Uses of Class

Packages that use ServerException

Uses of ServerException in org.apache.hadoop.fs.http.server

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.fs.http.server that throw ServerException
 void HttpFSServerWebApp.init()
          Initializes the HttpFSServer server, loads configuration and required services.

Uses of ServerException in org.apache.hadoop.lib.server

Subclasses of ServerException in org.apache.hadoop.lib.server
 class ServiceException
          Exception thrown by Service implementations.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.lib.server that throw ServerException
protected  void Server.checkServiceDependencies(Service service)
          Checks if all service dependencies of a service are available.
 void Server.init()
          Initializes the Server.
protected  void Server.initConfig()
          Loads and inializes the server configuration.
protected  void Server.initLog()
          Initializes Log4j logging.
protected  void Server.initServices(List<Service> services)
          Initializes the list of services.
protected  List<Service> Server.loadServices()
          Loads services defined in services and services.ext and de-dups them.
 void Server.setService(Class<? extends Service> klass)
          Adds a service programmatically.
 void Server.setStatus(Server.Status status)
          Sets a new server status.

Uses of ServerException in org.apache.hadoop.lib.servlet

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.lib.servlet that throw ServerException
 InetSocketAddress ServerWebApp.getAuthority()
          Returns the hostname:port InetSocketAddress the webserver is listening to.
protected  InetSocketAddress ServerWebApp.resolveAuthority()
          Resolves the host & port InetSocketAddress the web server is listening to.

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