Html5 Support for Apache MyFaces

Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

HTML5 Html Comp Lib. - version 1.1.7

HTML5 Html component library for MyFaces.

Namespace definition: xmlns:hx=""


  • audio Component that represents HTML5 audio element
  • dataList Suggestions provider component for input components
  • div Component that supports new functionality like Html5 DnD
  • inputColor Convenience component that targets HTML5 color input
  • inputDateTime Convenience component for Html5 date like inputs
  • inputEmail Convenience component that targets HTML5 email input
  • inputNumberSlider Convenience component for Html5 input range
  • inputNumberSpinner Convenience component for Html5 number input
  • inputText Extends standard inputText by new HTML5 capabilities
  • meter Convenience tag for the new Html5 meter element
  • progress Convenience component for Html5 progress element
  • slide Provides a slide in the slide view
  • slideView Provides a presentation-like slide view
  • video Component that represents HTML5 video element

Required attributes are marked with a*


Component that represents HTML5 audio element.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoplayIf this property is set, media will start playing as soon as the page loads.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
loopIf this property is set, media will seek back to start when it reaches the end.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onendedHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has stopped because the end of the media resource was reached.String
onerrorHTML: Handler for event that is fired when an error occurs while fetching the media data.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onloadeddataHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time.String
onloadedmetadataHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser has just determined the duration and dimensions of the media resource and the timed tracks are ready.String
onloadstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser begins looking for media data, as part of the resource selection algorithm.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onpauseHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has been paused. Fired after the pause() method has returned.String
onplayHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has begun. Fired after the play() method has returned, or when the autoplay attribute has caused playback to begin.String
onplayingHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has started.String
onprogressHTML: Handler for event that is fired while browser is fetching media data.String
onseekedHTML: Handler for event that is fired when a seek operation is finished.String
onseekingHTML: Handler for event that is fired if the seek operation is taking long enough that the browser has time to fire the event.String
onvolumechangeHTML: Handler for event that is fired when either the volume attribute or the muted attribute has changed. Fired after the relevant attribute's setter has returned.String
onwaitingHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has stopped because the next frame is not available, but the user agent expects that frame to become available in due course.String
preloadReturns the preloading behavior of the component. Default to null, which delegates preloading method selection to browser. Can be one of <ul> <li>"none": Do not preload the media from the server</li> <li>"metadata": Fetch metadata (length, quality, etc.)</li> <li>"auto": Load the data from the server, even if user have not choose to play it.</li> </ul> Browsers should use "metadata" preloading, if not specified.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
showControlsThis property is to show/hide browser's media controls. If true, browser's media controls are shown (default). If false, controls are not shown and page author needs to provide controls explicitly.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String


Suggestions provider component for input components.

Can contain:JSP


suggestionsSuggestion values to use. Can be one of comma seperated strings, array of {@link SelectItem} or collection of {@link SelectItem}.String


Component that supports new functionality like Html5 DnD. <br/> The reason of having this component is, providing a way to use new functionality in old components. For example, to make a h:column of a h:dataTable draggable, the user can put a hx:div inside the h:column wrapping the column content; then putting a fx:dragSource in it.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String


