UI-Component Sets

CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.5.


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javax/faces/component/_ClassUtils.java 41
javax/faces/component/html/_ClassUtils.java 41
final class _ClassUtils
    // ~ Static fields/initializers -----------------------------------------------------------------

    //private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(_ClassUtils.class);
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(_ClassUtils.class.getName());

    public static final Class<boolean[]> BOOLEAN_ARRAY_CLASS = boolean[].class;
    public static final Class<byte[]> BYTE_ARRAY_CLASS = byte[].class;
    public static final Class<char[]> CHAR_ARRAY_CLASS = char[].class;
    public static final Class<short[]> SHORT_ARRAY_CLASS = short[].class;
    public static final Class<int[]> INT_ARRAY_CLASS = int[].class;
    public static final Class<long[]> LONG_ARRAY_CLASS = long[].class;
    public static final Class<float[]> FLOAT_ARRAY_CLASS = float[].class;
    public static final Class<double[]> DOUBLE_ARRAY_CLASS = double[].class;
    public static final Class<Object[]> OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Object[].class;
    public static final Class<Boolean[]> BOOLEAN_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Boolean[].class;
    public static final Class<Byte[]> BYTE_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Byte[].class;
    public static final Class<Character[]> CHARACTER_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Character[].class;
    public static final Class<Short[]> SHORT_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Short[].class;
    public static final Class<Integer[]> INTEGER_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Integer[].class;
    public static final Class<Long[]> LONG_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Long[].class;
    public static final Class<Float[]> FLOAT_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Float[].class;
    public static final Class<Double[]> DOUBLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = Double[].class;
    public static final Class<String[]> STRING_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS = String[].class;

    public static final Map<String, Class<?>> COMMON_TYPES = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(64);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("byte", Byte.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("char", Character.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("double", Double.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("float", Float.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("int", Integer.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("long", Long.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("short", Short.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("boolean", Boolean.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("void", Void.TYPE);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Object", Object.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Boolean", Boolean.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Byte", Byte.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Character", Character.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Short", Short.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Integer", Integer.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Long", Long.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Float", Float.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Double", Double.class);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.String", String.class);

        COMMON_TYPES.put("byte[]", BYTE_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("char[]", CHAR_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("double[]", DOUBLE_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("float[]", FLOAT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("int[]", INT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("long[]", LONG_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("short[]", SHORT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("boolean[]", BOOLEAN_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Object[]", OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Boolean[]", BOOLEAN_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Byte[]", BYTE_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Character[]", CHARACTER_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Short[]", SHORT_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Integer[]", INTEGER_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Long[]", LONG_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Float[]", FLOAT_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.Double[]", DOUBLE_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        COMMON_TYPES.put("java.lang.String[]", STRING_OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
        // array of void is not a valid type

    /** utility class, do not instantiate */
    private _ClassUtils()
        // utility class, disable instantiation

    // ~ Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Tries a Class.loadClass with the context class loader of the current thread first and automatically falls back to
     * the ClassUtils class loader (i.e. the loader of the myfaces.jar lib) if necessary.
     * @param type
     *            fully qualified name of a non-primitive non-array class
     * @return the corresponding Class
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if type is null
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static Class<?> classForName(String type) throws ClassNotFoundException
        if (type == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("type");
            // Try WebApp ClassLoader first
            return Class.forName(type, false, // do not initialize for faster startup
        catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore)
            // fallback: Try ClassLoader for ClassUtils (i.e. the myfaces.jar lib)
            return Class.forName(type, false, // do not initialize for faster startup

     * Same as {@link #classForName(String)}, but throws a RuntimeException (FacesException) instead of a
     * ClassNotFoundException.
     * @return the corresponding Class
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if type is null
     * @throws FacesException
     *             if class not found
    public static Class<?> simpleClassForName(String type)
            return classForName(type);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Class " + type + " not found", e);
            throw new FacesException(e);

     * Similar as {@link #classForName(String)}, but also supports primitive types and arrays as specified for the
     * JavaType element in the JavaServer Faces Config DTD.
     * @param type
     *            fully qualified class name or name of a primitive type, both optionally followed by "[]" to indicate
     *            an array type
     * @return the corresponding Class
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if type is null
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static Class<?> javaTypeToClass(String type) throws ClassNotFoundException
        if (type == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("type");

        // try common types and arrays of common types first
        Class<?> clazz = COMMON_TYPES.get(type);
        if (clazz != null)
            return clazz;

        int len = type.length();
        if (len > 2 && type.charAt(len - 1) == ']' && type.charAt(len - 2) == '[')
            String componentType = type.substring(0, len - 2);
            Class<?> componentTypeClass = classForName(componentType);
            return Array.newInstance(componentTypeClass, 0).getClass();

        return classForName(type);


     * Same as {@link #javaTypeToClass(String)}, but throws a RuntimeException (FacesException) instead of a
     * ClassNotFoundException.
     * @return the corresponding Class
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if type is null
     * @throws FacesException
     *             if class not found
    public static Class<?> simpleJavaTypeToClass(String type)
            return javaTypeToClass(type);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Class " + type + " not found", e);
            throw new FacesException(e);

    public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource)
        InputStream stream = getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource);
        if (stream == null)
            // fallback
            stream = _ClassUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource);
        return stream;

     * @param resource
     *            Name of resource(s) to find in classpath
     * @param defaultObject
     *            The default object to use to determine the class loader (if none associated with current thread.)
     * @return Iterator over URL Objects
    public static Collection<? extends URL> getResources(String resource, Object defaultObject)
            Enumeration<URL> resources = getCurrentLoader(defaultObject).getResources(resource);
            List<URL> lst = new ArrayList<URL>();
            while (resources.hasMoreElements())
            return lst;
        catch (IOException e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new FacesException(e);

    public static Object newInstance(String type) throws FacesException
        if (type == null)
            return null;
        return newInstance(simpleClassForName(type));

    public static Object newInstance(String type, Class<?> expectedType) throws FacesException
        return newInstance(type, expectedType == null ? null : new Class[] { expectedType });

    public static Object newInstance(String type, Class<?>[] expectedTypes)
        if (type == null)
            return null;

        Class<?> clazzForName = simpleClassForName(type);

        if (expectedTypes != null)
            for (int i = 0, size = expectedTypes.length; i < size; i++)
                if (!expectedTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(clazzForName))
                    throw new FacesException("'" + type + "' does not implement expected type '" + expectedTypes[i]
                            + "'");

        return newInstance(clazzForName);

    public static Object newInstance(Class<?> clazz) throws FacesException
            return clazz.newInstance();
        catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Class : " + clazz.getName() + " not found.", e);
            throw new FacesException(e);
        catch (InstantiationException e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new FacesException(e);
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new FacesException(e);

    public static Object convertToType(Object value, Class<?> desiredClass)
        if (value == null)
            return null;

            ExpressionFactory expFactory = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
            return expFactory.coerceToType(value, desiredClass);
        catch (Exception e)
            String message = "Cannot coerce " + value.getClass().getName() + " to " + desiredClass.getName();
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
            throw new FacesException(message, e);

    public static Object convertToTypeNoLogging(FacesContext facesContext, Object value, Class<?> desiredClass)
        throws Exception
        if (value == null)
            return null;

        ExpressionFactory expFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
        return expFactory.coerceToType(value, desiredClass);

