Package org.apache.struts.upload

Interface Summary
FormFile This interface is used to define a file uploaded by a client.
MultipartRequestHandler MultipartRequestHandler provides an standard interface for struts to deal with file uploads from forms with enctypes of "multipart/form-data".

Class Summary
BufferedMultipartInputStream This class implements buffering for an InputStream as well as a readLine method.
DiskMultipartRequestHandler This is a MultipartRequestHandler that writes file data directly to to temporary files on disk.
MultipartElement This class represents an element in a multipart request.
MultipartIterator The MultipartIterator class is responsible for reading the input data of a multipart request and splitting it up into input elements, wrapped inside of a MultipartElement for easy definition.
MultipartRequestWrapper This class functions as a wrapper around HttpServletRequest to provide working getParameter methods for multipart requests.
MultipartValueStream This class implements an inputStream that reads another stream until a multipart boundary is found.

Exception Summary
ContentLengthExceededException This exception is thrown when multipart post data exceeds the value given by the Content-Length header
MaxLengthExceededException This exception is thrown when multipart post data exceeds the maximum value set

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