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Popup Link
Creates a <a> popup link to launch a target window using the javascript window.open(URL, windowName, windowFeatures) function.
See Also
ExternalLink, PageLink
Name Type Direction Required Default Description
url String in yes   The URL of the window to open.
windowName String in no popuplink_window The name of the target window.
features String in no   The JavaScript features of the target window. These features should be specified as a comma delimited string with the required feature as [feature name]=yes. JavaScript 1.1 features include:

height, location, menubar, resizable, scrollbars, status, toolbar, width

height int in no 0 The height the target window is resized to. If the height is 0 and the width is 0 the window is not resized.
width int in no 0 The width the target window is resized to. If the width is 0 and the height is 0 the window is not resized.

Body: rendered
Informal parameters:allowed
Reserved parameters: none


This example provides a context help popup link for an account number field.

Account Number: Help

 <td> Account Number: </td>
 <td> <input jwcid="accountField"/> </td>
 <td> <a jwcid="helpLink">Help</a> </td>

<component id="accountField" type="TextField">
   <binding name="value" expression='visit.accountNumber'/>

<component id="helpLink" type="contrib:PopupLink">
   <binding name="url" expression='"help/account-number-help.html"'/>
   <binding name="height" expression="600"/>
   <binding name="width" expression="300"/>
   <binding name="features" expression='"top=200,left=200,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"'/>

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