     * Gets the ClassLoader associated with the current thread. Returns the class loader associated with the specified
     * default object if no context loader is associated with the current thread.
     * @param defaultObject
     *            The default object to use to determine the class loader (if none associated with current thread.)
     * @return ClassLoader
    protected static ClassLoader getCurrentLoader(Object defaultObject)
        ClassLoader loader = getContextClassLoader();
        if (loader == null)
            loader = defaultObject.getClass().getClassLoader();
        return loader;
     * Gets the ClassLoader associated with the current thread. Returns the class loader associated with the specified
     * default object if no context loader is associated with the current thread.
     * @return ClassLoader
    protected static ClassLoader getContextClassLoader()
        if (System.getSecurityManager() != null)
                Object cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction()
                            public Object run() throws PrivilegedActionException
                                return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
                return (ClassLoader) cl;
            catch (PrivilegedActionException pae)
                throw new FacesException(pae);
            return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
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javax/faces/component/_DeltaList.java 43
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaList.java 46
class _DeltaList<T> implements List<T>, PartialStateHolder, RandomAccess
    private static Object[] emptyObjectArray = new Object[]{};

    private List<T> _delegate;
    private boolean _initialStateMarked;
    public _DeltaList()
    public _DeltaList(List<T> delegate)
        _delegate = delegate;
    public void add(int index, T element)
        _delegate.add(index, element);

    public boolean add(T e)
        return _delegate.add(e);

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c)
        return _delegate.addAll(c);

    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends T> c)
        return _delegate.addAll(index, c);

    public void clear()

    public boolean contains(Object o)
        return _delegate.contains(o);

    public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
        return _delegate.containsAll(c);

    public boolean equals(Object o)
        return _delegate.equals(o);

    public T get(int index)
        return _delegate.get(index);

    public int hashCode()
        return _delegate.hashCode();

    public int indexOf(Object o)
        return _delegate.indexOf(o);

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return _delegate.isEmpty();

    public Iterator<T> iterator()
        return _delegate.iterator();

    public int lastIndexOf(Object o)
        return _delegate.lastIndexOf(o);

    public ListIterator<T> listIterator()
        return _delegate.listIterator();

    public ListIterator<T> listIterator(int index)
        return _delegate.listIterator(index);

    public T remove(int index)
        return _delegate.remove(index);

    public boolean remove(Object o)
        return _delegate.remove(o);

    public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
        return _delegate.removeAll(c);

    public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
        return _delegate.retainAll(c);

    public T set(int index, T element)
        return _delegate.set(index, element);

    public int size()
        return _delegate == null ? 0 : _delegate.size();

    public List<T> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
        return _delegate.subList(fromIndex, toIndex);

    public Object[] toArray()
        return _delegate.toArray();

    public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
        return _delegate.toArray(a);

    public boolean isTransient()
        return false;

    public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
        if (state == null)
        if (initialStateMarked())
            //Restore delta
            Object[] lst = (Object[]) state;
            int j = 0;
            int i = 0;
            while (i < lst.length)
                if (lst[i] instanceof _AttachedDeltaWrapper)
                            ((_AttachedDeltaWrapper) lst[i]).getWrappedStateObject());
                else if (lst[i] != null)
                    _delegate.set(j, (T) UIComponentBase.restoreAttachedState(context, lst[i]));
            if (i != j)
                // StateHolder transient objects found, next time save and restore it fully
                //because the size of the list changes.
            //Restore delegate
            Object[] lst = (Object[]) state;
            _delegate = new ArrayList<T>(lst.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < lst.length; i++)
                T value = (T) UIComponentBase.restoreAttachedState(context, lst[i]);
                if (value != null)

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
        int size = _delegate.size();
        if (initialStateMarked())
            Object [] lst = null;
            boolean nullDelta = true;
            if (size > 0)
                lst = new Object[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    Object value = _delegate.get(i);
                    if (value instanceof PartialStateHolder)
                        PartialStateHolder holder = (PartialStateHolder) value;
                        if (!holder.isTransient())
                            Object attachedState = holder.saveState(context);
                            if (attachedState != null)
                                nullDelta = false;
                            lst[i] = new _AttachedDeltaWrapper(value.getClass(),
                        lst[i] = UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState(context, value);
                        if (value instanceof StateHolder || value instanceof List)
                            nullDelta = false;
                lst = emptyObjectArray;
            if (nullDelta)
                return null;
            return lst;
            if (size > 0)
                Object [] lst = new Object[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    lst[i] = UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState(context, _delegate.get(i));
                return lst;
                return emptyObjectArray;

    public void clearInitialState()
        //Reset delta setting to null
        if (_initialStateMarked)
            _initialStateMarked = false;
            if (_delegate != null)
                for (T value : _delegate)
                    if (value instanceof PartialStateHolder)

    public boolean initialStateMarked()
        return _initialStateMarked;

    public void markInitialState()
        _initialStateMarked = true;
        if (_delegate != null)
            int size = _delegate.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                T value = _delegate.get(i);
                if (value instanceof PartialStateHolder)
File Line
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 178
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 281
                _deltas.put(key, value);
                returnValue = _fullState.put(key, value);
            if (value instanceof StateHolder)
            returnValue = _fullState.put(key, value);
        return returnValue;

    public Object put(Serializable key, String mapKey, Object value)
        boolean returnSet = false;
        Object returnValue = null;
        if (_createDeltas())
            //Track delta case
            Map<String, Object> mapValues = (Map<String, Object>) _deltas
            if (mapValues == null)
                mapValues = new InternalMap<String, Object>();
                _deltas.put(key, mapValues);
            if (mapValues.containsKey(mapKey))
                returnValue = mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
                returnSet = true;
                mapValues.put(mapKey, value);

        //Handle change on full map
        Map<String, Object> mapValues = (Map<String, Object>) _fullState
        if (mapValues == null)
            mapValues = new InternalMap<String, Object>();
            _fullState.put(key, mapValues);
        if (returnSet)
            mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
            returnValue = mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
        return returnValue;

    public Object remove(Serializable key)
        Object returnValue = null;
        if (_createDeltas())
            if (_deltas.containsKey(key))
                // Keep track of the removed values using key/null pair on the delta map
                returnValue = _deltas.put(key, null);
                // Keep track of the removed values using key/null pair on the delta map
                _deltas.put(key, null);
                returnValue = _fullState.remove(key);
            returnValue = _fullState.remove(key);
        return returnValue;

    public Object remove(Serializable key, Object valueOrKey)
        // Comment by lu4242 : The spec javadoc says if it is a Collection 
        // or Map deal with it. But the intention of this method is work 
        // with add(?,?) and put(?,?,?), this ones return instances of 
        // InternalMap and InternalList to prevent mixing, so to be 
        // consistent we'll cast to those classes here.
        Object collectionOrMap = _fullState.get(key);
        Object returnValue = null;
        if (collectionOrMap instanceof InternalMap)
            if (_createDeltas())
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromMap(_deltas, key,
                        valueOrKey, true);
                _removeValueOrKeyFromMap(_fullState, key, valueOrKey, false);
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromMap(_fullState, key,
                        valueOrKey, false);
        else if (collectionOrMap instanceof InternalList)
            if (_createDeltas())
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromCollectionDelta(_deltas,
                        key, valueOrKey);
                _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(_fullState, key, valueOrKey);
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(_fullState, key,
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromCollectionDelta(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey)
        Object returnValue = null;
        Map<Object, Boolean> c = (Map<Object, Boolean>) stateMap.get(key);
        if (c != null)
            if (c.containsKey(valueOrKey))
                returnValue = valueOrKey;
            c.put(valueOrKey, Boolean.FALSE);
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey)
        Object returnValue = null;
        Collection c = (Collection) stateMap.get(key);
        if (c != null)
            if (c.remove(valueOrKey))
                returnValue = valueOrKey;
            if (c.isEmpty())
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromMap(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey, boolean delta)
        if (valueOrKey == null)
            return null;

        Object returnValue = null;
        Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) stateMap.get(key);
        if (map != null)
            if (delta)
                // Keep track of the removed values using key/null pair on the delta map
                returnValue = map.put((String) valueOrKey, null);
                returnValue = map.remove(valueOrKey);

            if (map.isEmpty())
                stateMap.put(key, null);
        return returnValue;

    public boolean isTransient()
        return _transient;

