Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes > Interface Template Reference

Job execution result which gets passed to IComputeTask<TA,T,TR>.OnResult method. More...


TRes Data [get]
 Gets data returned by remote job if it didn't fail. This data is the object returned from IComputeJob<T>.Execute() method. More...
IComputeJob< TRes > Job [get]
 Gets local instance of remote job produced this result. More...
Exception Exception [get]
 Gets exception produced by execution of remote job, or null if no exception was produced. More...
Guid NodeId [get]
 ID of the node where actual job execution occurred. More...
bool Cancelled [get]
 Whether the job was cancelled. More...

Detailed Description

Property Documentation

bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes >.Cancelled
TRes Apache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes >.Data

Note that if task is annotated with ComputeTaskNoResultCacheAttribute attribute, then job results will not be cached and will be available only in IComputeTask<TA,T,TR>.OnResult method for every individual job, but not in IComputeTask<A,T,R>.Reduce(IList<IComputeJobResult<T>>) method.

Data returned by job.
Exception Apache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes >.Exception

Exception or null in case of success.

Guid Apache.Ignite.Core.Compute.IComputeJobResult< out out TRes >.NodeId