Velocity Changes
This document tracks the changes in Velocity between releases.
1.2 was released on December 9, 2001.
This section describes changes to the VEL_1_2_BRANCH after the
1.2-rc3 release. 1.2-rc3 was released on November 7, 2001
for a quick community check. It is intended to be the final
rc for the 1.2 release.
Small fix to Velocity.java and VelocityEngine.java for
invokeVelocimacro() - the were broken in the last major
VM change (months ago) and no-one noticed. (gmj)
Added notes re the new no-dep jar. (gmj)
This section describes changes to the VEL_1_2_BRANCH after the
1.2-rc2 release. 1.2-rc2 was released on October 18, 2001
as an administrative fix for 1.2-rc1 (files were damaged.)
Backport the 'disappearing curly' and 'nit' fixes from 1.3 (gmj)
Backport autoreload infinte loop and local-scope
interferance bugs. (gmj )
Backport Texen patches from Stephane Bailliez and follow-on
fixes from jvz and dlr. (gmj)
Changed build targets to not include external dependencies in
velocity jars by default. (gmj)
This section describes changes to the VEL_1_2_BRANCH after the
1.2-rc1 release.
Fix to LogSystem. ORed when I should have ANDed. Reported
by Matt Gould (mpg@mpgsoftware.com). (gmj)
Documentation patch for 'getting started', reported by
Yuji Kumasaka (kumasaka@mms.intec.co.jp) (gmj)
Changed AnakiaTask to not specify Xerces, but let JDOM find
a parser. (gmj)
Change reported in bug #4256 by Jim Mackraz (jim@mackraz.com)
reviewd and fixed by DLR. (gmj)
This section describes changes to the main branch after the 1.1 release.
This was then branched as VEL_1_2_BRANCH in CVS and released as v1.2-rc1
on September 26, 2001.
Fix to AbstractContext to 'roll forward' EventCartridges to ensure that
the last one added is available at render time. (gmj)
Small changes to developer docs re jar-src target and docs target. (gmj)
Small changes to AND and OR nodes to support the legal but wacky use like
#set( $foo = ($woog || $bar ) ). (gmj)
Major change to Parser char stream - no longer using the stock, javacc generated
ASCII 8-bit char stream but rather a Unicode 'custom' char stream. This solves
the problems reported with 16 bit characters that unluckily have a 0a or 0d in the
low-order byte. (gmj)
Added additional templates to encoding test using contributions from
Ilkka Priha, Michael Zhou and Vitaly Repetenko. Thanks guys! (gmj)
Update from Russel Edens to clear fileWriter cache for Texen's
Generator.java. (JSS)
Fix to VM system to prevent dumping of VM namespace when using
namespaces (in local.scope). (gmj)
Fix to VM system to have correct 'schmoo'
output of a non-reference passed as arg to VM. Thanks to DLR
and Paulo for flogging this out of me :) (gmj)
Updates to StringUtils from Robert Burrell Donkin. (gmj)
Added MIE propogation from #parse() and VMs to propogate out. Thanks
to Michael Salmon for pointing this out. (gmj)
Added logging interface to Velocity class for completeness. (gmj)
Patch by Michael Salmon to WebMacro converter tool to let arbitrary
set of files be converted. (gmj)
TokenManagerError now thrown as ParserException to allow catching
at application level. (Suggested by Tim Joyce.) (gmj)
Small parser fix to get ObjectArrray and IntegerRange handling right
everywhere. (gmj)
Speed optimzations for test provider. (dlr)
Enhancement to MIE message suggested by Conor MacNeill to make interpretation
of exception more useful when debugging. (gmj)
Small fix to #parse() and #include()
such that when the template/resource was not file based
but stream based, there was no 'parent template' encoding to use
for decoding the arg to #parse/#include. Runtime default is used.
