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Downloading A Release Build

When downloading a release build, there are three kinds of builds that you can download:

  • Full WAR - Gives you the entire Web Application including all documentation and javadocs.
  • WAR - Gives you the Web Application and documentation minus the javadocs.
  • Source - Gives you the source code and resources. You will need to build Jetspeed yourself.
The WAR and Full WAR downloads do not require for you to build Jetspeed. The Web Application is ready to deploy to your application server in a Web Archive (WAR) format.

Release 1.4b4 (Latest) - April 25, 2003 Download From:
Jetspeed Release 1.4b4 - Standard WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.4b4 - Full WAR and Source

Release 1.4b3 - December 15, 2002 Download From:
Jetspeed Release 1.4b3 - Standard WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.4b3 - Full WAR and Source

Release 1.4b2 - December 9, 2002 Download From:
Jetspeed Release 1.4b2 - Standard WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.4b2 - Source Only

Release 1.4b1 Download From:
Jetspeed Release 1.4b1 - Full WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.4b1 - Standard WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.4b1 - Source Only

Release 1.3a2 Download From:
Jetspeed Release 1.3a2 - Full WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.3a2 - Standard WAR
Jetspeed Release 1.3a2 - Source Only

Downloading A Nightly Build

The Jetspeed Nightly Builds are automatically updated from CVS every night on the Jakarta server. Each zip file is a snapshot of the entire CVS at the end of the given day. You will need to build Jetspeed from the nightly snapshots. The last seven builds are available for download in both GZIP and ZIP formats. The last seven builds are available from here: Nightly Builds

Checkout from CVS

The best way to get the latest Jetspeed source is to checkout directly from CVS. Follow the Jakarta CVS instructions available here and checkout the jakarta-jetspeed module.

cvs -d login password: anoncvs
cvs -d checkout jakarta-jetspeed

To check for a particular date, use the -D option:

cvs -d checkout -D 2002-06-04 jakarta-jetspeed


This installation procedure covers installing Jetspeed as a J2EE Web Application. Installing a Web application is simple. With Web apps, the entire application can be contained in a single archive file and deployed by placing the file into a specific directory.

Here are the complete steps for downloading Jetspeed, building it, and then installing the default Web Application.

  • 1. Download or Checkout Jetspeed as described in one of the three sections above.

  • 2. Build Jetspeed - Skip this step if you downloaded a WAR release version of Jetspeed.
    • cd <jetspeedRoot>/build
    • [Win32/DOS] .\build war
    • [Win32/cygnus] bash war
    • [unix] ./ war

  • 3. Download Tomcat or another standard 2.2 or 2.3 compatible Servlet Container. We use Jakarta Tomcat in the examples here.

  • 4. Install the Tomcat distribution - Follow the instructions at the Tomcat site.

  • 5. Copy the Jetspeed WAR file to the Tomcat webapps directory
    • [Win32] copy <jetspeedRoot>\bin\jetspeed.war <tomcat_home>\webapps\
    • [Unix] cp <jetspeedRoot>/bin/jetspeed.war <tomcat_home>/webapps/

  • 6. Start Tomcat
    • [Win32] <tomcat_home>\bin\startup.bat
    • [Unix] <tomcat_home>/bin/

  • 7. Connect to Jetspeed

  • 7a. When signing up a new user in Jetspeed, the registration process includes a step where an email is sent to the new user. In order for this process to work on Windows NT or 2000, you will need to have a local SMTP server running. The Apaches James Mail Enterprise Server is available from:

Database Configuration

The default Jetspeed deployment uses its own security model to authorize users and persist minimal user information. Turbine security should work with any JDBC 2.0 compliant driver. The following databases are tested:

  • Hypersonic SQL
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • Sybase
  • SQL Server

Jetspeed is distributed with a populated Hypersonic-SQL database. This database is selected as the default database in the file. To configure Jetspeed with a different database, modify the file. Here is an example for MySQL:

  • torque.database.default.adapter=mysql
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jetspeed
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = root
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =

Another example for Oracle:

  • torque.database.default.adapter=oracle
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:1521:<sid>
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = <username>
  • torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = <password>

You will need to replace:

<host> the host of the Oracle instance, such as localhost
<sid> the name of Oracle database sid at the host
<username> the oracle user(schema) name

The file can be found in /webapp/WEB-INF/conf.

The database scripts for setting up the database are included with the source code distribution, under the src/sql/external folder. Run the appropriate script, such as turbine-db2.sql for DB2, to create the database tables. This step is not necessary with Hypersonic SQL.

To populate the database, scripts are provided: /src/sql/external/populate*.sql. Only run the statements for your specific database as commented.

The script will create two database users:

  • Login: turbine Password: turbine
  • Login: admin Password: jetspeed

PSML Database

If you would also like to store your PSML resources in the database, see the instructions here.

Servlet Container Notes
Orion Application Server
  • You may need to alter the url-pattern to /portal, from /portal/*, in Jetspeed's web.xml. This was report by user of Orion Application Server v1.5.2. See the Jetspeed Developer mailing list for more information.

Tomcat v3.3.1

Jetspeed works "out of the box"

Tomcat v4.0.3 and v4.0.4

Due to classloader problems involving the XML parser, Tomcat 4.1.x is suggested.

  • Copy xerces.jar from common/lib to lib. Webapps that requires xerces must provide their own copy, like Jetspeed.

Tomcat v4.1.12, v4.1.16

Jetspeed works "out of the box"

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