Portlet API 2

Interface PortletWindow

public interface PortletWindow

The PortletWindow represents the window that encloses a portlet. The portlet window can send events on manipulation of its various window controls, like the "minimize" or "close" buttons. But a portlet also interrogate the portlet window about its current visibility state. For example, a portlet may render its content differently depending on whether its window is maximized or not.

Method Summary
 void addWindowListener(WindowListener listener)
          Adds the given listener to receive window events from this portlet window.
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently closed.
 boolean isDetached()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently detached.
 boolean isMaximized()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently maximized.
 boolean isMinimized()
          Returns whether this portlet window is currently minimized.
 void removeWindowListener(WindowListener listener)
          Removes the given listener from receiving window events from this portlet window.
 void setClosed(boolean aFlag)
          Sets this window to be closed.
 void setDetached(boolean aFlag)
          Sets this window to be detached.
 void setMaximized(boolean aFlag)
          Sets this window to be maximized.
 void setMinimized(boolean aFlag)
          Sets this window to be minimized.
 void setTitle(PortletTitle title)
          Sets the given title to be the title of this window.

Method Detail


public void addWindowListener(WindowListener listener)
Adds the given listener to receive window events from this portlet window.

If the given listener is null, this method does nothing.

listener - the listener to be added


public void removeWindowListener(WindowListener listener)
Removes the given listener from receiving window events from this portlet window.

If the given listener is null, this method does nothing.

listener - the listener to be removed


public void setTitle(PortletTitle title)
Sets the given title to be the title of this window. This method should only be called if a dynamic title is required. Otherwise, the portlet container uses the title from the portlet configuration.
title - the portlet title


public boolean isDetached()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently detached.
true if this window is detached,
false otherwise


public boolean isMaximized()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently maximized.
true if this window is maximized,
false otherwise


public boolean isMinimized()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently minimized.
true if this window is minimized,
false otherwise


public boolean isClosed()
Returns whether this portlet window is currently closed.
true if this window is closed,
false otherwise


public void setDetached(boolean aFlag)
Sets this window to be detached. If the portlet container does not support detachable portlet windows, this method does nothing.
aFlag - a flag whether or not to detach this window


public void setMinimized(boolean aFlag)
Sets this window to be minimized. If the portlet container does not support minimizable portlet windows, this method does nothing.
aFlag - a flag whether or not to minimize this window


public void setMaximized(boolean aFlag)
Sets this window to be maximized. If the portlet container does not support maximizable portlet windows, this method does nothing.
aFlag - a flag whether or not to maximize this window


public void setClosed(boolean aFlag)
Sets this window to be closed. If the portlet container does not support closable portlet windows, this method does nothing.
true if this window is closed,
false otherwise

Portlet API 2