Package org.apache.any23.writer

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Interface Summary
FormatWriter Base interface used for the definition of RDF format writers.
TripleHandler Defines a document based triple handler.

Class Summary
BenchmarkTripleHandler TripleHandler decorator useful to perform benchmarking.
CompositeTripleHandler A TripleHandler multi decorator, that wraps zero or more other triple handlers and dispatches all events to each of them.
CountingTripleHandler A simple TripleHandler that merely counts the number of triples it has received.
JSONWriter Implementation of JSON format writer.
LoggingTripleHandler Triple handler decorator useful for logging purposes.
NQuadsWriter Implementation of an NQuads writer.
NTriplesWriter N3 triples writer.
RDFWriterTripleHandler A TripleHandler that writes triples to a Sesame RDFWriter, eg for serialization using one of Sesame's writers.
RDFXMLWriter RDF/XML writer implementation.
ReportingTripleHandler A TripleHandler that collects various information about the extraction process, such as the extractors used and the total number of triples.
RepositoryWriter A Sesame repository triple writer.
TriXWriter TriX format writer implementation.
TurtleWriter N3 notation writer.
URIListWriter This writer simply produces a list of unique URI present in the subject or in the object of every single extracted RDF Statement.
WriterRegistry Registry class for FormatWriters.

Exception Summary
TripleHandlerException Defines a generic exception raised when accessing to TripleHandler class.

Annotation Types Summary
Writer This annotation describes FormatWriter metadata.

Package org.apache.any23.writer Description

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