Thanks to Dan Finkelstein for finding this bug. (gmj)
Fix to problem reported by Andreas Wikberger (and patch too!) where
two loads were required to have template refresh after change when
time-based caching was enabled. (gmj)
Updated log4j adapter to be compatible with 1.1.x and updated
jars in build/lib to match. (gmj)
Changed VMFactory to not output scary messages when library is
not found or empty string. Suggested by Tal Dayan. (gmj)
Added auto alternator functionality to VelocityFormatter. (dlr)
Modified Velocity to support separate runtime instances and
added application support class o.a.v.app.VelocityEngine (gmj)
Updated junit to v3.7 in build/lib (gmj)
Checked in patches from Attila Szegedi which improves the XPath
support in Anakia. These are fully backwards compatible with
previous versions. (jss)
Fixed the build/test.sh convenience script to use Ant. (jss)
Intrspector fix using contributions from Attila Szegedi
(szegedia@freemail.hu) - removes problems associated with
access to inner classes and public interfaces on default
or private facades. (gmj)
Added new autoreload feature for VM system - VM global libraries
will be automatically reloaded on use. See 'Configuration' section
of developers guide for more info. (gmj)
Logging changes : moved prefix out of RuntimeInstance into logger
impl to support better log4j users who don't need it. Changed
ExternalLoggerTest to support that as well as sep runtime instance.
Needed to support log4j adapter contrib from Jeroen C. van Gelderen.
Also, LogSystem.init() now can throw an Exception. (gmj)
Also added AvalonLogSystem switch to allow user to simply
specify by name a logger from the existing hierarchy. Thanks to
Carsten Ziegeler. (gmj)
Texen enhancement - allow to use template resources from
a jar. (jvz)
Allow proper propagation of VelocityExceptions (RNFE, PEE, and MIE)
from #parse() and #include(), where appropriate. (gmj)
Bug fix to allow formal reference to be passed into VMs. (gmj)
Revamping of Introspector to allow dump of cache
when classloader change is detected, by Attila Szegedi
and Paulo Gaspar. (gmj)
Added testcase to verify introspection cache dumped when
classloader changed. (gmj)
Added PrimordialLogSystem and changed RuntimeInstance to use it. (gmj)
Minor fixes to ASTRefernce presentation. (gmj)
Texen enhancement - allow multiple properties files to be specified. (jvz)
This section describes changes to the VEL_1_1_BRANCH after the
1.1-rc2 release. This was released as v1.1 on June 16, 2001.
Update from Russel Edens to clear fileWriter cache for Texen's
Generator.java. (JSS)
This section describes changes to VEL_1_1_BRANCH after the 1.1-rc1
release. This was released as v1.1-rc2 on June 2, 2001.
Fix to AbstractContext to 'roll forward' EventCartridges to ensure that
the last one added is available at render time. (gmj)
Small changes to developer docs re jar-src target and docs target. (gmj)
Small changes to AND and OR nodes to support the legal but wacky use like
#set( $foo = ($woog || $bar ) ). (gmj)
Major change to Parser char stream - no longer using the stock, javacc generated
ASCII 8-bit char stream but rather a Unicode 'custom' char stream. This solves
the problems reported with 16 bit characters that unluckily have a 0a or 0d in the
low-order byte. (gmj)
Added additional templates to encoding test using contributions from
Ilkka Priha, Michael Zhou and Vitaly Repetenko. Thanks guys! (gmj)
This section describes changes to the main branch after the 1.0.1 release.
This was then branched as VEL_1_1_BRANCH in CVS and released as v1.1-rc1 on May 20, 2001.
Removed build.sh and build.bat scripts in favor of making people "install" Ant.
Added Kent's, others and my changes to VelocityServlet. Fundamental change is changing
handleRequest() to take a req, resp and ctx args, as well as making returning
null permissible to indicate that request is taken care of. (gmj)
Added support for alternate encoding for templates (input sources). It is now
controllable by two properties (input and output), and tested with UTF-8.
