Interface FormatWriter

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JSONWriter, NQuadsWriter, NTriplesWriter, RDFWriterTripleHandler, RDFXMLWriter, TriXWriter, TurtleWriter, URIListWriter

public interface FormatWriter
extends TripleHandler

Base interface used for the definition of RDF format writers.

Method Summary
 boolean isAnnotated()
          If true then the produced RDF is annotated with the extractors used to generate the specific statements.
 void setAnnotated(boolean f)
          Sets the annotation flag.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.any23.writer.TripleHandler
close, closeContext, endDocument, openContext, receiveNamespace, receiveTriple, setContentLength, startDocument

Method Detail


boolean isAnnotated()
If true then the produced RDF is annotated with the extractors used to generate the specific statements.

the annotation flag value.


void setAnnotated(boolean f)
Sets the annotation flag.

f - If true then the produced RDF is annotated with the extractors used to generate the specific statements.

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