Creating a Simple Project

Before you start this procedure, you must have all Pre-requisites in place and have successfully completed all steps in the previous section entitled Installing and Verifying NPanday .NET Build Tool.

  1. Create an empty directory for your project. For example:
      mkdir npandaytest
      cd npandaytest
  2. From a command shell go to the directory that contains the POM file, and execute the following command (In the example, execute the command from the npandaytest directory) to create a C# or VB project:

    For C#: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=npanday -DartifactId=NPanday.Test -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-dotnet-simple -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.dotnet -DarchetypeVersion=[version]

    For VB: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=npanday -DartifactId=NPanday.Test -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-vb-simple -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.dotnet -DarchetypeVersion=[version]

    The command creates the project in the NPanday.Test directory, which will now contain the following for a C# project (and a VB project will be similar with a vb directory instead of the csharp directory shown):

    |-- src
    | `-- main
    |   `-- csharp
    |     `-- Sample
    |       `-- MyApp.cs
    |   `-- resources
    | `-- test
    |   `-- csharp
    `- pom.xml
  3. From inside the Solution directory (NPanday.Test), execute the following command to build and install the NPanday.Test DLL files into your repository:

    mvn install

    The mvn install command typically puts artifacts (installs them) into the repository here, C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\repository.

    NPanday installs the artifacts in a .NET local repository, located in C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\uac.

    For the NPanday.Test solution the artifact is placed here, C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\uac\gac_msil\NPanday.Test\1.0-SNAPSHOT__NPanday\NPanday.Test.dll

    The contents in C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\uac\gac_msil SHOULD NOT be manually modified or the project build will fail due to artifacts that are not properly indexed and are not synchronized with the repository. In case the contents have been modified, delete the C:\Documents and Settings\[user_home]\.m2\uac directory then re-install the project.

    If the build fails on nunit-console see the Pre-requisites section for information on installing NUnit 2.2+ and adding it to your PATH.

  4. Then clean up the target directory and download dependencies by executing:

    mvn clean

  5. In a command shell, still from the Solution directory (NPanday.Test in this example), execute the following command to generate the Solution:

    mvn npanday.plugin:NPanday.Plugin.Solution.JavaBinding:Solution

  6. This command creates the Solution file (*.sln) that corresponds to the Solution directory you just created. For example, the Solution directory was NPanday.Test, so the Solution file is NPanday.Test.sln. After you execute the command, verify the Solution directory now contains the Solution file. If so, then you are ready to load the project and solution.