You make the decision.
The title of this essay is called "You make the decision." The point of
this essay is to explore what it is like to develop a web application
using a couple of popular tools that are available today. In order to do
this, examples of using these technologies will be shown. This will give
a nice first person account of what it is like to use these technologies
on a daily basis.
The audience of this document is aimed at the people who are looking for
alternatives to JSP as well as people who are currently using JSP and
JSP based technologies and may not realize that there are other
solutions out there that also address the many issues of developing web
It is possible to navigate through the essay by simply clicking
on the links at the bottom of each page. To return to this page
at any time, click YMTD on the left side navigation.
What are we comparing?
This multi page document will compare usage of Velocity and JSP. In both
cases, we have a framework of reusable code that makes life easier for
building web applications by providing the "Model" and "Controller"
portions of the MVC paradigm (Turbine and Struts). There is also a
template language that provides the "View" portion (JSP and Velocity).
Please note that there are a bazillion different things that could be
compared here. To be clear, we are not really trying to compare the
feature set of each of these technologies as they both can get the job
done. Instead, we are trying to compare what it is like to do the job
with each of the tools.
The design concepts mentioned above that we will be exploring have been
documented in detail in various locations, for more information, please
refer to some of these reference URL's:
We would first like to thank the entire Velocity and Turbine teams for creating such
great products. These groups are a 100% volunteer organization and
some very talented engineers have come together from around the world to
help make these products a reality and a success. They deserve a round
of thanks and appreciation for their hard work and dedication.
Examples, comments as well as the some of the flow of this document has
been borrowed with permission from Jason Hunter, author of the
excellent O'Reilly
Java Servlet Programming, 1st and 2nd Edition book. We do hope that
you purchase his next book when it is released in order to support Java
Servlets as well as Jason for his hard work.
Jason's book includes chapters covering Struts/JSP, Velocity, and other
MVC technologies. We definitely encourage you to read the book to learn
JSP and Velocity and see how they compare. What we do here (that Jason
couldn't do in the book) is put JSP/Struts and Velocity/Turbine on the
same page together for a direct side-by-side comparison.
Revisions / Corrections / Additions
This page tracks the list of changes
in this essay.
It is very important to accurately compare these technologies.
Therefore, a lot of effort has gone into this essay to state things as
fairly and accurately as possible. Therefore, this entire essay is
checked into CVS and it is possible for you to provide feedback, but
also patches that fix any mistakes. In other words, this is a community
driven document. It is currently stored in the CVS tree for the
Velocity project in the xdocs directory.
If there are any changes that need to be made to this document, please
do not hesitate to contact Jon Stevens.
On to the rest of the essay...
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