Class MultipartIterator


public class MultipartIterator
extends java.lang.Object

The MultipartIterator class is responsible for reading the input data of a multipart request and splitting it up into input elements, wrapped inside of a MultipartElement for easy definition. To use this class, create a new instance of MultipartIterator passing it a HttpServletRequest in the constructor. Then use the getNextElement method until it returns null, then you're finished. Example:

      MultipartIterator iterator = new MultipartIterator(request);
      MultipartElement element;
      while ((element = iterator.getNextElement()) != null) {
           //do something with element

Mike Schachter
See Also:

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String boundary
          The boundary for this multipart request
protected  byte[] boundaryBytes
          The byte array representing the boundary for this multipart request
protected  int bufferSize
          The amount of data read from a request at a time.
protected  int contentLength
          The content length of this request
protected  boolean contentRead
          Whether or not the input stream is finished
protected  int diskBufferSize
          The size in bytes written to the filesystem at a time [20K]
protected  BufferedMultipartInputStream inputStream
          The input stream instance for this class
static int MAX_LINE_SIZE
          The maximum size in bytes of the buffer used to read lines [4K]
protected  long maxSize
          The maximum file size in bytes allowed.
protected  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request
          The request instance for this class
protected  java.lang.String tempDir
          The temporary directory to store files
protected  long totalLength
          The total bytes read from this request
Constructor Summary
MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Constructs a MultipartIterator with a default buffer size and no file size limit
MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, int bufferSize)
          Constructs a MultipartIterator with the specified buffer size and no file size limit
MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, int bufferSize, long maxSize)
          Constructs a MultipartIterator with the specified buffer size and the specified file size limit in bytes
MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, int bufferSize, long maxSize, java.lang.String tempDir)
Method Summary
protected createLocalFile()
          Creates a file on disk from the current mulitpart element
static boolean equals(byte[] comp, int offset, int length, byte[] source)
          Checks bytes for equality.
 int getBufferSize()
          Get the maximum amount of bytes read from a line at one time
 long getMaxSize()
          Get the maximum post data size allowed for a multipart request
 MultipartElement getNextElement()
          Retrieves the next element in the iterator if one exists.
static java.lang.String parseBoundary(java.lang.String contentType)
          Parses a content-type String for the boundary.
static java.lang.String parseContentType(java.lang.String contentTypeString)
          Parses the "Content-Type" line of a multipart form for a content type
static java.lang.String parseDispositionFilename(java.lang.String dispositionString)
          Retrieves the "filename" attribute from a content disposition line
static java.lang.String parseDispositionName(java.lang.String dispositionString)
          Retrieves the "name" attribute from a content disposition line
static java.lang.String parseForAttribute(java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String parseString)
          Parses a string looking for a attribute-value pair, and returns the value.
protected  void parseRequest()
          Handles retrieving the boundary and setting the input stream
protected  java.lang.String readLine()
          Reads the input stream until it reaches a new line
 void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
          Set the maximum amount of bytes read from a line at one time
 void setMaxSize(long maxSize)
          Set the maximum post data size allowed for a multipart request
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int MAX_LINE_SIZE
The maximum size in bytes of the buffer used to read lines [4K]


protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request
The request instance for this class


protected BufferedMultipartInputStream inputStream
The input stream instance for this class


protected java.lang.String boundary
The boundary for this multipart request


protected byte[] boundaryBytes
The byte array representing the boundary for this multipart request


protected boolean contentRead
Whether or not the input stream is finished


protected long maxSize
The maximum file size in bytes allowed. Ignored if -1


protected long totalLength
The total bytes read from this request


protected int contentLength
The content length of this request


protected int diskBufferSize
The size in bytes written to the filesystem at a time [20K]


protected int bufferSize
The amount of data read from a request at a time. This also represents the maximum size in bytes of a line read from the request [4KB]


protected java.lang.String tempDir
The temporary directory to store files
Constructor Detail


public MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Constructs a MultipartIterator with a default buffer size and no file size limit
request - The multipart request to iterate


public MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                         int bufferSize)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Constructs a MultipartIterator with the specified buffer size and no file size limit
request - The multipart request to iterate
bufferSize - The size in bytes that should be read from the input stream at a times


public MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                         int bufferSize,
                         long maxSize)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Constructs a MultipartIterator with the specified buffer size and the specified file size limit in bytes
request - The multipart request to iterate
bufferSize - The size in bytes that should be read from the input stream at a times
maxSize - The maximum size in bytes allowed for a multipart element's data


public MultipartIterator(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                         int bufferSize,
                         long maxSize,
                         java.lang.String tempDir)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Method Detail


public MultipartElement getNextElement()
                                throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
Retrieves the next element in the iterator if one exists.
a MultipartElement representing the next element in the request data
a - ServletException if the post size exceeds the maximum file size passed in the 3 argument constructor
an - UnsupportedEncodingException if the "ISO-8859-1" encoding isn't found


public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
Set the maximum amount of bytes read from a line at one time
See Also:
ServletInputStream.readLine(byte[], int, int)


public int getBufferSize()
Get the maximum amount of bytes read from a line at one time
See Also:
ServletInputStream.readLine(byte[], int, int)


public void setMaxSize(long maxSize)
Set the maximum post data size allowed for a multipart request
maxSize - The maximum post data size in bytes, set to -1 for no limit


public long getMaxSize()
Get the maximum post data size allowed for a multipart request
The maximum post data size in bytes


protected void parseRequest()
                     throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Handles retrieving the boundary and setting the input stream


public static java.lang.String parseBoundary(java.lang.String contentType)
Parses a content-type String for the boundary. Appends a "--" to the beginning of the boundary, because thats the real boundary as opposed to the shortened one in the content type.


public static java.lang.String parseContentType(java.lang.String contentTypeString)
Parses the "Content-Type" line of a multipart form for a content type
contentTypeString - A String reprsenting the Content-Type line, with a trailing "\n"
The content type specified, or null if one can't be found.


public static java.lang.String parseDispositionName(java.lang.String dispositionString)
Retrieves the "name" attribute from a content disposition line
dispositionString - The entire "Content-disposition" string
null if no name could be found, otherwise, returns the name
See Also:
parseForAttribute(String, String)


public static java.lang.String parseDispositionFilename(java.lang.String dispositionString)
Retrieves the "filename" attribute from a content disposition line
dispositionString - The entire "Content-disposition" string
null if no filename could be found, otherwise, returns the filename
See Also:
parseForAttribute(String, String)


public static java.lang.String parseForAttribute(java.lang.String attribute,
                                                 java.lang.String parseString)
Parses a string looking for a attribute-value pair, and returns the value. For example:
      String parseString = "Content-Disposition: filename=\"bob\" name=\"jack\"";
      MultipartIterator.parseForAttribute(parseString, "name");
That will return "bob".
attribute - The name of the attribute you're trying to get
parseString - The string to retrieve the value from
The value of the attribute, or null if none could be found


protected java.lang.String readLine()
                             throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
Reads the input stream until it reaches a new line


protected createLocalFile()
Creates a file on disk from the current mulitpart element
fileName - the name of the multipart file


public static boolean equals(byte[] comp,
                             int offset,
                             int length,
                             byte[] source)
Checks bytes for equality. Two byte arrays are equal if each of their elements are the same. This method checks comp[offset] with source[0] to source[length-1] with comp[offset + length - 1]
comp - The byte to compare to source
offset - The offset to start at in comp
length - The length of comp to compare to
source - The reference byte to test for equality

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