     * Serializing cod
     * the serialized data structure consists of key value pairs unless the value itself is an internal array
     * or a map in case of an internal array or map the value itself is another array with its initial value
     * myfaces.InternalArray, myfaces.internalMap
     * the internal Array is then mapped to another array
     * the internal Map again is then mapped to a map with key value pairs
    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
        Map serializableMap = (isInitialStateMarked()) ? _deltas : _fullState;

        if (serializableMap == null || serializableMap.size() == 0)
            return null;
        int stateHolderKeyCount = 0;
        if (isInitalStateMarked())
            for (Iterator<Serializable> it = _stateHolderKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                Serializable key = it.next();
                if (!_deltas.containsKey(key))
        Map.Entry<Serializable, Object> entry;
        //entry == key, value, key, value
        Object[] retArr = new Object[serializableMap.entrySet().size() * 2];
        //Object[] retArr = new Object[serializableMap.entrySet().size() * 2 + stateHolderKeyCount]; 

        Iterator<Map.Entry<Serializable, Object>> it = serializableMap
        int cnt = 0;
        while (it.hasNext())
            entry = it.next();
            retArr[cnt] = entry.getKey();

            Object value = entry.getValue();
            // The condition in which the call to saveAttachedState
            // is to handle List, StateHolder or non Serializable instances.
            // we check it here, to prevent unnecessary calls.
            if (value instanceof StateHolder ||
                value instanceof List ||
                !(value instanceof Serializable))
                Object savedValue = saveAttachedState(context,
File Line
javax/faces/component/_MessageUtils.java 29
javax/faces/component/html/_MessageUtils.java 30
class _MessageUtils
    private static final String DETAIL_SUFFIX = "_detail";

    static void addErrorMessage(FacesContext facesContext,
                                UIComponent component,
                                String messageId)

    static void addErrorMessage(FacesContext facesContext,
                                UIComponent component,
                                String messageId, Object[] args)

    static void addErrorMessage(FacesContext facesContext,
            UIComponent component, Throwable cause)
                new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, cause
                        .getLocalizedMessage(), cause.getLocalizedMessage()));

    static FacesMessage getMessage(FacesContext facesContext,
                                   Locale locale,
                                   FacesMessage.Severity severity,
                                   String messageId,
                                   Object args[])
        ResourceBundle appBundle;
        ResourceBundle defBundle;
        String summary;
        String detail;

        appBundle = getApplicationBundle(facesContext, locale);
        summary = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId);
        if (summary != null)
            detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
            defBundle = getDefaultBundle(facesContext, locale);
            summary = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId);
            if (summary != null)
                detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                //Try to find detail alone
                detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                if (detail != null)
                    summary = null;
                    detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                    if (detail != null)
                        summary = null;
                        //Neither detail nor summary found
                        facesContext.getExternalContext().log("No message with id " + messageId
                                                              + " found in any bundle");
                        return new FacesMessage(severity, messageId, null);

        if (args != null && args.length > 0)
            return new _ParametrizableFacesMessage(severity, summary, detail, args, locale);
            return new FacesMessage(severity, summary, detail);

    private static String getBundleString(ResourceBundle bundle, String key)
            return bundle == null ? null : bundle.getString(key);
        catch (MissingResourceException e)
            return null;

    private static ResourceBundle getApplicationBundle(FacesContext facesContext, Locale locale)
        String bundleName = facesContext.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
        return bundleName != null ? getBundle(facesContext, locale, bundleName) : null;

    private static ResourceBundle getDefaultBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                   Locale locale)
        return getBundle(facesContext, locale, FacesMessage.FACES_MESSAGES);

    private static ResourceBundle getBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                            Locale locale,
                                            String bundleName)
            //First we try the JSF implementation class loader
            return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
        catch (MissingResourceException ignore1)
                //Next we try the JSF API class loader
                return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
            catch (MissingResourceException ignore2)
                    //Last resort is the context class loader
                    return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
                catch (MissingResourceException damned)
                    facesContext.getExternalContext().log("resource bundle " + bundleName + " could not be found");
                    return null;
    static Object getLabel(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component)
        Object label = component.getAttributes().get("label");
        ValueExpression expression = null;
        if (label != null && 
            label instanceof String && ((String)label).length() == 0 )
            // Note component.getAttributes().get("label") internally try to 
            // evaluate the EL expression for the label, but in some cases, 
            // when PSS is disabled and f:loadBundle is used, when the view is 
            // restored the bundle is not set to the EL expression returns an 
            // empty String. It is not possible to check if there is a 
            // hardcoded label, but we can check if there is
            // an EL expression set, so the best in this case is use that, and if
            // there is an EL expression set, use it, otherwise use the hardcoded
            // value. See MYFACES-3591 for details.
            expression = component.getValueExpression("label");
            if (expression != null)
                // Set the label to null and use the EL expression instead.
                label = null;
        if(label != null)
            return label;
        expression = (expression == null) ? component.getValueExpression("label") : expression;
        if(expression != null)
            return expression;
        //If no label is not specified, use clientId
        return component.getClientId( facesContext );
File Line
javax/faces/convert/_MessageUtils.java 60
javax/faces/validator/_MessageUtils.java 65
        appBundle = getApplicationBundle(facesContext, locale);
        summary = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId);
        if (summary != null)
            detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
            defBundle = getDefaultBundle(facesContext, locale);
            summary = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId);
            if (summary != null)
                detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                //Try to find detail alone
                detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                if (detail != null)
                    summary = null;
                    detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                    if (detail != null)
                        summary = null;
                        //Neither detail nor summary found
                        facesContext.getExternalContext().log("No message with id " + messageId
                                                              + " found in any bundle");
                        return new FacesMessage(severity, messageId, null);

        if (args != null && args.length > 0)
            return new _ParametrizableFacesMessage(severity, summary, detail, args, locale);
            return new FacesMessage(severity, summary, detail);

    private static String getBundleString(ResourceBundle bundle, String key)
            return bundle == null ? null : bundle.getString(key);
        catch (MissingResourceException e)
            return null;

    private static ResourceBundle getApplicationBundle(FacesContext facesContext, Locale locale)
        String bundleName = facesContext.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
        return bundleName != null ? getBundle(facesContext, locale, bundleName) : null;

    private static ResourceBundle getDefaultBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                   Locale locale)
        return getBundle(facesContext, locale, FacesMessage.FACES_MESSAGES);

    private static ResourceBundle getBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                            Locale locale,
                                            String bundleName)
            //First we try the JSF implementation class loader
            return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
        catch (MissingResourceException ignore1)
                //Next we try the JSF API class loader
                return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
            catch (MissingResourceException ignore2)
                    //Last resort is the context class loader
                    if (System.getSecurityManager() != null)
                        Object cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction()
                            public Object run() throws PrivilegedActionException
                                return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
                        return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,locale,(ClassLoader)cl);

                        return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,locale,
                catch(PrivilegedActionException pae)
                    throw new FacesException(pae);
                catch (MissingResourceException damned)
                    facesContext.getExternalContext().log("resource bundle " + bundleName + " could not be found");
                    return null;
    static Object getLabel(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component)
        Object label = component.getAttributes().get("label");
        ValueExpression expression = null;
        if (label != null && 
            label instanceof String && ((String)label).length() == 0 )
            // Note component.getAttributes().get("label") internally try to 
            // evaluate the EL expression for the label, but in some cases, 
            // when PSS is disabled and f:loadBundle is used, when the view is 
            // restored the bundle is not set to the EL expression returns an 
            // empty String. It is not possible to check if there is a 
            // hardcoded label, but we can check if there is
            // an EL expression set, so the best in this case is use that, and if
            // there is an EL expression set, use it, otherwise use the hardcoded
            // value. See MYFACES-3591 for details.
            expression = component.getValueExpression("label");
            if (expression != null)
                // Set the label to null and use the EL expression instead.
                label = null;
        if(label != null)
            return label;
        expression = (expression == null) ? component.getValueExpression("label") : expression;
        if(expression != null)
            return expression;
        //If no label is not specified, use clientId
        return component.getClientId( facesContext );
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 877
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 547

    public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
        _transient = transientValue;

