Portlet API 2

Interface User

public interface User

The User interface is an abstract view on the user-specific data. Apart from a set of pre-defined, fixed set of attributes, the interface gives access to dynamic data as well.

To enable a portlet to access dynamic data, the naming conventions of the portlet container have to be propagated to the portlet. It is recommended to do so through the portlet configuration. For example, if the portlet wants to access an "address" attribute, it should query its configuration for the dynamic data name of the "address" attribute for this particular installation. If no such

This interface has to be properly thought through. What are the the essential attributes? Should some be fixed (ie. the essentials) or all be dynamic?

Method Summary
 DynamicData getData()
          Returns the dynamic data of this user profile.
 String getFamilyName()
          Returns the family (aka last) name of the user.
 String getGivenName()
          Returns the given (aka first) name of the user.
 String getID()
          Returns the user id.
 long getLastLoginTime()
          Returns the point of time that this was last logged in, or null if this information is not available.
 String getMiddleNames()
          Returns the middle names of the user.
 String getNickName()
          Returns the nick name of the user.

Method Detail


public String getID()
Returns the user id.
the user id


public String getGivenName()
Returns the given (aka first) name of the user.
the given name


public String getMiddleNames()
Returns the middle names of the user.
the middle names


public String getFamilyName()
Returns the family (aka last) name of the user.
the family name


public String getNickName()
Returns the nick name of the user.
the nick name


public long getLastLoginTime()
Returns the point of time that this was last logged in, or null if this information is not available. The time is returned in number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT.
the last login time


public DynamicData getData()
Returns the dynamic data of this user profile.
the dynamic data

Portlet API 2