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Class jsf.push-Socket

Defined in: jsf.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
jsf.push-Socket(channelToken, url, channel)
Creates a reconnecting web socket.
Class Detail
<inner> jsf.push-Socket(channelToken, url, channel)
Creates a reconnecting web socket. When the web socket successfully connects on first attempt, then it will automatically reconnect on timeout with cumulative intervals of 500ms with a maximum of 25 attempts (~3 minutes). The onclose function will be called with the error code of the last attempt.
{string} channelToken
the channel token associated with this websocket connection
{string} url
The URL of the web socket
{string} channel
The name of the web socket channel.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Thu Sep 17 2020 12:39:05 GMT-0400 (EDT)