    //We use our own data structures just to make sure
    //nothing gets mixed up internally
    static class InternalMap<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> implements StateHolder
        public InternalMap()

        public InternalMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
            super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

        public InternalMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)

        public InternalMap(int initialSize)

        public boolean isTransient()
            return false;

        public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)
            // No op

        public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
            Object[] listAsMap = (Object[]) state;
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < listAsMap.length; cnt += 2)
                this.put((K) listAsMap[cnt], (V) UIComponentBase
                        .restoreAttachedState(context, listAsMap[cnt + 1]));

        public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
            int cnt = 0;
            Object[] mapArr = new Object[this.size() * 2];
            for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : this.entrySet())
                mapArr[cnt] = entry.getKey();
                Object value = entry.getValue();

                if (value instanceof StateHolder ||
                        value instanceof List ||
                        !(value instanceof Serializable))
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState(context, value);
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = value;
                cnt += 2;
            return mapArr;

     * Map used to keep track of list changes
    static class InternalDeltaListMap<K, V> extends InternalMap<K, V>

        public InternalDeltaListMap()

        public InternalDeltaListMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
            super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

        public InternalDeltaListMap(int initialSize)

        public InternalDeltaListMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)

    static class InternalList<T> extends ArrayList<T> implements StateHolder
        public InternalList()

        public InternalList(Collection<? extends T> c)

        public InternalList(int initialSize)

        public boolean isTransient()
            return false;

        public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)

        public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
            Object[] listAsArr = (Object[]) state;
            //since all other options would mean dual iteration
            //we have to do it the hard way
            for (Object elem : listAsArr)
                add((T) UIComponentBase.restoreAttachedState(context, elem));

        public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
            Object[] values = new Object[size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
                Object value = get(i);

                if (value instanceof StateHolder ||
                        value instanceof List ||
                        !(value instanceof Serializable))
                    values[i] = UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState(context, value);
                    values[i] = value;
            return values;
File Line
javax/faces/component/_ParametrizableFacesMessage.java 33
javax/faces/component/html/_ParametrizableFacesMessage.java 33
class _ParametrizableFacesMessage extends FacesMessage
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7792947730961657948L;

    private final Object _args[];
    private String _evaluatedDetail;
    private String _evaluatedSummary;
    private transient Object _evaluatedArgs[];
    private Locale _locale;

    public _ParametrizableFacesMessage(
            String summary, String detail, Object[] args, Locale locale)
        super(summary, detail);
        if(locale == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("locale");
        _locale = locale;
        _args = args;

    public _ParametrizableFacesMessage(FacesMessage.Severity severity,
            String summary, String detail, Object[] args, Locale locale)
        super(severity, summary, detail);
        if(locale == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("locale");
        _locale = locale;
        _args = args;

    public String getDetail()
        if (_evaluatedArgs == null && _args != null)
        if (_evaluatedDetail == null)
            MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(super.getDetail(), _locale);
            _evaluatedDetail = format.format(_evaluatedArgs);
        return _evaluatedDetail;

    public void setDetail(String detail)
        _evaluatedDetail = null;
    public String getUnformattedDetail()
        return super.getDetail();

    public String getSummary()
        if (_evaluatedArgs == null && _args != null)
        if (_evaluatedSummary == null)
            MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(super.getSummary(), _locale);
            _evaluatedSummary = format.format(_evaluatedArgs);
        return _evaluatedSummary;

    public void setSummary(String summary)
        _evaluatedSummary = null;
    public String getUnformattedSummary()
        return super.getSummary();

    private void evaluateArgs()
        _evaluatedArgs = new Object[_args.length];
        FacesContext facesContext = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < _args.length; i++)
            if (_args[i] == null)
            else if (_args[i] instanceof ValueBinding)
                if (facesContext == null)
                    facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                _evaluatedArgs[i] = ((ValueBinding)_args[i]).getValue(facesContext);
            else if (_args[i] instanceof ValueExpression)
                if (facesContext == null)
                    facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                _evaluatedArgs[i] = ((ValueExpression)_args[i]).getValue(facesContext.getELContext());
                _evaluatedArgs[i] = _args[i];
File Line
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 498
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 610
            Object savedValue = restoreAttachedState(context,
                    serializedState[cnt + 1]);

            if (isInitialStateMarked())
                if (savedValue instanceof InternalDeltaListMap)
                    for (Map.Entry<Object, Boolean> mapEntry : ((Map<Object, Boolean>) savedValue)
                        boolean addOrRemove = mapEntry.getValue();
                        if (addOrRemove)
                            this.add(key, mapEntry.getKey());
                            this.remove(key, mapEntry.getKey());
                else if (savedValue instanceof InternalMap)
                    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> mapEntry : ((Map<String, Object>) savedValue)
                        this.put(key, mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
                else if (savedValue instanceof _AttachedDeltaWrapper)
                    _AttachedStateWrapper wrapper = (_AttachedStateWrapper) savedValue;
                    //Restore delta state
                    ((PartialStateHolder)_fullState.get(key)).restoreState(context, wrapper.getWrappedStateObject());
                    //Add this key as StateHolder key 
                    put(key, savedValue);
                put(key, savedValue);

    public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
        _transient = transientValue;

    //We use our own data structures just to make sure
    //nothing gets mixed up internally
    static class InternalMap<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> implements StateHolder
        public InternalMap()

        public InternalMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
            super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

        public InternalMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)

        public InternalMap(int initialSize)

        public boolean isTransient()
            return false;

        public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)
            // No op

        public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
            Object[] listAsMap = (Object[]) state;
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < listAsMap.length; cnt += 2)
                this.put((K) listAsMap[cnt], (V) UIComponentBase
                        .restoreAttachedState(context, listAsMap[cnt + 1]));

        public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
            int cnt = 0;
            Object[] mapArr = new Object[this.size() * 2];
            for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : this.entrySet())
                mapArr[cnt] = entry.getKey();
                Object value = entry.getValue();
                if (value instanceof StateHolder ||
                    value instanceof List ||
                    !(value instanceof Serializable))
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = saveAttachedState(context, value);
File Line
javax/faces/component/behavior/BehaviorBase.java 150
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 820
    private static Object saveAttachedState(FacesContext context, Object attachedObject)
        if (context == null)
            throw new NullPointerException ("context");
        if (attachedObject == null)
            return null;
        // StateHolder interface should take precedence over
        // List children
        if (attachedObject instanceof StateHolder)
            StateHolder holder = (StateHolder) attachedObject;
            if (holder.isTransient())
                return null;

            return new _AttachedStateWrapper(attachedObject.getClass(), holder.saveState(context));
        else if (attachedObject instanceof List)
            List<Object> lst = new ArrayList<Object>(((List<?>) attachedObject).size());
            for (Object item : (List<?>) attachedObject)
                if (item != null)
                    lst.add(saveAttachedState(context, item));

            return new _AttachedListStateWrapper(lst);
        else if (attachedObject instanceof Serializable)
            return attachedObject;
            return new _AttachedStateWrapper(attachedObject.getClass(), null);

    private static Object restoreAttachedState(FacesContext context, Object stateObj) throws IllegalStateException
        if (context == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("context");
        if (stateObj == null)
            return null;
        if (stateObj instanceof _AttachedListStateWrapper)
            List<Object> lst = ((_AttachedListStateWrapper) stateObj).getWrappedStateList();
            List<Object> restoredList = new ArrayList<Object>(lst.size());
            for (Object item : lst)
                restoredList.add(restoreAttachedState(context, item));
            return restoredList;
        else if (stateObj instanceof _AttachedStateWrapper)
            Class<?> clazz = ((_AttachedStateWrapper) stateObj).getClazz();
            Object restoredObject;
                restoredObject = clazz.newInstance();
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not restore StateHolder of type " + clazz.getName()
                        + " (missing no-args constructor?)", e);
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (restoredObject instanceof StateHolder)
                _AttachedStateWrapper wrapper = (_AttachedStateWrapper) stateObj;
                Object wrappedState = wrapper.getWrappedStateObject();