UTF-8 rocks. Why are there others? :) Also added testcase. (gmj)
Fixed problem where MethodInvocationExceptions were not correctly generated for
method exceptions in a few places. All seems to work now. (gmj)
Added fix from Charles Bennet for build.xml to include all necessary parts in classpath
for building examples. (gmj)
Performance improvment additions for the AST, the majority from Kent Johnson, plus
his suggestions for Configuration and ResourceManager (gmj)
More MethodInvocationExceptions fun : the LHS of a #set() could throw
an Exception, and we wouldn't propogate it. (gmj)
EventCartridge support. See docs :) (gmj)
Documentation : basic EventCartridge description. (gmj)
Added request specific encoding specification for templates. (gmj)
Additions from Tim Joyce for more Method Exception propogation
and exception event handling. (gmj)
Performance patches from Kaspar Nielsen for ASTDirective and Include. (gmj)
Texen patch from Robert Burrell Donkin which makes Texen throw all exceptions
rather than eating them, and some javadoc. (gmj)
Fix for the much acclaimed and dreaded #$foo, $$foo #$#$foofoo, etc bug. (gmj)
Added some autoconfigure support for the servlet example to hele
users new to Servlets, and added a little README to help then find
Tomcat and setup a webapp. (gmj)
Removed the .close() of the output stream in VelocityServlet
and symmetrized VelocityWriter recycle. (gmj)
Converted from using the Velocity Configuration class (now deprecated) to
the Jakarta Commons collections component's ExtendedProperties class.
(Which came from Velocity and was renamed.) Should result in no changes
other than deprecation of Configuration and one deprecated method in
o.a.v.app.Velocity. (gmj)
Removed build/build.sh and build/build.bat and build/lib/ant*.jar to
move to explicit Ant-based build. (jss)
Changed JarResourceLoader to use normal 'path' configuration key
and added jar test to MultiLoaderTestCase. (gmj)
Updated the regexp in the WM conversion tool. (dlr)
Added EventHandler test case and example, and
removed NullReferenceEventHandler
as redundant. (gmj)
Moved all event-realated things to o.a.v.app.event package,
updated all things that depend upon it,
and modified the context stuff to support a public event
interface. Also renamed the null set method to something
more appropos, and added arg to method. (gmj)
Added switch to turn off 'resource found' messages in
ResourceManager. Default is on. Key is
'resource.manager.logwhenfound'. (gmj)
Released as v1.0.1-rc1 on April 10, 2001.
No changes following rc1. Released as v1.0.1 on April 22, 2001.
Small fix to ASTGENode.java to catch NPE if LHS or RHS is null or not
int or Integer. (gmj)
Added examples-clean-forumdemo target to build.xml for cleaning up
after building the forumdemo. (JSS)
Small fix to ASTAndNode.java to short circuit if LHS is false, and to
log an error of LHS or RHS is null. (gmj)
Small fix to ASTGTNode.jave to catch NPE if LHS or RHS is null. (gmj)
Documentation : changed license instructions in coding-standards.xml (gmj)
Added 'throws Exception' to handleRequest() in VelocityServlet.java
(suggestion from Christoph Reck) (gmj)
Updates to README.txt and examples/README.txt as suggested by Kent Johnson (gmj)
Added Enumerator as a valid iteration type for #foreach() - added warnings
to use of same to documentation. (gmj)
Added panic sqawk in AvalonLogSystem() to also go to stderr. (gmj)
Finished all comparison nodes (NPE prevention and good logging) and
enhanced logical.vm test template to try them all. (gmj)
Added xmlapp_example to examples, and added to examples build target.
