Project Documentation
Apache MyFaces
UI-Component Sets

Appendix: Configuration Entries

General Information

This page is a general quick overview over the possible configuration parameters, if you need further details please visit thesetup guide.

Param Required Possible values Short Description
org.apache.myfaces.FACES_INIT_PLUGINS YES org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.servlet.StartupServletContextPluginChainLoader MyFaces Extension Point Setup
org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.groovy.LOADER_PATHS NO comma separate list of paths Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing of groovy files on the sources directory instead of editing in the deployment dir /WEB-INF/groovy
org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.scala.LOADER_PATHS NO comma separate list of paths Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing of scala files on the sources directory instead of editing in the deployment dir /WEB-INF/scala Note this functionality is enabled only in ext-script 1.0.3 or newer NO comma separate list of paths Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing of java files on the sources directory instead of editing in the deployment dir /WEB-INF/java
org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.resource.LOADER_PATHS NO comma separate list of paths Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing of resources on the sources directory instead of editing in the deployment directory Important notice, in most cases this path will point to the root of your web application directory (ie: src/main/webapp in a standard Maven2 structure or <project-root>/webapp for a standard Eclipse project structure)
facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER NO org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.jsf.facelet.ReroutingResourceResolver Enables the loading of xhtml facelet pages from your source directory, if org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.resource.LOADER_PATHS is set properly
org.apache.myfaces.scripting.PGK_WHITELIST NO a comma separate list of whitelisted packages Enables package whitelisting, a mechanism which allows to compile and reload only from whitelisted packages. This can help in case of having to reroute ext-scripting to your compile source directories. With this option you can isolate your own dynamic classes from the rest of the system.
org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.PGK_ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH NO a comma separate list of additional classpaths enables additional classpaths for the compile time

Normal configuration entries

all configuration follow the context parameter convention

                    Initializes the plugins for our scripting support