                StateHolder holder = (StateHolder) restoredObject;
                holder.restoreState(context, wrappedState);
            return restoredObject;
            return stateObj;
File Line
javax/faces/component/_MessageUtils.java 62
javax/faces/convert/_MessageUtils.java 46

    static FacesMessage getMessage(FacesContext facesContext,
                                   Locale locale,
                                   FacesMessage.Severity severity,
                                   String messageId,
                                   Object args[])
        ResourceBundle appBundle;
        ResourceBundle defBundle;
        String summary;
        String detail;

        appBundle = getApplicationBundle(facesContext, locale);
        summary = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId);
        if (summary != null)
            detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
            defBundle = getDefaultBundle(facesContext, locale);
            summary = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId);
            if (summary != null)
                detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                //Try to find detail alone
                detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                if (detail != null)
                    summary = null;
                    detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                    if (detail != null)
                        summary = null;
                        //Neither detail nor summary found
                        facesContext.getExternalContext().log("No message with id " + messageId
                                                              + " found in any bundle");
                        return new FacesMessage(severity, messageId, null);

        if (args != null && args.length > 0)
            return new _ParametrizableFacesMessage(severity, summary, detail, args, locale);
            return new FacesMessage(severity, summary, detail);

    private static String getBundleString(ResourceBundle bundle, String key)
            return bundle == null ? null : bundle.getString(key);
        catch (MissingResourceException e)
            return null;

    private static ResourceBundle getApplicationBundle(FacesContext facesContext, Locale locale)
        String bundleName = facesContext.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
        return bundleName != null ? getBundle(facesContext, locale, bundleName) : null;

    private static ResourceBundle getDefaultBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                   Locale locale)
        return getBundle(facesContext, locale, FacesMessage.FACES_MESSAGES);

    private static ResourceBundle getBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                            Locale locale,
                                            String bundleName)
            //First we try the JSF implementation class loader
            return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
        catch (MissingResourceException ignore1)
                //Next we try the JSF API class loader
                return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
            catch (MissingResourceException ignore2)
File Line
javax/faces/component/_MessageUtils.java 77
javax/faces/validator/_MessageUtils.java 65
        appBundle = getApplicationBundle(facesContext, locale);
        summary = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId);
        if (summary != null)
            detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
            defBundle = getDefaultBundle(facesContext, locale);
            summary = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId);
            if (summary != null)
                detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                //Try to find detail alone
                detail = getBundleString(appBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                if (detail != null)
                    summary = null;
                    detail = getBundleString(defBundle, messageId + DETAIL_SUFFIX);
                    if (detail != null)
                        summary = null;
                        //Neither detail nor summary found
                        facesContext.getExternalContext().log("No message with id " + messageId
                                                              + " found in any bundle");
                        return new FacesMessage(severity, messageId, null);

        if (args != null && args.length > 0)
            return new _ParametrizableFacesMessage(severity, summary, detail, args, locale);
            return new FacesMessage(severity, summary, detail);

    private static String getBundleString(ResourceBundle bundle, String key)
            return bundle == null ? null : bundle.getString(key);
        catch (MissingResourceException e)
            return null;

    private static ResourceBundle getApplicationBundle(FacesContext facesContext, Locale locale)
        String bundleName = facesContext.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
        return bundleName != null ? getBundle(facesContext, locale, bundleName) : null;

    private static ResourceBundle getDefaultBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                                   Locale locale)
        return getBundle(facesContext, locale, FacesMessage.FACES_MESSAGES);

    private static ResourceBundle getBundle(FacesContext facesContext,
                                            Locale locale,
                                            String bundleName)
            //First we try the JSF implementation class loader
            return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
        catch (MissingResourceException ignore1)
                //Next we try the JSF API class loader
                return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName,
            catch (MissingResourceException ignore2)
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 516
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 396
            if (_createDeltas())
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromCollectionDelta(_deltas,
                        key, valueOrKey);
                _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(_fullState, key, valueOrKey);
                returnValue = _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(_fullState, key,
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromCollectionDelta(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey)
        Object returnValue = null;
        Map<Object, Boolean> c = (Map<Object, Boolean>) stateMap.get(key);
        if (c != null)
            if (c.containsKey(valueOrKey))
                returnValue = valueOrKey;
            c.put(valueOrKey, Boolean.FALSE);
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromCollection(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey)
        Object returnValue = null;
        Collection c = (Collection) stateMap.get(key);
        if (c != null)
            if (c.remove(valueOrKey))
                returnValue = valueOrKey;
            if (c.isEmpty())
        return returnValue;

    private static Object _removeValueOrKeyFromMap(
            Map<Serializable, Object> stateMap, Serializable key,
            Object valueOrKey, boolean delta)
        if (valueOrKey == null)
            return null;

        Object returnValue = null;
        Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) stateMap.get(key);
        if (map != null)
            if (delta)
                // Keep track of the removed values using key/null pair on the delta map
                returnValue = map.put((String) valueOrKey, null);
                returnValue = map.remove(valueOrKey);

            if (map.isEmpty())
                stateMap.put(key, null);
        return returnValue;

    public boolean isTransient()
        return _transient;

     * Serializing cod
     * the serialized data structure consists of key value pairs unless the value itself is an internal array
     * or a map in case of an internal array or map the value itself is another array with its initial value
     * myfaces.InternalArray, myfaces.internalMap
     * <p/>
     * the internal Array is then mapped to another array
     * <p/>
     * the internal Map again is then mapped to a map with key value pairs

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
        Map serializableMap = (isInitialStateMarked()) ? _deltas : _fullState;

        if (serializableMap == null || serializableMap.size() == 0)
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 899
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 980
                UIComponent child = parent.getChildren().get(i);
                if (!child.isTransient())
                    // Add an entry to the collection, being an array of two
                    // elements. The first element is the state of the children
                    // of this component; the second is the state of the current
                    // child itself.

                    if (child instanceof EditableValueHolder)
                        if (childStates == null)
                            childStates = new ArrayList<Object[]>(
                                    + parent.getChildCount()
                                    - totalChildCount
                                    + childEmptyIndex);
                            for (int ci = 0; ci < childEmptyIndex; ci++)
                        childStates.add(child.getChildCount() > 0 ? 
                                new Object[]{new EditableValueHolderState((EditableValueHolder) child),
                                    saveDescendantComponentStates(child, saveChildFacets, true)} :
                                new Object[]{new EditableValueHolderState((EditableValueHolder) child),
                    else if (child.getChildCount() > 0 || (saveChildFacets && child.getFacetCount() > 0))
                        Object descendantSavedState = saveDescendantComponentStates(child, saveChildFacets, true);
                        if (descendantSavedState == null)
                            if (childStates == null)
                            if (childStates == null)
                                childStates = new ArrayList<Object[]>(
                                        + parent.getChildCount()
                                        - totalChildCount
                                        + childEmptyIndex);
                                for (int ci = 0; ci < childEmptyIndex; ci++)
                            childStates.add(new Object[]{null, descendantSavedState});
                        if (childStates == null)
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 877
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 659

    public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
        _transient = transientValue;

