JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 9. Using the jUDDI REST Services

Table of Contents

9.1. URL Patterns and methods
9.1.1. Endpoints
9.1.2. Methods
9.2. Example Output
9.2.1. XML
9.2.2. JSON
9.3. More information

jUDDI includes a Inquiry API adapter that exposes some of the basic functionality of UDDI via REST. Data can be retrieved in both XML and JSON encoding for all methods.

  1. All jUDDI Inquiry REST service are accessible via HTTP GET.
  2. Authentication is not yet supported. This also implies that the Inquiry API must be configured for anonymous access (i.e. do not turn on Inquiry Authentication Required).
  3. The jUDDI Inquiry REST service is not currently portable as an adapter to other UDDI instances (but it could be adapted to it in the future)

All endpoints must be prefixed with http(s)://server:port/juddicontext/ where juddicontext is typically juddiv3.

WADL Document: http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/inquiryRest?_wadl


All of the examples in this document reference JSON encoded messages. To switch to XML messages, just replace the JSON with XML in the URL. That’s it!

Each method is accessible using the following pattern:



  • Encoding - Can be XML or JSON
  • Methods - See below
  • Parameters - usually a unique UDDI key

The output of JSON encoded messages is obviously different than XML. The following is an example of what it looks like.

    "businessEntity": {
        "@businessKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:businesses-asf",
        "discoveryURLs": {
            "discoveryURL": {
                "@useType": "homepage",
                "$": "http://localhost:8080/juddiv3"
        "name": {
            "@xml.lang": "en",
            "$": "An Apache jUDDI Node"
        "description": {
            "@xml.lang": "en",
            "$": "This is a UDDI v3 registry node as implemented by Apache jUDDI."
        "businessServices": {
            "businessService": [
                    "@serviceKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:services-custodytransfer",
                    "@businessKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:businesses-asf",
                    "name": {
                        "@xml.lang": "en",
                        "$": "UDDI Custody and Ownership Transfer Service"
                    "description": {
                        "@xml.lang": "en",
                        "$": "Web Service supporting UDDI Custody and Ownership Transfer API"
                    "bindingTemplates": {
                        "bindingTemplate": [
                                "@bindingKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:servicebindings-custodytransfer-ws",
                                "@serviceKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:services-custodytransfer",
                                "description": "UDDI Custody and Ownership Transfer API V3",
                                "accessPoint": {
                                    "@useType": "wsdlDeployment",
                                    "$": "http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/custody-transfer?wsdl"
                                "tModelInstanceDetails": {
                                    "tModelInstanceInfo": {
                                        "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:v3_ownership_transfer",
                                        "instanceDetails": {
                                            "instanceParms": "\n                \n                <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n                <UDDIinstanceParmsContainer\n                 xmlns=\"urn:uddi-org:policy_v3_instanceParms\">\n                  <authInfoUse>required</authInfoUse>\n                </UDDIinstanceParmsContainer>\n                \n                "
                                "categoryBag": {
                                    "keyedReference": {
                                        "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:categorization:types",
                                        "@keyName": "uddi-org:types:wsdl",
                                        "@keyValue": "wsdlDeployment"
                                "@bindingKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:servicebindings-custodytransfer-ws-ssl",
                                "@serviceKey": "uddi:juddi.apache.org:services-custodytransfer",
                                "description": "UDDI Custody and Ownership Transfer API V3 SSL",
                                "accessPoint": {
                                    "@useType": "wsdlDeployment",
                                    "$": "https://localhost:8443/juddiv3/services/custody-transfer?wsdl"
                                "tModelInstanceDetails": {
                                    "tModelInstanceInfo": [
                                            "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:v3_ownership_transfer",
                                            "instanceDetails": {
                                                "instanceParms": "\n                \n                <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n                <UDDIinstanceParmsContainer\n                 xmlns=\"urn:uddi-org:policy_v3_instanceParms\">\n                  <authInfoUse>required</authInfoUse>\n                </UDDIinstanceParmsContainer>\n                \n                "
                                            "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:protocol:serverauthenticatedssl3"
                                "categoryBag": {
                                    "keyedReference": {
                                        "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:categorization:types",
                                        "@keyName": "uddi-org:types:wsdl",
                                        "@keyValue": "wsdlDeployment"
        "categoryBag": {
            "keyedReference": {
                "@tModelKey": "uddi:uddi.org:categorization:nodes",
                "@keyName": "",
                "@keyValue": "node"

For more information, please check out the source code: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/juddi/trunk/juddi-rest-cxf/