Was moved from whiteboard. (gmj)
Released as version 1.0 on April 2, 2001
Documentation: Fix the VTL Reference guide for the #if
statement. Thanks to Joaquim Carvalho for the find. (JSS)
Documentation: Fixed the html in the user guide that generates
the TOC so that the numbers come out in proper order. (JSS)
Added common base class for application-level exceptions in package
org.apache.velocity.exception. Thanks to Kyle Downey for the
suggestion. (gmj)
Added javadoc to o.a.v.context.AbstractContext clarifying which
of the internalXXX methods are required. Thanks to
Joshua Levy for the suggestion. (gmj)
Added license and javadoc to examples/context_example/DBContext.java
to clarify why some internalXXX methods are stubbed out. (gmj)
Documentation : Clarification of VM properties and added note on
VM declaration / usage order in user guide. (gmj)
Fixed HttpServletRequestWrap.java - getInputStream() wasn't calling
the method on the wrapped HttpServletRequest. Thanks to
Shahar Solomianik. (gmj)
Removed build.compiler from the build.xml file. (JSS)
Fixed problem found by jon where high concurrency would lead to
a dry parser pool, which would lead to vast unpleasantness masked
as resource access errors. All seems to be better now. Simple
fix, so little risk. (gmj)
parser.pool.size as a configuration parameter to
help tune Velocity configurations for high concurrency loads. (gmj)
Documentation : developers-guide - information/example on making a
custom logger, and start of work on documenting resource loaders. (gmj)
Removed some debugging gibberish from
InternalContextAdapterImpl.java (gmj)
Committed John McNally's Texen patch to texen's Generator.java
to keep from accumulating introspection cache data in iterative
calls to parse() with template caching off. (gmj)
Documentation : added some special-case Context information and a
secion on Vel and XML in the developers guide. (gmj)
Released as version 1.0 beta 2 on March 26, 2001
Make the distribution have CRLF for all of the text files (JSS).
Fixed release packaging to create things in the right directory
structure (JSS).
Re-added 'include' support for Configuration. (JVZ)
Fixed VMProxy bug when reference arg was null. (#1074) (gmj)
Fixed nullpointer problem in cache refresh in ResourceManager
(reported by Ilkka Priha) (gmj)
VelocityServlet now respects the 'default.contentType'
property again. That must have fallen out during the 'request
process' rework in VelServlet. (reported by csterg@aias.gr) (gmj)
Changed AnakiaTask and TexenTask to use the canonical
template file path rather than the literal string specified.
Motivated for ease of gump-tion. Also added
failonerror to the testcases.xml for the same reason. (gmj)
Added Sam's suggestion for normalizing \n[\r] when comparing
results to expected results in the testbed via BaseTestCase (gmj)
Qualified import statments in Generator.java. Added tests for
automatic boolean mapping in TexenTestCase.java. Added default
boolean mapping to texen for properties used with the
contextProperties option. Allow variants on boolean values in
Configuration.java, and changes to relevant templates in testbed.
Added default objects to context in TexenTask.java. (JVZ)
Documentation changes to Configuration.java (DLR)
Augmented the MethodInvocationException message in ASTMethod to
make the stacktraces more useful - noted from some traffic on
Turbine list. (gmj)
Added powered by logo. Look in
xdocs/images/powered-by-logo.psd/.gif (JSS)
Changed the internals of the Configuration class so that
setProperty(K,V) will replace the value at K with V;
addProperty(K,V) works the way setProperty(K,V) used
to: if there is a value already stored at K then
V is added to the vector. If nothing is being stored
at K then the scalar V is simply added. setProperty(K,V)
is basically a short form for clearProperty(K)/addProperty(K,V).
Also added setConfiguration(C), so that an application using
velocity could easily take a subset of the application
configuration using C.subset(velocityProps) and set the
whole velocity configuration at once. This is now how
the velocity service works in Turbine. (JVZ)
Added support to the Runtime/Velocity classes for
addProperty(K,V). (JVZ)
Added support to Runtime/Velocity classes for setConfiguration.
Confirmed that the build.bat works on Win98 as well as made the
classpath that the build.bat generates equal to the one that
build.sh generates. (JSS)