Usage Scenario’s

by means of EWS we wish to implements the following Scenario’s

The idea behind J2EE web service is to introduce a programming model that is similar to the J2EE for java web services. In other words, the deployer will create following files.

  1. SEI (Service endpoint interface)
  2. Implementation bean
  3. ejb-jar.xml file or web.xml file
  4. Webservice.xml file

Then he should package those files in a JAR file/WAR file/ EAR file. The EWS tool should accept this EAR/WAR/JAR file and do the following

Validate the deployment artifacts

The module is check aginest the jsr109 specification requirenment. Please see the requirement for each item of the User Guide Appendix.

Convert the Web services into standard J2EE artifacts

Deployment of each port-component is dependent upon the service implementation and container used. Deployment of a JAX-RPC Service Endpoint requires different handling than deployment of a session bean service.

Deploy and publish the WSDL's

The deployment tool must deploy and publish all the ports of all WSDL documents described in the Web services deployment descriptor. The deployment tool updates or generates the WSDL port address for each deployed port-component. The updated WSDL documents are then published to a location determined by the deployer. It could be as simple as publishing to a file in the modules containing the deployed services, a URL location representing the deployed services of the server, a UDDI or ebXML registry, or a combination of these.

Resolving references to Web services

For each service reference described in the Web services client deployment descriptors, the deployment tool ensures that the client code can access the Web service. The deployment tool examines the information provided in the client deployment descriptor (the Service interface class, the Service Endpoint Interface class, and WSDL ports the client wants to access) as well as the JAX-RPC mapping information. In general the procedure includes providing an implementation of the JAX-RPC Service interface class declared in the deployment descriptor service reference, generating stubs for all the service-endpoint-interface declarations (if generated Stubs are supported and the deployer decides to use them), and binding the Service class implementation into a JNDI namespace.

The specifics depend on whether or not the service is declared as a client managed or container managed access. When client managed port access is used, the deployment tool must provide generated stubs or dynamic proxy access to every port declared within the Web services client deployment descriptor. The choice of generated stub or dynamic proxy is deploy time binding information. The container must provide an implementation for a Generated Service Interface if declared within the deployment descriptor. When container managed port access to a service is used, the container must provide generated stubs or dynamic proxy access to every port declared within the deployment descriptor. The choice of generated stub or dynamic proxy is deploy time binding information. The deployment descriptor may contain a portcomponent- link to associate the reference not only with the Service Endpoint Implementation, but with the WSDL that defines it.

Deployment of generated J2EE artifacts

Once the Web services enabled deployable artifact has been converted into a J2EE deployable artifact, the deployment process continues using normal deployment processes