Convert the Web services into standard J2EE artifacts

Web component

If the implementation is a JAX-RPC Service Endpoint, a servlet is generated to handle parsing the incoming SOAP request and dispatch it to an instance of the JAX-RPC service component. The generated servlet class is dependent on threading model of the JAX-RPC Service Endpoint. The web.xml deployment descriptor is updated to replace the JAX-RPC Service Endpoint class with the generated servlet class. If the JAX-RPC Service Endpoint was specified without a corresponding servlet-mapping, the deployment tool generates one. The WSDL port address for the Port component is the combination of the web app context-root and servlet url-pattern.

Stateless Bean Component

If the implementation is a stateless session bean, the deployment tool has a variety of options available to it. In general, the deployment tool generates a servlet to handle parsing the incoming SOAP request; the servlet obtains a reference to an instance of an appropriate EJBObject and dispatches the request to the stateless session EJB. How the request is dispatched to the Service Implementation Bean is dependent on the deployment tool and deploys time binding information supplied by the deployer.