    //We use our own data structures just to make sure
    //nothing gets mixed up internally
    static class InternalMap<K, V> extends HashMap<K, V> implements StateHolder
        public InternalMap()

        public InternalMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
            super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

        public InternalMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)

        public InternalMap(int initialSize)

        public boolean isTransient()
            return false;

        public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)
            // No op

        public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
            Object[] listAsMap = (Object[]) state;
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < listAsMap.length; cnt += 2)
                this.put((K) listAsMap[cnt], (V) UIComponentBase
                        .restoreAttachedState(context, listAsMap[cnt + 1]));

        public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
            int cnt = 0;
            Object[] mapArr = new Object[this.size() * 2];
            for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : this.entrySet())
                mapArr[cnt] = entry.getKey();
                Object value = entry.getValue();
                if (value instanceof StateHolder ||
                    value instanceof List ||
                    !(value instanceof Serializable))
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = saveAttachedState(context, value);
File Line
javax/faces/event/MethodExpressionActionListener.java 80
javax/faces/event/MethodExpressionValueChangeListener.java 77
                Object[] params = new Object[] { event };
                methodExpressionOneArg.invoke(getElContext(), params);
            catch (MethodNotFoundException mnfe)
                // call to the zero argument MethodExpression
                methodExpressionZeroArg.invoke(getElContext(), EMPTY_PARAMS);
        catch (ELException e)
            // "... If that fails for any reason, throw an AbortProcessingException,
            // including the cause of the failure ..."
            // -= Leonardo Uribe =- after discussing this topic on MYFACES-3199, the conclusion is the part is an advice
            // for the developer implementing a listener in a method expressions that could be wrapped by this class.
            // The spec wording is poor but, to keep this coherently with ExceptionHandler API,
            // the spec and code on UIViewRoot we need:
            // 2a) "exception is instance of APE or any of the causes of the exception are an APE, 
            // DON'T publish ExceptionQueuedEvent and terminate processing for current event".
            // 2b) for any other exception publish ExceptionQueuedEvent and continue broadcast processing.
            Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            AbortProcessingException ape = null;
            if (cause != null)
                    if (cause instanceof AbortProcessingException)
                        ape = (AbortProcessingException) cause;
                    cause = cause.getCause();
                while (cause != null);
            if (ape != null)
                // 2a) "exception is instance of APE or any of the causes of the exception are an APE, 
                // DON'T publish ExceptionQueuedEvent and terminate processing for current event".
                // To do this throw an AbortProcessingException here, later on UIViewRoot.broadcastAll,
                // this exception will be received and stored to handle later.
                throw ape;
            //for any other exception publish ExceptionQueuedEvent and continue broadcast processing.
            throw e;
            //Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            //if (cause == null)
            //    cause = e;
            //if (cause instanceof AbortProcessingException)
            //    throw (AbortProcessingException) cause;
            //    throw new AbortProcessingException(cause);

    public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
        methodExpressionOneArg = (MethodExpression) ((Object[]) state)[0];
        methodExpressionZeroArg = (MethodExpression) ((Object[]) state)[1];

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
        return new Object[] {methodExpressionOneArg, methodExpressionZeroArg};

    public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)
        isTransient = newTransientValue;

    public boolean isTransient()
        return isTransient;
    private ELContext getElContext()
        return getFacesContext().getELContext();
    private FacesContext getFacesContext()
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
     * Creates a {@link MethodExpression} with no params and with the same Expression as 
     * param <code>methodExpression</code>
     * <b>WARNING!</b> This method creates new {@link MethodExpression} with expressionFactory.createMethodExpression.
     * That means is not decorating MethodExpression passed as parameter -
     * support for EL VariableMapper will not be available!
     * This is a problem when using facelets and <ui:decorate/> with EL params (see MYFACES-2541 for details).
    private void _createZeroArgsMethodExpression(MethodExpression methodExpression)
        ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = getFacesContext().getApplication().getExpressionFactory();

        this.methodExpressionZeroArg = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(getElContext(), 
                  methodExpression.getExpressionString(), Void.class, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);

File Line
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 75
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 174
        _fullState = new HashMap<Serializable, Object>();
        _deltas = null;
        //_stateHolderKeys = new HashSet<Serializable>();

     * Used to create delta map on demand
     * @return
    private boolean _createDeltas()
        if (isInitialStateMarked())
            if (_deltas == null)
                _deltas = new HashMap<Serializable, Object>(2);
            return true;

        return false;
    protected boolean isInitialStateMarked()
        return _target.initialStateMarked();

    public void add(Serializable key, Object value)
        if (_createDeltas())
            //Track delta case
            Map<Object, Boolean> deltaListMapValues = (Map<Object, Boolean>) _deltas
            if (deltaListMapValues == null)
                deltaListMapValues = new InternalDeltaListMap<Object, Boolean>(
                _deltas.put(key, deltaListMapValues);
            deltaListMapValues.put(value, Boolean.TRUE);

        //Handle change on full map
        List<Object> fullListValues = (List<Object>) _fullState.get(key);
        if (fullListValues == null)
            fullListValues = new InternalList<Object>(3);
            _fullState.put(key, fullListValues);

    public Object eval(Serializable key)
        Object returnValue = _fullState.get(key);
        if (returnValue != null)
            return returnValue;
        ValueExpression expression = _target.getValueExpression(key
        if (expression != null)
            return expression.getValue(_target.getFacesContext()
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java 1693
javax/faces/component/UIForm.java 379

    private String getComponentLocation(UIComponent component)
        Location location = (Location) component.getAttributes()
        if (location != null)
            return location.toString();
        return null;
    private String getPathToComponent(UIComponent component)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        if (component == null)
            buf.append("{Component-Path : ");
            return buf.toString();

        getPathToComponent(component, buf);

        buf.insert(0, "{Component-Path : ");

        return buf.toString();
    private void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(((UIViewRoot) component).getViewId());
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf.toString());

        getPathToComponent(component.getParent(), buf);
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIForm.java 297
javax/faces/component/UINamingContainer.java 138
        pushComponentToEL(context.getFacesContext(), this);
        boolean isCachedFacesContext = isCachedFacesContext();
            if (!isCachedFacesContext)

            if (!isVisitable(context))
                return false;

            VisitResult res = context.invokeVisitCallback(this, callback);
            switch (res)
                //we are done nothing has to be processed anymore
                case COMPLETE:
                    return true;

                case REJECT:
                    return false;

                    // Take advantage of the fact this is a NamingContainer
                    // and we can know if there are ids to visit inside it
                    Collection<String> subtreeIdsToVisit = context.getSubtreeIdsToVisit(this);

                    if (subtreeIdsToVisit != null && !subtreeIdsToVisit.isEmpty())
                        if (getFacetCount() > 0)
                            for (UIComponent facet : getFacets().values())
                                if (facet.visitTree(context, callback))
                                    return true;
                        for (int i = 0, childCount = getChildCount(); i < childCount; i++)
                            UIComponent child = getChildren().get(i);
                            if (child.visitTree(context, callback))
                                return true;
                    return false;
            //all components must call popComponentFromEl after visiting is finished
            if (!isCachedFacesContext)
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 943
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 725
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = saveAttachedState(context, value);
                    mapArr[cnt + 1] = value;
                cnt += 2;
            return mapArr;

     * Map used to keep track of list changes 
    static class InternalDeltaListMap<K, V> extends InternalMap<K, V>

        public InternalDeltaListMap()

        public InternalDeltaListMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
            super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);

        public InternalDeltaListMap(int initialSize)

        public InternalDeltaListMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m)

    static class InternalList<T> extends ArrayList<T> implements StateHolder
        public InternalList()

        public InternalList(Collection<? extends T> c)

        public InternalList(int initialSize)

        public boolean isTransient()
            return false;

        public void setTransient(boolean newTransientValue)

        public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
            Object[] listAsArr = (Object[]) state;
            //since all other options would mean dual iteration 
            //we have to do it the hard way
            for (Object elem : listAsArr)
                add((T) restoreAttachedState(context, elem));
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 769
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 494
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < serializedState.length; cnt += 2)
            Serializable key = (Serializable) serializedState[cnt];

            Object savedValue = UIComponentBase.restoreAttachedState(context,
                    serializedState[cnt + 1]);

            if (isInitialStateMarked())
                if (savedValue instanceof InternalDeltaListMap)
                    for (Map.Entry<Object, Boolean> mapEntry : ((Map<Object, Boolean>) savedValue)
                        boolean addOrRemove = mapEntry.getValue();
                        if (addOrRemove)
                            this.add(key, mapEntry.getKey());
                            this.remove(key, mapEntry.getKey());
                else if (savedValue instanceof InternalMap)
                    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> mapEntry : ((Map<String, Object>) savedValue)
                        this.put(key, mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
                else if (savedValue instanceof _AttachedDeltaWrapper)
                    _AttachedStateWrapper wrapper = (_AttachedStateWrapper) savedValue;
                    //Restore delta state
                    ((PartialStateHolder)_fullState.get(key)).restoreState(context, wrapper.getWrappedStateObject());
                    //Add this key as StateHolder key
                    put(key, savedValue);
                put(key, savedValue);

    public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
File Line
javax/faces/component/_LabeledFacesMessage.java 29
javax/faces/convert/_LabeledFacesMessage.java 29
class _LabeledFacesMessage extends FacesMessage

    public _LabeledFacesMessage()

    public _LabeledFacesMessage(Severity severity, String summary, String detail)
        super(severity, summary, detail);

    public _LabeledFacesMessage(String summary, String detail)
        super(summary, detail);

    public _LabeledFacesMessage(String summary)

    public String getDetail()
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ValueExpression value =
                    super.getDetail(), String.class);
        return (String)value.getValue(facesContext.getELContext());

    public String getSummary()
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ValueExpression value =
                    super.getSummary(), String.class);
        return (String)value.getValue(facesContext.getELContext());

File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 425
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 305
        if (_createDeltas())
            //Track delta case
            Map<String, Object> mapValues = (Map<String, Object>) _deltas
            if (mapValues == null)
                mapValues = new InternalMap<String, Object>();
                _deltas.put(key, mapValues);
            if (mapValues.containsKey(mapKey))
                returnValue = mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
                returnSet = true;
                mapValues.put(mapKey, value);

        //Handle change on full map
        Map<String, Object> mapValues = (Map<String, Object>) _fullState
        if (mapValues == null)
            mapValues = new InternalMap<String, Object>();
            _fullState.put(key, mapValues);
        if (returnSet)
            mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
            returnValue = mapValues.put(mapKey, value);
        return returnValue;

    public Object remove(Serializable key)
        Object returnValue = null;
        if (_createDeltas())
File Line
javax/faces/model/CollectionDataModel.java 69
javax/faces/model/ListDataModel.java 71

    public int getRowIndex()
        return _rowIndex;

    public Object getWrappedData()
        return _data;

    public boolean isRowAvailable()
        return _data != null && _rowIndex >= 0 && _rowIndex < _data.size();

    public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)
        if (rowIndex < -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal rowIndex " + rowIndex);
        int oldRowIndex = _rowIndex;
        _rowIndex = rowIndex;
        if (_data != null && oldRowIndex != _rowIndex)
            E data = isRowAvailable() ? getRowData() : null;
            DataModelEvent event = new DataModelEvent(this, _rowIndex, data);
            DataModelListener[] listeners = getDataModelListeners();
            for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)

    public void setWrappedData(Object data)
        if (data == null)
            _data = null;
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java 1709
javax/faces/component/_SelectItemsIterator.java 333

    private String getPathToComponent(UIComponent component)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        if (component == null)
            buf.append("{Component-Path : ");
            return buf.toString();

        getPathToComponent(component, buf);

        buf.insert(0, "{Component-Path : ");

        return buf.toString();

    private void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(((UIViewRoot) component).getViewId());
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf);
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 745
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 788
                UIComponent component = parent.getChildren().get(i);

                // reset the client id (see spec 3.1.6)
                if (!component.isTransient())
                    if (descendantStateIndex == -1)
                        stateCollection = ((List<? extends Object[]>) state);
                        descendantStateIndex = stateCollection.isEmpty() ? -1 : 0;
                    if (descendantStateIndex != -1 && descendantStateIndex < stateCollection.size())
                        Object[] object = stateCollection.get(descendantStateIndex);
                        if (object[0] != null && component instanceof EditableValueHolder)
                            ((EditableValueHolderState) object[0]).restoreState((EditableValueHolder) component);
                        // If there is descendant state to restore, call it recursively, otherwise
                        // it is safe to skip iteration.
                        if (object[1] != null)
                            restoreDescendantComponentStates(component, restoreChildFacets, object[1], true);
                            restoreDescendantComponentWithoutRestoreState(component, restoreChildFacets, true);
                        restoreDescendantComponentWithoutRestoreState(component, restoreChildFacets, true);
File Line
javax/faces/component/_MessageUtils.java 179
javax/faces/validator/_MessageUtils.java 185
                    throw new FacesException(pae);
                catch (MissingResourceException damned)
                    facesContext.getExternalContext().log("resource bundle " + bundleName + " could not be found");
                    return null;
    static Object getLabel(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component)
        Object label = component.getAttributes().get("label");
        ValueExpression expression = null;
        if (label != null && 
            label instanceof String && ((String)label).length() == 0 )
            // Note component.getAttributes().get("label") internally try to 
            // evaluate the EL expression for the label, but in some cases, 
            // when PSS is disabled and f:loadBundle is used, when the view is 
            // restored the bundle is not set to the EL expression returns an 
            // empty String. It is not possible to check if there is a 
            // hardcoded label, but we can check if there is
            // an EL expression set, so the best in this case is use that, and if
            // there is an EL expression set, use it, otherwise use the hardcoded
            // value. See MYFACES-3591 for details.
            expression = component.getValueExpression("label");
            if (expression != null)
                // Set the label to null and use the EL expression instead.
                label = null;
        if(label != null)
            return label;
        expression = (expression == null) ? component.getValueExpression("label") : expression;
        if(expression != null)
            return expression;
        //If no label is not specified, use clientId
        return component.getClientId( facesContext );
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 325
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AjaxBehaviorDeltaStateHelper.java 106
        if (_createDeltas())
            //Track delta case
            Map<Object, Boolean> deltaListMapValues = (Map<Object, Boolean>) _deltas
            if (deltaListMapValues == null)
                deltaListMapValues = new InternalDeltaListMap<Object, Boolean>(
                _deltas.put(key, deltaListMapValues);
            deltaListMapValues.put(value, Boolean.TRUE);

        //Handle change on full map
        List<Object> fullListValues = (List<Object>) _fullState.get(key);
        if (fullListValues == null)
            fullListValues = new InternalList<Object>(3);
            _fullState.put(key, fullListValues);

    public Object eval(Serializable key)
        Object returnValue = _fullState.get(key);
        if (returnValue != null)
            return returnValue;
        ValueExpression expression = _target.getValueExpression(key
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java 1886
javax/faces/component/behavior/BehaviorBase.java 213
            for (Object item : lst)
                restoredList.add(restoreAttachedState(context, item));
            return restoredList;
        else if (stateObj instanceof _AttachedStateWrapper)
            Class<?> clazz = ((_AttachedStateWrapper) stateObj).getClazz();
            Object restoredObject;
                restoredObject = clazz.newInstance();
            catch (InstantiationException e)
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not restore StateHolder of type " + clazz.getName()
                        + " (missing no-args constructor?)", e);
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (restoredObject instanceof StateHolder)
                _AttachedStateWrapper wrapper = (_AttachedStateWrapper) stateObj;
                Object wrappedState = wrapper.getWrappedStateObject();

                StateHolder holder = (StateHolder) restoredObject;
                holder.restoreState(context, wrappedState);
            return restoredObject;
            return stateObj;
File Line
javax/faces/model/ArrayDataModel.java 86
javax/faces/model/ScalarDataModel.java 78

    public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)
        if (rowIndex < -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal rowIndex " + rowIndex);
        int oldRowIndex = _rowIndex;
        _rowIndex = rowIndex;
        if (_data != null && oldRowIndex != _rowIndex)
            Object data = isRowAvailable() ? getRowData() : null;
            DataModelEvent event = new DataModelEvent(this, _rowIndex, data);
            DataModelListener[] listeners = getDataModelListeners();
            for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)

    public void setWrappedData(Object data)
        if (data == null)
            _data = null;
            _data = (E) data;
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 704
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 542
                Object savedValue = saveAttachedState(context,
                retArr[cnt + 1] = savedValue;
                retArr[cnt + 1] = value;
            cnt += 2;
        if (isInitalStateMarked())
            for (Iterator<Serializable> it2 = _stateHolderKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                Serializable key = it2.next();
                if (!_deltas.containsKey(key))
                    retArr[cnt] = key;
                    Object value = _fullState.get(key);
                    if (value instanceof PartialStateHolder)
                        //Could contain delta, save it as _AttachedDeltaState
                        PartialStateHolder holder = (PartialStateHolder) value;
                        if (holder.isTransient())
                            retArr[cnt + 1] = null;
                            retArr[cnt + 1] = new _AttachedDeltaWrapper(value.getClass(), holder.saveState(context));
                        //Save everything
                        retArr[cnt + 1] = saveAttachedState(context, _fullState.get(key));
                    cnt += 2;
        return retArr;

    public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
        if (state == null)

        Object[] serializedState = (Object[]) state;
        if (!isInitialStateMarked() && !_fullState.isEmpty())
            if(_deltas != null)

        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < serializedState.length; cnt += 2)
            Serializable key = (Serializable) serializedState[cnt];
            Object savedValue = restoreAttachedState(context,
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIInput.java 528
javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java 432
    // Copied from javax.faces.component.UIInput
    private boolean shouldValidateEmptyFields(FacesContext context)
        ExternalContext ec = context.getExternalContext();
        Boolean validateEmptyFields = (Boolean) ec.getApplicationMap().get(VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS_PARAM_NAME);

        if (validateEmptyFields == null)
             String param = ec.getInitParameter(VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS_PARAM_NAME);

             // null means the same as auto.
             if (param == null)
                 param = "auto";
                 // The environment variables are case insensitive.
                 param = param.toLowerCase();

             if (param.equals("auto") && _ExternalSpecifications.isBeanValidationAvailable())
                 validateEmptyFields = true;
             else if (param.equals("true"))
                 validateEmptyFields = true;
                 validateEmptyFields = false;

             // cache the parsed value
             ec.getApplicationMap().put(VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS_PARAM_NAME, validateEmptyFields);

        return validateEmptyFields;
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 556
javax/faces/component/UIData.java 657

        _rowIndex = rowIndex;

        DataModel dataModel = getDataModel();

        String var = (String) getStateHelper().get(PropertyKeys.var);
        if (rowIndex == -1)
            if (var != null)
            if (var != null)
                if (isRowAvailable())
                    Object rowData = dataModel.getRowData();
                    facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(var, rowData);

        if (_initialDescendantFullComponentState != null)
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java 1730
javax/faces/component/_ComponentUtils.java 417
    private static void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf.toString());

        getPathToComponent(component.getParent(), buf);
File Line
javax/faces/component/_SelectItemsIterator.java 354
javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentClassicTagBase.java 960
    private static void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf);

        getPathToComponent(component.getParent(), buf);
File Line
javax/faces/component/_DeltaStateHelper.java 391
javax/faces/component/behavior/_DeltaStateHelper.java 271
        if (_createDeltas())
            if (_deltas.containsKey(key))
                returnValue = _deltas.put(key, value);
                _fullState.put(key, value);
            else if (value == null && !_fullState.containsKey(key))
                returnValue = null;
                _deltas.put(key, value);
                returnValue = _fullState.put(key, value);
            if (value instanceof StateHolder)
            returnValue = _fullState.put(key, value);
        return returnValue;

    public Object put(Serializable key, String mapKey, Object value)
        boolean returnSet = false;
        Object returnValue = null;
        if (_createDeltas())
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIViewRoot.java 223
javax/faces/component/UIViewRoot.java 254
        else if (componentId != null)
            for(Iterator<UIComponent> it = componentResources.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                UIComponent component = it.next();
                if(componentId.equals(component.getId()) && componentResource != component)
                    if (!component.isCachedFacesContext())
                else if (componentResource == component)
                    alreadyAdded = true;
File Line
javax/faces/component/_ComponentUtils.java 415
javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentClassicTagBase.java 957

    /** Generate diagnostic output. */
    private static void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf);
File Line
javax/faces/component/_ComponentAttributesMap.java 353
javax/faces/component/_ComponentAttributesMap.java 393
                                    if (attribute.getName().equals(key))
                                        String attributeName = attribute.getName();
                                        boolean isKnownMethod = "action".equals(attributeName)
                                                || "actionListener".equals(attributeName)
                                                || "validator".equals(attributeName)
                                                || "valueChangeListener".equals(attributeName);

                                        // <composite:attribute> method-signature attribute is 
                                        // ValueExpression that must evaluate to String
                                        ValueExpression methodSignatureExpression
                                                = (ValueExpression) attribute.getValue("method-signature");
                                        String methodSignature = null;
                                        if (methodSignatureExpression != null)
                                            // Check if the value expression holds a method signature
                                            // Note that it could be null, so in that case we don't have to 
                                            // do anything
                                            methodSignature = (String) methodSignatureExpression.getValue(

                                        // either the attributeName has to be a knownMethod
                                        // or there has to be a method-signature
                                        if (isKnownMethod || methodSignature != null)
                                            //In this case it is expecting a ValueExpression
                                            return attribute.getValue("default");
                                            value = attribute.getValue("default");
File Line
javax/faces/component/html/_HtmlBody.java 54
javax/faces/component/html/_HtmlHead.java 52
  public abstract String getLang();
   * @since 2.1.0
   * @return
  public abstract String getXmlns();
  public Converter getConverter()
    return super.getConverter();

  public Object getValue()
    return super.getValue();

  public String getId()
    return super.getId();

  public boolean isRendered()
    return super.isRendered();
File Line
javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java 1730
javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentClassicTagBase.java 960
    private static void getPathToComponent(UIComponent component, StringBuffer buf)
        if (component == null)

        StringBuffer intBuf = new StringBuffer();

        intBuf.append("[Class: ");
        if (component instanceof UIViewRoot)
            intBuf.append(",ViewId: ");
            intBuf.append(",Id: ");

        buf.insert(0, intBuf);
File Line
javax/faces/validator/LengthValidator.java 150
javax/faces/validator/LongRangeValidator.java 179
        _minimum = new Long(minimum);

    public boolean isTransient()
        return _transient;

    public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
        _transient = transientValue;

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
        if (!initialStateMarked())
            Object values[] = new Object[2];
            values[0] = _maximum;
            values[1] = _minimum;
            return values;
        return null;

    public void restoreState(FacesContext context,
                             Object state)
        if (state != null)
            Object values[] = (Object[])state;
            _maximum = (Long)values[0];
File Line
javax/faces/component/_ExternalSpecifications.java 49
javax/faces/validator/_ExternalSpecifications.java 50
    public static boolean isBeanValidationAvailable()
        if (beanValidationAvailable == null)
                    beanValidationAvailable = (Class.forName("javax.validation.Validation") != null);
                catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
                    beanValidationAvailable = Boolean.FALSE;
                if (beanValidationAvailable)
                        // Trial-error approach to check for Bean Validation impl existence.
                        // If any Exception occurs here, we assume that Bean Validation is not available.
                        // The cause may be anything, i.e. NoClassDef, config error...
                    catch (Throwable t)
                        log.log(Level.FINE, "Error initializing Bean Validation (could be normal)", t);
                        beanValidationAvailable = false;
            catch (Throwable t)
                log.log(Level.FINE, "Error loading class (could be normal)", t);
                beanValidationAvailable = false;
File Line
javax/faces/component/_AttachedStateWrapper.java 23
javax/faces/component/behavior/_AttachedStateWrapper.java 23
class _AttachedStateWrapper implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4948301780259917764L;
    private Class<?> _class;
    private Object _wrappedStateObject;

     * @param clazz
     *            null means wrappedStateObject is a List of state objects
     * @param wrappedStateObject
    public _AttachedStateWrapper(Class<?> clazz, Object wrappedStateObject)
        if (wrappedStateObject != null && !(wrappedStateObject instanceof Serializable))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attached state for Object of type " + clazz + " (Class "
                    + wrappedStateObject.getClass().getName() + ") is not serializable");
        _class = clazz;
        _wrappedStateObject = wrappedStateObject;

    public Class<?> getClazz()
        return _class;

    public Object getWrappedStateObject()
        return _wrappedStateObject;