Tcp.ITcpDiscoveryIpFinderRepresents an IP finder for TcpDiscoverySpi. Only predefined implementations are supported now: TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder, TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Transactions.ITransactionMetricsTransaction metrics, shared across all caches.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Transactions.ITransactionsTransactions facade. All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Interop.JavaObjectRepresents a Java object wrapper
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.NearCacheConfigurationDefines near cache configuration
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.QueryAliasRepresents cache query configuration alias.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.QueryBaseBase class for all Ignite cache entry queries.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.QueryEntityQuery entity is a description of cache entry (composed of key and value) in a way of how it must be indexed and can be queried.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.QueryFieldRepresents a queryable field.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.QueryIndexRepresents cache query index configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration.QueryIndexFieldRepresents an indexed field.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Services.ServiceConfigurationService configuration.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.SqlFieldsQuerySQL fields query.
 CApache.Ignite.Core.Transactions.TransactionConfigurationTransactions configuration.