clinical Text Analysis Knowledge Extraction System

Download cTAKES

The latest release of cTAKES is cTAKES 3.2.1, released on December 10, 2014 (release notes) SVN Tag

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Required cTAKES Resources

Resources are required to run most of cTAKES. They are available for download from SourceForge:

Please download, unzip and add/merge the contents to the existing resources directory. Follow the User or Developer Install Guide to direct you through the installation process.

cTAKES artifacts are hosted in Maven Central. You can add a Maven dependency with the following coordinates:

groupId: org.apache.ctakes
artifactId: ctakes-clinical-pipeline
version: 3.2.1

Development and Maintenance Branches

If you are interested in working with the newest under-development code or contributing to cTAKES development, you can also check out the trunk branch from svn:

# Trunk
svn co

Once you’ve downloaded cTAKES, you can find instructions for installing and building it on the documentation page.

All Releases