Validate the deployment artifacts
The deployment tool starts the deployment process by examining the deployable artifact and determining which modules are Web services enabled by looking for a webservices.xml deployment descriptor file contained within the module. Deployment of services occurs before resolution of service references. This is done to allow deployment to update the WSDL port addresses before the service references to them are processed.
Validation of the artifact packaging is performed to ensure that:
- Every port in every WSDL defined in the Web services deployment descriptor has a corresponding port-component element.
- If the Service Implementation Bean is an EJB, the transaction attributes for the methods defined by the SEI do not include Mandatory.
- JAX-RPC service components are only packaged within a WAR file.
- Stateless session bean Web services are only packaged within an EJB-JAR file.
- The WSDL bindings used by the WSDL ports are supported by the Web Services for J2EE runtime. Bindings that are not supported may be declared within the WSDL if no port uses them.