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Class myfaces._impl.xhrCore._Transports

Defined in: _Transports.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The xhr core adapter which provides the transport mechanisms to the calling objects, and controls the queue behavior, the error handling and partial page submit functionality among other things

The idea behind this is to make the ajax request object as barebones as possible and shift the extra functionality like queuing parameter handling etc.

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
multipartQueuedPost(source, sourceForm, context, passThrgh)
iframe queued post mapped options already have the exec and view properly in place myfaces specifics can be found under mappedOptions.myFaces
xhrQueuedPost(source, sourceForm, context, passThrgh)
xhr post with enqueuing as defined by the jsf 2.0 specification mapped options already have the exec and view properly in place myfaces specifics can be found under mappedOptions.myFaces
Class Detail
The xhr core adapter which provides the transport mechanisms to the calling objects, and controls the queue behavior, the error handling and partial page submit functionality among other things

The idea behind this is to make the ajax request object as barebones as possible and shift the extra functionality like queuing parameter handling etc... to this class so that our transports become more easily pluggable. This should keep the path open to iframe submits and other transport layers

the call to the corresponding transport just should be a transport.xhrQueuedPost
or transport.xhrPost,transport.xhrGet etc... in the future

Note we have taken a pattern lesson or two from the dojo toolkit and its excellent handling of transports by our patterns here (which is mainly a centralized transport singleton which routes to different transport implementations and the auto passing of parameters into their corresponding protected attributes on class level in the transports themselves)

Method Detail
multipartQueuedPost(source, sourceForm, context, passThrgh)
iframe queued post mapped options already have the exec and view properly in place myfaces specifics can be found under mappedOptions.myFaces
{Node} source
the source of this call
{Node} sourceForm
the html form which is the source of this call
{Object} context
(Map) the internal pass through context
{Object} passThrgh
(Map) values to be passed through

xhrQueuedPost(source, sourceForm, context, passThrgh)
xhr post with enqueuing as defined by the jsf 2.0 specification mapped options already have the exec and view properly in place myfaces specifics can be found under mappedOptions.myFaces
{Node} source
the source of this call
{Node} sourceForm
the html form which is the source of this call
{Object} context
(Map) the internal pass through context
{Object} passThrgh
(Map) values to be passed through

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Thu Sep 17 2020 12:39:05 GMT-0400 (EDT)