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Apache jUDDI Client and GUI Guide


Alex O'Ree

Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Apache Software Foundation (ASF), http://juddi.apache.org
Legal Notice

We’d like to dedicate this guide to Steve Viens and Andy Cutright who started this project back in 2003.

Table of Contents

1. Simple Publishing Using the jUDDI API
1.1. UDDI Data Model
1.2. jUDDI Additions to the Model
1.3. UDDI and jUDDI API
1.4. Getting Started
1.4.1. Simple Publishing Example
1.4.2. About UDDI Entity Keys
1.5. A few tips on adding Binding Templates
1.6. Conclusion
2. jUDDI Client Configuration Guide
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Client Settings
2.3. Nodes
2.3.1. Transport Options
2.4. Clerks
2.5. Clerk
2.6. Digital Signatures
2.7. Subscription Callbacks
2.8. XtoWsdl
2.9. Embedded jUDDI server
2.9.1. Requirements
2.9.2. Changes in configuration compared to non-embedded
3. Key Format Templates
3.1. UDDIv3 key format
3.2. jUDDI key format templates
3.2.1. Advantages of using a template
3.2.2. Default UDDIKeyConvention Key Templates
3.2.3. How to use the templates?
3.2.4. Where to define to properties?
4. Using the jUDDI GUI
4.1. Requirements
4.2. Tasks
4.2.1. Your first sign on
4.3. The Menu Bar
4.4. Logging in to UDDI Services
4.5. Logging Out
4.6. Discover (Browse UDDI)
4.6.1. Business Browser
4.6.2. Service Browser
4.6.3. tModel Browser
4.6.4. Search
4.7. Creating new Entities
4.7.1. Create a tModel
4.7.2. Create a tModek Key Generator (Partition)
4.7.3. Create a Business
4.7.4. Create a Service
4.7.5. Import from WSDL or WADL
4.8. Custody Transfers
4.9. Publisher Assertions
4.10. Subscriptions
4.10.1. Create a new subscription
4.10.2. View My Subscriptions
4.10.3. View the News Feed
4.11. Using Digital Signatures in juddi-gui
4.11.1. Sign a Business, Service or tModel
4.11.2. Verify a signed UDDI entity
4.12. Configuration
4.13. Language Codes
4.14. Switching Nodes
5. Mapping WSDL and WSDL to UDDI
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Use Case - WSDL
5.2.1. Sample Code
5.2.2. Links to sample project
5.3. Use Case - WADL
5.3.1. Sample Code
5.3.2. Links to sample project
6. Using UDDI Annotations
6.1. UDDI Service Annotation
6.2. UDDIServiceBinding Annotation
6.2.1. Java Web Service Example
6.2.2. Wiring it all together
6.3. .NET Web Service Example
6.3.1. Wiring it all together
6.4. CategoryBag Attribute
6.5. Considerations for clustered or load balanced web servers and automated registration
7. Using the UDDI v2 Services and Adapters
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Accessing UDDI v2 services using the jUDDI v3 Client
7.3. Accessing UDDI v2 services using UDDI v2 APIs
7.4. Accessing jUDDI v3 services from an existing UDDI v2 based client, plugin or tool
7.5. Additional Information
8. UDDI Migration and Backup Tool
8.1. Using the tool
8.1.1. Get help
8.1.2. Use case: basic import and export
8.1.3. Use case: Import and Export while preserving ownership information
9. Using the jUDDI REST Services
9.1. URL Patterns and methods
9.1.1. Endpoints
9.1.2. Methods
9.2. Example Output
9.2.1. XML
9.2.2. JSON
9.3. More information
10. jUDDI Client for NET
10.1. Procedure
11. Using the UDDI Technology Compatibility Kit
11.1. Using the TCK Runner
11.1.1. Configuration
11.1.2. Running the TCK Runner
11.2. Analyzing the Results

List of Figures

4.1. Welcome to jUDDI, Please select a language.
4.2. Full menu bar for computers or large displays.
4.3. Tablet/Mobile menu bar for small displays.
4.4. The Menu Bar.
4.5. Login Warning.
4.6. Browse Options.
4.7. Browse Business.
4.8. Browse Business Zoomed in.
4.9. Service Browser.
4.10. tModel Browser.
4.11. Search.
4.12. Create a tModel Key Generator (Partition).
4.13. Create Business.
4.14. How to Add and Delete items.
4.15. Business Editor’s Section.
4.16. Add a Service via Business Browser.
4.17. Add a Service via Business Editor.
4.18. Importing a Service from WSDL or WADL.
4.19. Custody Transfer.
4.20. Publisher Assertion.
4.21. Create a Subscription, Specific Item or Search Results.
4.22. Create a Subscription, Add an item using the chooser.
4.23. Create a Subscription, Item Added.
4.24. Create a Subscription, Delivery Mechanism.
4.25. Create a Subscription, Options.
4.26. View Subscriptions.
4.27. Select an entity, then click Digitally Sign.
4.28. Java Plugin Warnings.
4.29. Select a Signing Certificate.
4.30. Certificate Details.
4.31. Signature Settings.
4.32. Valid Signed Entity.
4.33. Invalid Signed Entity.
4.34. Node Switcher.

List of Tables

6.1. UDDIService attributes
6.2. UDDIServiceBinding attributes