Html5 Support for Apache MyFaces
Project Documentation

Checking out the source

To check out the sources, you need to run the following command

 $ svn checkout html5-comp-lib-project

The project consists of 3 submodules

  • html5-comp-lib-core : The component library
  • html5-comp-lib-examples : The example component showcase application
  • myfaces-shared-html5 : The shared code amongst MyFaces Core, MyFaces Tomahawk and this project.

Building The Project

To build the project, you need to run the command below in the project main folder:

  mvn install

Since the dependencies are downloaded by Maven, building the whole project (core, shared and showcase) will take around 3 minutes for the first time, (if the dependencies are not installed previously on your machine) depending on your internet connection.

Running Showcase Application

You need to go to html5-comp-lib-examples folder and run a jetty:run to run the showcase application:

  cd html5-comp-lib-examples
  mvn jetty:run

The showcase application will be running at http://localhost:8080/html5-comp-lib-examples/index.jsf

Again, since the dependencies are downloaded by Maven, running the showcase application will take about 2 minutes for the first time.

Generating Project Site

In the project main folder, run the command

  mvn -Pgenerate-site site

to generate the project site. The index of the generated site will be under PROJECT_FOLDER /target/site/index.html

For the first time, it may take up to 1 minute to generate the project site.