Uses of Class

Packages that use CharDataChunk

Uses of CharDataChunk in org.apache.xerces.readers

Fields in org.apache.xerces.readers declared as CharDataChunk
protected  CharDataChunk StreamingCharReader.fCurrentChunk

Uses of CharDataChunk in org.apache.xerces.utils

Methods in org.apache.xerces.utils that return CharDataChunk
static CharDataChunk CharDataChunk.createChunk(StringPool stringPool, CharDataChunk prev)
          Public constructor (factory) If there are any free instances available, remove them from the free list and reinitialize them.
 CharDataChunk CharDataChunk.chunkFor(int offset)
          Return the instance that contains the specified offset.
 CharDataChunk CharDataChunk.nextChunk()
          Get the next chunk.

Methods in org.apache.xerces.utils with parameters of type CharDataChunk
static CharDataChunk CharDataChunk.createChunk(StringPool stringPool, CharDataChunk prev)
          Public constructor (factory) If there are any free instances available, remove them from the free list and reinitialize them.

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