Convenience component that targets HTML5 color input. <br/> Expects value to be set as defined in <a href="">valid simple color definition</a>. A simple valid color is basically hex representation of the colors, likewise used in CSS. e.g: #FFAABB, #12ab3C. <br/> Extends the functionality of &lt; h:inputText &gt;.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
invalidColorMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when input data is not a valid simple color during a postback. See <a href="" >valid simple color definition</a>.String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Convenience component for Html5 date like inputs. <br/> Minimum and maximum date selectable is determined by using attached fx:validateDateTimeRange if any. Else, minimum and maximum are not rendered.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
stepIndicates the granularity of the value by limiting the allowed values. The limited values will be decided considering the step base which is defined by 'minimum' property of the attached fx:validateDateTimeRange. If not specified, 'any' will be rendered as the step value, thus browser will decide it. <br/> Specified value will be multiplied with the step scale factor which is different for each type. <br/> Information about the step for each type is: <code> &lt;table border="1"&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;th&gt;type&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;Description for step scale factor&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;Default step value(what 'any' means)&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;Applicable minimum value of step&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;Applicable maximum value of step&lt;/th&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;datetime&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in seconds.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 minute&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;0.01 (10 miliseconds)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;date&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in days.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 day&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 (1 day)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;time&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in seconds. If the step is less than 1 second, browser should show the miliseconds input too.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 minute&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;0.01 (10 miliseconds)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;month&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in months.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 month&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 (1 month)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;week&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in weeks.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 week&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 (1 week)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;datetime-local&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Step should be expressed in seconds.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;1 minute&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;0.01 (10 miliseconds)&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;N/A&lt;/td&gt; //XXX: test it again &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/table&gt; </code>String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeType of the input. Can be one of "datetime", "date", "time", "month", "week", "datetime-local". Defaults to "datetime".String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Convenience component that targets HTML5 email input.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
multipleThis field defines the permission for multiple values for this input. Provided values must be separated with comma.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
placeholderHint to show on the input, when nothing is typed.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Convenience component for Html5 input range. <br/> Minimum and maximum values for the component is rendered based on f:validateDoubleRange or f:validateLongRange if attached. If they are not attached, a default value of 0 is used for minimum and 100 is used for maximum.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
segmentCountUsed to calculate step with minimum and maximum. Formula is: step ~= (max-min)/segmentCount. <br/> Defaults to 100, if step is not defined too. It is and error to define both 'step' and 'segmentCount'.String
stepGap between each segment. If both 'step' and 'segmentCount' is not defined, 'step' is default to (max-min)/(100).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Convenience component for Html5 number input. <br/> Just like hx:inputNumberSlider, minimum and maximum values for the component is rendered based on f:validateDoubleRange or f:validateLongRange if attached. If they are not attached, a default value of 0 is used for minimum and 100 is used for maximum.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
segmentCountUsed to calculate step with minimum and maximum. Formula is: step ~= (max-min)/segmentCount. <br/> Defaults to 100, if step is not defined too. It is and error to define both 'step' and 'segmentCount'.String
stepGap between each segment. If both 'step' and 'segmentCount' is not defined, 'step' is default to (max-min)/(100).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Extends standard inputText by new HTML5 capabilities.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoFocusIf this property is set to true, it will allow the user to just start typing without having to manually focus the main control when the page is loaded. Default to false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colsColumn count to set size, defaults to 10. Value of this property is used as size in "text", "search", "tel", "url" and "password" types. It is also used as cols in "textarea" type.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dataListId of &lt;hx:datalist&gt; or HTML &lt;datalist&gt; for suggestions mechanism. By this way, suggestion options(datalist) can be shared across several input elements. If this attribute is set, other suggestion mechanisms(with f:selectItem(s) children or 'suggestions' attribute) should not be usedString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onformchangeHTML: Script to be invoked when the state of the owner form is changed.String
onforminputHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form gets user input.String
oninputHTML: Script to be invoked when the element gets user input.String
oninvalidHTML: Script to be invoked when the owner form is validated and this element could not pass the validation.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
placeholderHint to show on the input, when nothing is typed.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
rowsNumber of rows to display, defaults to 1. Value of this property is used as rows in "textarea" type. It is ignored if the type is one of "text", "search", "tel", "url" and "password". If type is not set, and this property is set to a number larger than 1, type will be automatically set to "textarea".String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
suggestionsStatic(not Ajax) suggestion values. This attribute should not be defined if "list" is set.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML type of the input. <br/> Possible values are "text"(default), "search", "url", "tel" and "textarea". If this is set to "textarea", pattern is ignored.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Convenience tag for the new Html5 meter element.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
highLimit of high value of the meter.<br/> Values larger than this value might be displayed in a special way(e.g. in a red color) by the browser.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
lowLimit of low value of the meter.<br/> Values smaller than this value might be displayed in a special way(e.g. in a red color) by the browser.String
maximumMaximum value of the component, defaults to 1.<br/> Ending point of the meter.String
minimumMinimum value of the component, defaults to 0.<br/> Starting point of the meter.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
optimumOptimum value of the meter.<br/> Values close to this value might be displayed in a special way(e.g. in a green color) by the browser.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
value*Value of the meter. Value should be in the interval of [minimum, maximum]String


Convenience component for Html5 progress element. <br/>

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maximumMaximum value of the progress element. If the value of the progress element reaches the maximum value, then it means the progress is done.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueValue of the progress element. Value should be in the interval of [0, maximum]String


Provides a slide in the slide view.<br/> Page authors should nest hx:slide components inside hx:slideView.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
prependIdIf true, descendent components will have an clientId with the id of the form prepended.<br/> Defaults to true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String


Provides a presentation-like slide view.<br/> Page authors should nest hx:slide components inside.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
delayDuration for animation/effect to wait before running. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
durationDuration for animation/effect to run through. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
inactiveSlideScaleScaling value of the inactive slides. Value should be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]. Defaults to 0.9.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
navigateOnArrowKeysIf true, arrow keys will be registered to navigate between slides.<br/> Defaults to true.<br/> widgetVar can be used to navigate between slides manually.String
navigateOnMouseWheelIf true, mouse wheel scroll will be registered to navigate between slides.<br/> Defaults to true. widgetVar can be used to navigate between slides manually.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
prependIdIf true, descendent components will have an clientId with the id of the form prepended.<br/> Defaults to true.String
slideHeightThe percent value of the height of the active slide. Defaults to 90.String
slideLeftThe percent value of the left position of the active slide. Defaults to 10.String
slideWidthThe percent value of the width of the active slide. Defaults to 80.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
timingFunctionTiming function to calculate animation/effect transitions. <br/> The timing functions defined by CSS3 spec are: <ul> <li>ease</li> <li>linear</li> <li>ease-in</li> <li>ease-out</li> <li>ease-in-out</li> <li>cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)</li> </ul>String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
widgetVarDefines the Javascript variable name of the object created by this component.<br/> Defaults to 'widget_' followed by the client id of the component where ':' characters in client id of the component are replaced with '_'.String


Component that represents HTML5 video element.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
animationEndHTML : Script to run when the animation ends on Html element.String
autoplayIf this property is set, media will start playing as soon as the page loads.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
draggableHTML: Specifies whether the element is draggable.String
heightHeight of the video. Can be in pixels, or percent.String
hiddenHTML: Whether the element is relevant.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
loopIf this property is set, media will seek back to start when it reaches the end.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
ondragHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged.String
ondragendHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation is ended. Successfully or not, this handler will run.String
ondragenterHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is dragged into a valid drop target.String
ondragleaveHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element leaves a valid drop target.String
ondragoverHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dragged over a valid drop target.String
ondragstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the drag operation starts.String
ondropHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the element is being dropped.String
onendedHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has stopped because the end of the media resource was reached.String
onerrorHTML: Handler for event that is fired when an error occurs while fetching the media data.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onloadeddataHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time.String
onloadedmetadataHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser has just determined the duration and dimensions of the media resource and the timed tracks are ready.String
onloadstartHTML: Handler for event that is fired when browser begins looking for media data, as part of the resource selection algorithm.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onmousewheelHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is wheeled over this element.String
onpauseHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has been paused. Fired after the pause() method has returned.String
onplayHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has begun. Fired after the play() method has returned, or when the autoplay attribute has caused playback to begin.String
onplayingHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has started.String
onprogressHTML: Handler for event that is fired while browser is fetching media data.String
onseekedHTML: Handler for event that is fired when a seek operation is finished.String
onseekingHTML: Handler for event that is fired if the seek operation is taking long enough that the browser has time to fire the event.String
onvolumechangeHTML: Handler for event that is fired when either the volume attribute or the muted attribute has changed. Fired after the relevant attribute's setter has returned.String
onwaitingHTML: Handler for event that is fired when the playback has stopped because the next frame is not available, but the user agent expects that frame to become available in due course.String
posterThis property defines an image to show when no video data is available.String
preloadReturns the preloading behavior of the component. Default to null, which delegates preloading method selection to browser. Can be one of <ul> <li>"none": Do not preload the media from the server</li> <li>"metadata": Fetch metadata (length, quality, etc.)</li> <li>"auto": Load the data from the server, even if user have not choose to play it.</li> </ul> Browsers should use "metadata" preloading, if not specified.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
showControlsThis property is to show/hide browser's media controls. If true, browser's media controls are shown (default). If false, controls are not shown and page author needs to provide controls explicitly.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
widthWidth of the video. Can be in pixels, or percent.String

HTML5 Core Comp Lib. - version 1.1.7

HTML5 core component library for MyFaces.

Namespace definition: xmlns:fx=""


  • animation Convenience tag to activate a keyframe animation on an event of ClientBehaviorHolder
  • animationPulse Pulsates the component that this is attached
  • animationScale Scale animation
  • animationShake Shake animation
  • animations Animations container for using them with the parent ClientBehaviorHolder
  • dragSource Adds the Html5 drag functionality to its parent
  • dropTarget Provides Html5 drop functionality to its parent
  • effect Provides transition of a CSS property to a value
  • effectOutput Provides support for rendering the style generated respect to children effects
  • effectTransform Convenience component for CSS transformation functions
  • effects Container for effects
  • mediaSource Provides media sources for media components
  • mediaSources Provides media sources for media components
  • validateDateTimeRange Validate that the date entered is within a given range

Required attributes are marked with a*


Convenience tag to activate a keyframe animation on an event of ClientBehaviorHolder.<br/> Accepts no children.<p>null</p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
delayDuration for animation/effect to wait before running. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
durationDuration for animation/effect to run through. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
eventA String identifying the type of event the Ajax action will apply to. If specified, it must be one of the events supported by the component the Ajax behavior is being applied to.For HTML components this would be the set of supported DOM events for the component, plus "action" for Faces ActionSource components and "valueChange" for Faces EditableValueHolder components. If not specified, the default event is determined for the component. The DOM event name is the actual DOM event name (for example: "click") as opposed to (for example: "onclick").String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
timingFunctionTiming function to calculate animation/effect transitions. <br/> The timing functions defined by CSS3 spec are: <ul> <li>ease</li> <li>linear</li> <li>ease-in</li> <li>ease-out</li> <li>ease-in-out</li> <li>cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)</li> </ul>String


Pulsates the component that this is attached.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
maxOpacityMax opacity value for animating. Value should be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Defaults to 1.0.String
minOpacityMin opacity value for animating. Value should be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Defaults to 0.5.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


Scale animation.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
maxSizeThe maximum extreme point value to scale the ClientBehaviorHolder during the animation.<br/> Defaults to 1 (back to original size).String
minSizeThe minimum extreme point value to scale the ClientBehaviorHolder during the animation.<br/> Defaults to 0.5.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


Shake animation.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rotationValue to rotate the ClientBehaviorHolder. Defaults to 20. Value must be in degrees.<br/> Values negative or larger than 360 are also valid, and causes the animation to overlap.String


Animations container for using them with the parent ClientBehaviorHolder.<br/> fx:animation... components must be nested inside this component.<p>null</p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
delayDuration for animation/effect to wait before running. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
durationDuration for animation/effect to run through. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
eventA String identifying the type of event the Ajax action will apply to. If specified, it must be one of the events supported by the component the Ajax behavior is being applied to.For HTML components this would be the set of supported DOM events for the component, plus "action" for Faces ActionSource components and "valueChange" for Faces EditableValueHolder components. If not specified, the default event is determined for the component. The DOM event name is the actual DOM event name (for example: "click") as opposed to (for example: "onclick").String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
timingFunctionTiming function to calculate animation/effect transitions. <br/> The timing functions defined by CSS3 spec are: <ul> <li>ease</li> <li>linear</li> <li>ease-in</li> <li>ease-out</li> <li>ease-in-out</li> <li>cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)</li> </ul>String


Adds the Html5 drag functionality to its parent. <br/> This behavior should be attached to "dragstart" event of the parent.<p>Tag handler for {@link DragSourceBehavior}. Sets the "draggable" attribute of the parent and attaches the behavior to the parent. <br/></p>

Can contain:JSP


actionAction of for drag operation. Can be one of below: <ul> <li>copy: A copy of the source item may be made at the new location.</li> <li>move: An item may be moved to a new location.</li> <li>link: A link may be established to the source at the new location.</li> <li>none: The item may not be dropped.</li> </ul> <br/> If nothing is specified, the action will be defined by the browser and can be adjusted using the modifier keys. If dropTarget does not accept the action of this dragSource, then the DnD will fail.String
dropTargetTypesThe types of the dropTargets that drags from this dragSource can be applied. Can be comma separated set or String[] or Collection&lt;String&gt;. <br/> If defined, drags from this dragSource will work into only the dropTargets that have one of the same type. The drag will be accepted if 'types' of hx:dropTarget has one of the types defined here.String
paramData to send to server when a successful drag and drop happens from this source. <br/> The param can be received using the {@link DropEvent#getParam()} method at dropListener of the fx:dropTarget.String


Provides Html5 drop functionality to its parent.<p></p>

Can contain:JSP


acceptMimeTypesIf this property is set, only content dropped into this drop zone with defined mime type will be accepted and sent to server-side drop listener. Can be comma separated set or String[] or Collection&lt;String&gt;. <br/> <br/> HTML5 DnD allows us to drop anything into drop zone : files from desktop, images on some other document, etc. So this property is a filter. If value is "*", any content dropped into this zone will be accepted. <br/> <br/> All type info and data of dropped stuff will be sent to dropListener. For example, if value of this property is "*" and we drop some image from any Html page(even not generated by JSF), dropListener will be triggered with the following data: <code> &lt;table border="1"&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;content-type&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;value&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;text/uri-list&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Text&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;text/plain&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;URL&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/table&gt; </code> <br/> Mime type is "text/x-myfaces-html5-dnd-source" for drag and drop events that is generated by MyFaces-Html5 components and that mime type is defined at {@link DropTargetBehaviorRenderer#DEFAULT_MYFACES_MIME_TYPE}. Default value of this property is "text/x-myfaces-html5-dnd-source", thus only MyFaces generated components can be dropped into the drop target.String
actionAction to allow for drop operation. Can be one of below: <ul> <li>copy: A copy of the source item may be made at the new location.</li> <li>move: An item may be moved to a new location.</li> <li>link: A link may be established to the source at the new location.</li> <li>copyLink: A copy or link operation is permitted.</li> <li>copyMove: A copy or move operation is permitted.</li> <li>linkMove: A link or move operation is permitted.</li> <li>all: All operations are permitted.</li> <li>none: The item may not be dropped.</li> </ul> <br/> If nothing is specified, any action will be accepted. Action is set by the hx:dragSource behavior, when the element is generated by a MyFaces-Html5 component that has hx:dragSource behavior. For other elements, action is set by the browser, and can be adjusted by pressing the modifier keys.String
dropListenerDrop listener to trigger when a successful drop event is happened into this drop target. <br/> Listener method must have a signature of : <code>public void m(org.apache.myfaces.html5.event.DropEvent evt) throws javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException</code> <br/> In the listener, application can get the parameter sent and other data sent.String
rerenderSpace separated ids of components to rerender. <br/> Value of this property will be passed through to jsf.ajax.request, thus semantics is same with jsf.ajax.request and f:ajax. Just like those, @all, @this etc. can be used.String
typesThe type of the drop target. Can be comma separated set or String[] or Collection&lt;String&gt;. <br/> If defined, drags from elements that are generated by MyFaces-Html5 components with hx:dragSource behavior, will be filtered. The drag will be accepted if dropTargetTypes of hx:dragSource is one of the allowed. For the drags that are originated from other elements, this property is ignored. Please see acceptMimeTypes property for accepting/rejecting drags from non-MyFaces-Html5 components.String


Provides transition of a CSS property to a value.

Can contain:JSP


property*The CSS property name to make the transition. Must be a CSS property name (i.e. opacity)String
value*The value to make the transition.String


Provides support for rendering the style generated respect to children effects.

Can contain:JSP


targetThe <em>target</em> area for which this resource will be rendered. For example, <em>target="head"</em> would cause the resource to be rendered within the <em>head</em> element.<br/> If not defined and component is not nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder <em>head</em> will be used.<br/> If component is nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder and this attribute is not defined <em>body</em> will be used.<br/>String


Convenience component for CSS transformation functions. Any number of the transforms can be used at once.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rotateAngle to rotate the ClientBehaviorHolder. Value can be in: <br/> <ul> <li>deg: degrees (e.g. 90deg)</li> <li>grad: grads</li> <li>rad: radians</li> <li>turn: turns (e.g. 0.5turn)</li> </ul>String
scaleXValue to scale the ClientBehaviorHolder in X axis.<br/> Value must be positive.String
scaleYValue to scale the ClientBehaviorHolder in Y axis.<br/> Value must be positive.String
skewXAngle to skew the ClientBehaviorHolder in X axis. Value can be in: <br/> <ul> <li>deg: degrees (e.g. 90deg)</li> <li>grad: grads</li> <li>rad: radians</li> <li>turn: turns (e.g. 0.5turn)</li> </ul>String
skewYAngle to skew the ClientBehaviorHolder in Y axis. Value can be in: <br/> <ul> <li>deg: degrees (e.g. 90deg)</li> <li>grad: grads</li> <li>rad: radians</li> <li>turn: turns (e.g. 0.5turn)</li> </ul>String
translateXPixel value to translate the ClientBehaviorHolder in X axis.<br/>String
translateYPixel value to translate the ClientBehaviorHolder in Y axis.<br/>String


Container for effects.<br/> fx:effect... components should be nested inside this component.<p>null</p>

Can contain:JSP


additionalStyleClassToActivateCss style class name to activate additionally with the effect.String
deactivationEventsEvent(s) to deactivate to effect. The effect is activated on the event defined with the 'event' attribute, and deactivated on any of the events defined with this attribute. Value can be strings separated with comma, list of strings or array of strings. <br/> For example to to activate the effect on mouse hover and deactivate it on click or mouse out: event='mouseover' deactivationEvents='mouseout, click' attributes should be defined.<br/> If nothing is defined, the renderer will use deactivation events that make sense(i.e. 'drop' and 'dragleave' for 'dragover' event).String
delayDuration for animation/effect to wait before running. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
durationDuration for animation/effect to run through. <br/> Value must be in seconds or milliseconds, thus must end with 's' or 'ms'. If not, the value is considered in seconds.<br/> Some of the sample values are: <ul> <li>'1' : 1 second</li> <li>'1s' : 1 seconds</li> <li>'0.1' : 0.1 second</li> <li>'100ms' : 100 milliseconds</li> </ul>String
targetThe <em>target</em> area for which this resource will be rendered. For example, <em>target="head"</em> would cause the resource to be rendered within the <em>head</em> element.<br/> If not defined and component is not nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder <em>head</em> will be used.<br/> If component is nested inside of a ClientBehaviorHolder and this attribute is not defined <em>body</em> will be used.<br/>String
timingFunctionTiming function to calculate animation/effect transitions. <br/> The timing functions defined by CSS3 spec are: <ul> <li>ease</li> <li>linear</li> <li>ease-in</li> <li>ease-out</li> <li>ease-in-out</li> <li>cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)</li> </ul>String


Provides media sources for media components. This should be nested inside of an instance of {@link MediaSourceHolder} . Creates a {@link MediaInfo} and adds it to parent component's media info set. <br/> Even if 'disabled' is set to true, created {@link MediaInfo} instance will be added. In this case, renderer of the parent media component should ignore that instance.

Can contain:JSP


codecCodecs of the resource (for example: "avc1.64001E, mp4a.40.2"). If this property is defined, contentType property should be defined too.String
contentTypeMIME content type of the resource (for example : "video/ogg")String
disabledIf set to true, renderer of the parent{@link MediaSourceHolder} will ignore this resource.String
mediaThis property defines the intended media type of the media resource, to help the browser determine if this media resource is useful to the user before fetching it. Its value must be a valid media query. Just like the "@media" declaration in CSS.String
src*URL of the media source. This attribute is required.String


Provides media sources for media components. This should be nested inside of an instance of {@link MediaSourceHolder} . Gets {@link MediaInfo} instances and adds them to parent component's media info set. <p> If 'disabled' is set to true, {@link MediaInfo} instances of "items" attribute will not be added. </p>

Can contain:JSP


disabledIf set to true, {@link MediaInfo} instances of "items" attribute will not be added.String
items*Array/collection of {@link MediaInfo} instances to use in media elements. This attribute is required.String


Validate that the date entered is within a given range. Rendered min/max attributes of hx:inputDateTime is driven by this validator too. <br />

Can contain:empty


exceedMaximumMessageMessage to show if the minimum is not set and submitted value exceeds specified maximum value.String
lessThanMinimumMessageMessage to show if the maximum is not set and submitted value is before than specified minimum value.String
maximumMaximum date that can be selected on client-side and is used on validation at server-side. Value must be either String, or java.util.Date. If String is given, the value must be in the format of parent hx:inputDateTime's type.String
minimumMinimum date that can be selected on client-side and is used on validation at server-side. Value must be either String, or java.util.Date. If String is given, the value must be in the format of parent hx:inputDateTime's type.String
notInRangeMessageMessage to show if the minimum and minimum is set and submitted value is not in that range.String