clinical Text Analysis Knowledge Extraction System

Apache cTAKES™ create actionable knowledge from medical plain text.


Hospitals and Academic Institutions

Boston Children's Hospital

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Mayo Clinic

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Pittsburgh

University of California, San Diego

Who's using cTAKES?

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Software Projects

Software Projects


Companies and Commercial Enterprises

Wired Informatics


cTAKES is used at a wide range of organizations to process large datasets.

There are many ways to reach the community:


Apache cTAKES is built by a wide set of developers.

The project's committers come from over 10 organizations.

If you'd like to participate in cTAKES, or contribute to the libraries on top of it, learn how to contribute.

Getting Started

Learning cTAKES is easy whether you come from a Java background: