Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster Interface Reference

Represents whole cluster (group of all nodes in a cluster). All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads. More...

Inheritance diagram for Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster:

Public Member Functions

IClusterGroup ForLocal ()
 Gets monadic projection consisting from the local node. More...
IClusterNode GetLocalNode ()
 Gets local Ignite node. More...
bool PingNode (Guid nodeId)
 Pings a remote node. More...
ICollection< IClusterNodeGetTopology (long ver)
 Gets a topology by version. Returns null if topology history storage doesn't contain specified topology version (history currently keeps the last 1000 snapshots). More...
void ResetMetrics ()
 Resets local I/O, job, and task execution metrics. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterGroup
ICompute GetCompute ()
 Gets compute functionality over this grid projection. All operations on the returned ICompute instance will only include nodes from this projection. More...
IClusterGroup ForNodes (IEnumerable< IClusterNode > nodes)
 Creates a grid projection over a given set of nodes. More...
IClusterGroup ForNodes (params IClusterNode[] nodes)
 Creates a grid projection over a given set of nodes. More...
IClusterGroup ForNodeIds (IEnumerable< Guid > ids)
 Creates a grid projection over a given set of node IDs. More...
IClusterGroup ForNodeIds (params Guid[] ids)
 Creates a grid projection over a given set of node IDs. More...
IClusterGroup ForPredicate (Func< IClusterNode, bool > p)
 Creates a grid projection which includes all nodes that pass the given predicate filter. More...
IClusterGroup ForAttribute (string name, string val)
 Creates projection for nodes containing given name and value specified in user attributes. More...
IClusterGroup ForCacheNodes (string name)
 Creates projection for all nodes that have cache with specified name running. More...
IClusterGroup ForDataNodes (string name)
 Creates projection for all nodes that have cache with specified name running and cache distribution mode is PARTITIONED_ONLY or NEAR_PARTITIONED. More...
IClusterGroup ForClientNodes (string name)
 Creates projection for all nodes that have cache with specified name running and cache distribution mode is CLIENT_ONLY or NEAR_ONLY. More...
IClusterGroup ForRemotes ()
 Gets grid projection consisting from the nodes in this projection excluding the local node. More...
IClusterGroup ForHost (IClusterNode node)
 Gets grid projection consisting from the nodes in this projection residing on the same host as given node. More...
IClusterGroup ForRandom ()
 Creates grid projection with one random node from current projection. More...
IClusterGroup ForOldest ()
 Creates grid projection with one oldest node in the current projection. The resulting projection is dynamic and will always pick the next oldest node if the previous one leaves topology even after the projection has been created. More...
IClusterGroup ForYoungest ()
 Creates grid projection with one youngest node in the current projection. The resulting projection is dynamic and will always pick the newest node in the topology, even if more nodes entered after the projection has been created. More...
IClusterGroup ForDotNet ()
 Creates grid projection for nodes supporting .Net, i.e. for nodes started with Apache.Ignite.exe. More...
ICollection< IClusterNodeGetNodes ()
 Gets read-only collections of nodes in this projection. More...
IClusterNode GetNode (Guid id)
 Gets a node for given ID from this grid projection. More...
IClusterNode GetNode ()
 Gets first node from the list of nodes in this projection. More...
IClusterMetrics GetMetrics ()
 Gets a metrics snapshot for this projection More...
IMessaging GetMessaging ()
 Gets messaging facade over nodes within this cluster group. All operations on the returned IMessaging> instance will only include nodes from current cluster group. More...
IEvents GetEvents ()
 Gets events facade over nodes within this cluster group. All operations on the returned IEvents> instance will only include nodes from current cluster group. More...
IServices GetServices ()
 Gets services facade over nodes within this cluster group. All operations on the returned IServices> instance will only include nodes from current cluster group. More...


long TopologyVersion [get]
 Gets current topology version. In case of TCP discovery topology versions are sequential More...
Task< bool > ClientReconnectTask [get]
 Gets the reconnect task, which will transition to Completed state when local client node reconnects to the cluster. More...
- Properties inherited from Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.IClusterGroup
IIgnite Ignite [get]
 Instance of Ignite. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

IClusterGroup Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.ForLocal ( )
Monadic projection consisting from the local node.
IClusterNode Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.GetLocalNode ( )
Local Ignite node.
ICollection<IClusterNode> Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.GetTopology ( long  ver)
verTopology version.
Collection of Ignite nodes which represented by specified topology version, if it is present in history storage, null otherwise.
IgniteExceptionIf underlying SPI implementation does not support topology history. Currently only org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi supports topology history.
bool Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.PingNode ( Guid  nodeId)
nodeIdID of a node to ping.
True if node for a given ID is alive, false otherwise.
void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.ResetMetrics ( )

Property Documentation

Task<bool> Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.ClientReconnectTask

Result of the task indicates whether cluster has been restarted.

If local node is not in client mode or is not disconnected, returns completed task.

The reconnect task.

long Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster.ICluster.TopologyVersion
  • they start from 1 and get incremented every time whenever a node joins or leaves. For other discovery SPIs topology versions may not be (and likely are not) sequential.

Current topology version.