- Introduction
- Latest Version Installation
- Installation of version 1.0.2 or earlier
- Openwebbeans and Spring
- Users Guide
- Appendix A: Setup Checklist
- Appendix B: Configuration Entries
- Appendix B1: Configuration Entries for 1.0.2 or earlier
- Appendix C: Example Configurations
- Appendix C1: Example Configurations 1.0.2 or earlier
- Issue Tracking
MyFaces Projects
Project Build Plugins
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-checkstyle-plugin | 2.6 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-clean-plugin | 2.4.1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-compiler-plugin | 2.5.1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-deploy-plugin | 2.6 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-install-plugin | 2.3.1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-remote-resources-plugin | 1.2.1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-scm-publish-plugin | 1.0-beta-1 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-site-plugin | 3.1 |
org.codehaus.mojo | cobertura-maven-plugin | 2.5.1 |
Project Report Plugins
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-pmd-plugin | 2.5 |
org.apache.maven.plugins | maven-project-info-reports-plugin | 2.4 |
org.codehaus.mojo | findbugs-maven-plugin | 2.3.1 |
org.codehaus.mojo | jdepend-maven-plugin | 2.0-beta-2 |