Tapestry Component Reference

Framework Library

ActionLink   DirectLink   Hidden   PageLink   Select
Any   ExceptionDisplay   Image   PropertySelection   ServiceLink
Block   ExternalLink   ImageSubmit   Radio   Shell
Body   FieldLabel   Insert   RadioGroup   Submit
Button   Foreach   InsertText   RenderBlock   TextArea
Checkbox   Form   InspectorButton   RenderBody   TextField
Conditional   Frame   ListEdit   Rollover   Upload
DatePicker   GenericLink   Option   Script   ValidField

Contrib Library

DateField   NumericField   SimpleTableColumnComponent   TablePages   TableView
InheritInformalAny   Pallete   Table   TableRows   ValidatingTextField
MultiplePropertySelection   PopupLink   TableColumns   TableValues  

Components either allow or forbid informal parameters. If allowed, informal parameters are added as HTML attributes, along with any attributes directly generated by the component. Informal parameters whose names conflict with either formal parameters or reserved parameters are quietly dropped (and the comparison is caseless).

Informal parameters allow exact control over the HTML generated by a component. They may be provided in the page or component specification, or in the HTML template itself.

Components either render a body or remove it. If a component renders its body, the body (the HTML elements and components its HTML tag wraps around) will be rendered, along with any HTML generated by the component itself. If a component removes its body, then the HTML it wraps around will be ignored (and an error is generated if the component wraps around another component).

Most components remove their body; placing HTML within the component's tags is a convienience for WYSIWYG editting of the HTML template.

See Also