Package org.apache.hadoop.fs.http.server

Class Summary
CheckUploadContentTypeFilter Filter that Enforces the content-type to be application/octet-stream for POST and PUT requests.
FSOperations FileSystem operation executors used by HttpFSServer.
FSOperations.FSAclStatus Executor that gets the ACL information for a given file.
FSOperations.FSAppend Executor that performs an append FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSConcat Executor that performs an append FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSContentSummary Executor that performs a content-summary FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSCreate Executor that performs a create FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSDelete Executor that performs a delete FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSFileChecksum Executor that performs a file-checksum FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSFileStatus Executor that performs a file-status FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSGetXAttrs Executor that performs getting xattrs FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSHomeDir Executor that performs a home-dir FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSListStatus Executor that performs a list-status FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSListXAttrs Executor that performs listing xattrs FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSMkdirs Executor that performs a mkdirs FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSModifyAclEntries Executor that modifies acl entries for a file in a FileSystem
FSOperations.FSOpen Executor that performs a open FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSRemoveAcl Executor that removes all acls from a file in a FileSystem
FSOperations.FSRemoveAclEntries Executor that removes acl entries from a file in a FileSystem
FSOperations.FSRemoveDefaultAcl Executor that removes the default acl from a directory in a FileSystem
FSOperations.FSRemoveXAttr Executor that performs a removexattr FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSRename Executor that performs a rename FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSSetAcl Executor that sets the acl for a file in a FileSystem
FSOperations.FSSetOwner Executor that performs a set-owner FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSSetPermission Executor that performs a set-permission FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSSetReplication Executor that performs a set-replication FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSSetTimes Executor that performs a set-times FileSystemAccess files system operation.
FSOperations.FSSetXAttr Executor that performs a setxattr FileSystemAccess files system operation.
HttpFSAuthenticationFilter Subclass of hadoop-auth AuthenticationFilter that obtains its configuration from HttpFSServer's server configuration.
HttpFSExceptionProvider JAX-RS ExceptionMapper implementation that maps HttpFSServer's exceptions to HTTP status codes.
HttpFSKerberosAuthenticationHandler Server side AuthenticationHandler that authenticates requests using the incoming delegation token as a 'delegation' query string parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider HttpFS ParametersProvider.
HttpFSParametersProvider.AccessTimeParam Class for access-time parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.AclPermissionParam Class for AclPermission parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.BlockSizeParam Class for block-size parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.DataParam Class for data parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.DestinationParam Class for to-path parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.DoAsParam Class for do-as parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.FilterParam Class for filter parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.GroupParam Class for group parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.LenParam Class for len parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.ModifiedTimeParam Class for modified-time parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.OffsetParam Class for offset parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.OperationParam Class for operation parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.OverwriteParam Class for overwrite parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.OwnerParam Class for owner parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.PermissionParam Class for permission parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.RecursiveParam Class for delete's recursive parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.ReplicationParam Class for replication parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.SourcesParam Class for concat sources parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.XAttrEncodingParam Class for xattr parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.XAttrNameParam Class for xattr parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.XAttrSetFlagParam Class for xattr parameter.
HttpFSParametersProvider.XAttrValueParam Class for xattr parameter.
HttpFSReleaseFilter Filter that releases FileSystemAccess filesystem instances upon HTTP request completion.
HttpFSServer Main class of HttpFSServer server.
HttpFSServerWebApp Bootstrap class that manages the initialization and destruction of the HttpFSServer server, it is a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener implementation that is wired in HttpFSServer's WAR WEB-INF/web.xml.

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