




Get Involved

Mailing List
Question Answer
How do I join the Jetspeed mailing list? The instructions for joining the Jetspeed mailing list can be found at the Java Apache Mail Lists Site
Where do I go to search the Jetspeed mailing list? Jetspeed User
Jetspeed Developer
Mailing List Archives Prior to March 1, 2001

WAP Support
Question Answer
What kind of WAP devices are supported by Jetspeed? See the WAP Component page

Database Support
Question Answer
What databases does Jetspeed support? Jetspeed should work with any JDBC 2.0 complaint driver. The following databases have been tested:
  • DB2
  • Hypersonic SQL
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Postgres
  • Sybase
Scripts for setting up the database are included with the source code distribution, under the src/sql/external folder. To change the database connection, you will also need to update the database connection settings in The war file installation automatically configures Hypersonic SQL as the default database.

Firewall Problems
Question Answer
How do you configure Jetspeed to run behind a firewall/proxy?


What can cause the


for, or other external web sites?

If you have a proxy, set the servlet engine JVM system properties for using a proxy to:

java -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxyHost> -DproxyPort=<proxyPort> <servlet engine>

For Tomcat you can set TOMCAT_OPTS (CATALINA_OPTS in Tomcat 4):

  • Windows:
    set TOMCAT_OPTS=-DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxyHost> -DproxyPort=<proxyPort>
  • Unix:
    export TOMCAT_OPTS="-DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxyHost> -DproxyPort=<proxyPort>"
  • Excludes
    To exclude servers from being proxied, list them under the http.nonProxyHosts parameter separated by "|" delimiter:

OK, I think I configured Jetspeed to run behind a firewall/proxy but the URLs still are not being loaded. Look in the file WEB-INF\conf\ If there is an entry for the URL in this file, remove it and try again.

Jetspeed Versions
Question Answer
Which version of Jetspeed should I use ? We do not recommend that you use the 1.1 or 1.2b1 releases as these are not supported anymore. You should use the latest 1.4 beta release available which provides many improvements over the previous 1.3, 1.2 or 1.1 releases.

New User Confirmation
Question Answer
After adding a new user, I come to a screen asking me to enter a secret key. But I never receive an email with the confirmation key, and I entered a valid email address. What can I do next? When signing up a new user in Jetspeed, the registration process includes a step where an email is sent to the new user. In order for this process to work on Windows NT or 2000, you will need to have a local SMTP server running.

The Apaches James Mail Enterprise Server is available from:

The mail host settings will need to be modified:


Here are the settings necessary to work with a Apache James Mail Server running on the localhost:

mail.server=localhost Postmaster registration

This Confirmation E-mail is an optional feature. To disable it, use the setting:

Error Log
Question Answer
Where can I find the Jetspeed error log? <tomcat_home>/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/log/jetspeed.log

SSL and Jetspeed
Question Answer
I need to ensure that Logging in uses SSL. Does jetspeed login use SSL currently? If not how do I go about changing it so that it does? You have to configure your webapp server to allow SSL only. Add a dispatcher (uncomment and edit) in conf/server.xml and generate the key, as shown at those links.
Tomcat 4 : Catalina 4.0 SSL Docs
Tomcat 3 : Tomcat 3.3 SSL Docs

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